
Learning to Speak

Once I finished testing Upchuck's abilities I moved onto Ventrilosquid, I was excited because I may be able to speed up my progress with him by asking grandma.

Setting up a connection and bringing his body towards mine in my consciousness the first thing that happened was my skin turned white and my hair purple while my limbs started splitting into two now having eight tentacles for limbs. Quickly my eyes in my face disappeared and green marbles started forming on top of each tentacle. Once I felt that the transformation was complete I opened my eyes, only to see the ground all around me and instantly I started to feel a headache.

Staying still for a few minutes and setting up a connection with Gray Matter to assess the situation. Another minute passed with me failing to understand why my vision was so low to the ground and so I started to move. Turning a tentacle around I came face to face with another tentacle and I felt like I was seeing double. Instantly I understood what happened. Initially I thought the marvels on the tentacles were meant to look like the eyes of a puppet and were not his actual eyes but now I realized that I had eight eyes on top of my tentacles.

Not finding anything else that was immediately noticeable I focused on getting used to my vision. Controlling the tentacles was not a problem since it was easier than controlling vines but the difficulty part was not getting dizzy. This process will probably take days to get used to but I started by first getting used to eight eyes without moving. Analyzing what was happening in eight different pictures at once was difficult but I was able to accomplish it with Grey Matter but when I severed the connection with him I either got a headache or closed some of my eyes out of fear of the pain.

Feeling tired after an hour of training I decided to go home. Separating Ventrilosquid's body from mine in my consciousness I instantly transformed back to normal. While flying my way back in a slab I decided to try using Ventrilosquid's ability to make voices appear from outside his body. After setting up my second connection with him I tried to make a voice appear but by the time I was home the only thing was able to conjure was a light noise that didn't even sound human that was not even a meter away from me. Sadly this was an ability I could not train at the house since I do not have full control over it and I may wake up my parents by mistake.

Getting home and into my bed I instantly fell asleep...

The next day not much happened besides us going out to the park to have a nice picnic since my family know that I like to go outside to absorb sun energy.

At night in the same spot as yesterdays I entered my consciousness and set up a connection with Ventrilosquid once again, I also set up a connection with Brain Matter to hopefully get used to eight eyes faster. Strengthening my mind I started to transform. Quickly I found myself looking at the ground and slowly I started to open my eyes one by one I easily got used to four eyes and slowly from there I started to open more eyes.

With the amount of sun absorbed today and without the headaches from yesterday I was able to spend two hours focusing on opening more eyes and by the end I was able to get used to all eight eyes when they were not moving and with Grey Matter's brain power.

Entering my consciousness once more I separated my body from Ventrilosquid's and transformed back. This time I decided to train in his speaking ability. I got too distracted yesterday with my vision that I only remembered this ability when I was tired and on my way home and so for the next three hours I kept training it.

This ability was quite simple to use I just needed to know where I wanted to make the voice appear from and manipulate the vibrations from that specific area to act like vocal cords. Although I am already able to manipulate waves with Disk Jockey I am unable to actually generate them outside of my body with him and so this was something new but at least not unknown.

After two hours I was able to speak without much problem, the voice sounded exactly the same as mine since I do not know much about vocal cords and naturally the ability imitated mine. Without practice and more knowledge about vocal cords I would not be able to make a convincing and maybe even understandable voice if I tried to change it to someone else's.

After some more practice I decided to go home and read, by now I am at least capable to keep myself quiet while practicing and so there was no risk of waking up my parents. Once again flying home on a slab while still making voices appear I quickly made it to my room. Turning on my tablet I started to read about vocal cords only to fall asleep half an hour later.

Waking up to my grandmother lightly shaking me I decided to take advantage of the situation and quickly set up a connection with Ventrilosquid to speak and hopefully have my grandmother teach me more about this ability. Although I am not sure if my ability works the same way as her quirk, there is nothing to loose by showing her this ability even if she can't tech me anything.

Sitting up I said "Morning grandma" and with my ability I said "Morning grandma" repeating my greetings to her from her side, hearing two greeting she turned to her side to see there was nobody and then turned towards me with wide eyes. Reaching out to me she picked me up and started jumping around while joyfully calling for everyone to come.

Once everyone got to my room my grandmother told me to do it again to which I said "Morning everyone" from the other side of the room. Hearing me, they were all wide eyed.

With a satisfied smile my grandmother said. "My little Azmuth now has my ability seems like I would be helping him with his training." Once she said that and everyone turned to her wide eyed as she started to go downstairs while saying. "Lets go eat quick so we can see Nero."

Quickly they all came towards me and congratulated me with a group hug before we all went to eat. For some reason my parents still get overly happy when they see me using a new ability even after seeing me getting new ones over and over, not that I minded.

Once we finished eating we all got ready to go to UHA. I could see my grandma skipping her way to the car while hurrying us up, soon I found myself in front of UHA once again. Going inside my grandparents were walking up front but unlike what my parents do they didn't show any ID and just directly walked into the elevator. Surprisingly the security didn't say anything and even nodded towards my grandfather who nodded back.

Reaching the Boss' glass office and knocking the he lets us in without looking up from the paperwork on his desk.

Inside my grandmother said. "Too busy to look up and greet whoever comes in huh Yamada? It's especially bad when you don't greet your old companions."

Looking up from his desk the boss looked at us with a twitching smile. Looking at the smile my grandmother angrily walked toward him while saying. "What are you not happy to see us here in your office, you better stand up, you may be the boss here and we may have retired but I can still beat you up!"

Once she got near him she grabbed his ear and forced him to stand up while saying. "Has your position gotten to your head, afraid that others will see you standing up for other? If people in this building have anything bad to say about you it means you have lost your edge Yamada and if they don't like you standing up for us they better come to us to say so!"

After grandma finished with what she wanted to say Yamada said "I get it, I get it I apologize now let go of my ear it hurts." Once his ear was released he started rubbing it while saying "I am glad to see you guys are here but I am sure you wouldn't come just to say hello, is there something you need?"

Picking me up from where I was standing grandma said. "We came to have Nero look at this little one's quirk since he decided to surprise us this morning."

To which the boss made a quick call to Nero once again before he spoke to us again. "So what did he do?"

"Oh he just spoke. Why don't you show him Azmuth?" My grandma responded a little over excited but I complied and quickly said. "Hello Boss." From his side to his surprise.

Looking to his side, back at me and then back at grandma he said. "I see so he got your quirk now Alize. Congratulations now you get to do what you didn't get to do with Elize train him."

The conversation kept going for a little bit longer until Nero arriver at the office. Once he saw me like every other time he could not hold himself from asking too many questions except this time my grandmother was more than willing to answer them all.

Once we reached Nero's office grandma said. "Alright Nero go ahead and see what his quirk did this time." Hurrying the Over excited Nero.

Quickly Nero kneeled down to my level, touched my forehead and closed his eyes. After a minute Nero opened his eyes again and said "So you got a new monster to play with huh."

To which I responded from his side. "No, not a monster but an alien. All of them are aliens."

My words caught everyone by surprise but mom quickly recovered and asked me. "Honey do you know that they are all aliens and not monsters."

This time I needed to lie since nobody would believe me if I said god said they were aliens because even if I'm a child nobody would believe me, and so I said. "Because I can see where they came from and how their species lives. All of them are intelligent and as capable as humans and so they are not mindless monsters."


Hello, please point out any mistakes I did or if you have any ideas please comment.

Also if you have any specific events that you would like Azmuth to interact with like the USJ incident please comment.

I will elaborate more on Azmuth's explanation as to how he knows the are aliens in the next chapter.

Any questions in general as well please comment them.

Thank you for reading.
