
Something's off

"So John how have your studies been, are you still top of the class?" the mom whose name was Kaitlyn said.

"Always mom," John answered back with no hesitation.

"Good, good. So you will become a lawyer in a year or so after you get your masters!" Kaitlyn was very happy.

"What about you Alice, how is school?" John asked

"Oh that, they recommended that I come back when they are doing the final exam because there's nothing else they can teach me. Aren't I awesome?" Alice asked seeking his approval.

"A genius as always. Why don't you want to just apply for the university?" he asked

"I don't wanna study with old people, you know!" she said still smiling as bright as ever, if anything explained here, it would be the words 'Waste of a Genius.' then again she did study, from her brother's book time and time again.

"Ok, I understand." He said with a warm smile. It might not look like it but Alice was trying to save her family from financial stress. She could always get a scholarship but she dreaded those, so in the end, they decided she would go after John got his master's. Mind you she was only 16.


"Why didn't we take John's car mom? it's way faster, plus it looks better by far." As one would see she had a very sharp tongue.

"Because I wanted to drive, stop whining."

"Ok, when we get back I'll take you for a ride, ok Alice?" John decided in the end.

"Really? Fine then. I'll wait." she decided to improvise but made her displeasure obvious by folding her arms.


"This is why I hate coming here, a 4-hour drive is not exactly fun."

Getting to the door they rang the bell. "Huh, no one is answering?"

"Let me try?" John walked up to the doorbell and pressed it.

After waiting for a few moments nobody came to the door. Looking around in irritation Alice spotted something. it seemed to be a letter. "John look at that." When John saw it he picked it up and opened it. Then he read out loud.

"Dear Kaitlyn. I might not be home when you visit, because the Ferries are back, I don't expect you to come and get me but at least report this to a nearby station."

"Ferries?" Alice was rather skeptical.

"Something is wrong here, mom do you know what she's trying to say?" John said also equally as confused.

"Those bastards they promised to keep us safe when we quit..."

Please do correct all my errors.

sorry for not building enough suspense

Unknown_Darkcreators' thoughts