
The Game

The moment I entered the auditorium, my eyes were drawn to the exorbitant number of people in this spacious room. They all seemed to be deep in thought, watching. Yes, I could feel it, they were watching their enemies. 

Observation in this situation is usually instinctive, something that helps us all to survive. Can you imagine a person oblivious to everything going on around their life? If we are deprived of that information, the only thing left would be to seek our death in one way or another. 

Clearly I was at a disadvantage when I entered the auditorium with Usagi, we had no idea what was waiting for me on the other side of the door. The first thing I noticed were the stares on my body, those eyes judging me from head to toe was something I could clearly feel. 

If I go back to the beginning, they all seemed anxious, scared, fearful, impatient and in their eyes there was only bewilderment. If I go to the fact that these people have played games, have more experience and knowledge, what are they so afraid of? 

Apparently the only thing I can think of seeing everyone and listening to their comments, was that there were more people than usual and it seems that they have been waiting for a long time. 

Since they are now my source of information, I have to assume that the games are mostly not for many people, so it must be a particularly different case now, which is to my advantage if I'm starting from an unfavorable place. 

However, just as I was about to try to get information out of Ida Hiroshi, I heard something else that completely piqued my curiosity. When the light on the screen in front of the auditorium came on, my eyes fell on the large counter that read one minute and then the voice spoke. 

This indicated that the game was about to begin, the scoreboard assumed it was about as that voice said to close the record. At this point, does registration become automatic as you enter the field of play? When I came to think of this one, I immediately pictured the entrance where the laser beams from the sky surrounded the entire area in a kind of cage around the field.

But going back to the beginning, what I just thought is not important but the words made public by that idiotic group of people. The suits of the deck, spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs. In this place, it seems that games are influenced by the type of deck suit that comes up in the game. 

Intelligence, strength, teamwork, and betrayal... The suits of the deck perfectly divide all the qualities a person can have, luckily I have them all and I am very good if I think about it. 

If I think about it, it's not at all difficult to imagine. But then, comes the level of difficulty and when that man said that we all die, I imagined that nothing nice would come out of these games. 

I knew it, all the data indicated to me that these games would end players' lives depending on the type of game, but everything indicates that the games are meant to kill us. 

"[Ting, ting, ting, ting!"] 

Here it comes... 

"[Closed for registration.]" 

It's all about to start, I hope it's not a game of hearts.... 

"[There are a total of 87 players. The game is about to begin.]" 

At that moment I stood up, I was calm as usual, I don't usually get upset by situations where they jeopardize my mind's judgment. Therefore, my eyes still kept looking at the players, studying them, evaluating them, comparing and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. 

"[Difficulty level: Nine of spades]" 

When I heard the difficulty number, I could hear outbursts of panic in the surroundings, it seems that this test will be complicated enough to be one of the hardest games most have ever faced. 

Nine of spades, when you consider that there are ten levels removing kings as cards, this level nine was a dangerous game. If it's about physical prowess, I definitely won't be in the low ranks within this whole crowd of people, but if I'm honest I didn't prefer to face this level of difficulty as a first game. 

But I don't have a choice, right? When I heard the difficulty level, I wasted no time and took off my sweater revealing not only the rifle on my shoulder but also the pistol at my waist. Yes, they still need to explain the game and the rules to play it, but that doesn't indicate that physical prowess is not needed to overcome it. 

"We should warm up Usagi, let's not waste time and we need to focus on the future..." 

When I said that, I looked at Usagi and then started to perform basic warm-ups so that I wouldn't have any kind of problem in the process of the game. In this situation, it is not important to think about anything outside the game, what you have to do in this situation is just to focus on what you have to work on. 

Looking around I noticed that many had slumped in their seats, others were crying as they lamented being in this game at such a high level. Yes, I fail to fully understand the nature of the games, but I am not someone who would waste time lamenting the past. 

Ida Hiroshi averted his gaze to Yuta and Usagi, seeing that both of them started to warm up he was immediately surprised. These people were definitely experts at the game, not only are they wearing clothes suitable for physical prowess, but they are also armed and don't seem to be affected by the difficulty of the game at all. 

"[Ting, ting, ting, ting!"] 

"[Game: Pass the Bomb]" 

"Pass the bomb?" 

"What kind of game is that?" 

"No way, we'll all be dead in this very difficult game." 

At that moment, I heard that chime again and the voice named the game they were about to play. The name was a bit familiar, from what I could understand it was about physical prowess, strength is everything to overcome this game. 

With this in mind, all games that did not meet the minimum requirements were discarded. Then, I immediately thought of outdoor games with similar names and there were none in Japan that related to this type of game. 

Upon reaching this conclusion, an idea exploded in my mind as if it were a historical discovery. When we entered the auditorium, I had analyzed the exterior and with the information I already knew the characteristics of this place was foreign cultural exchange. 

Consequently, the game called pasa la bomba had a counterpart called potato hot. Hot potato or hot potato is a game in which several players form a round and pass a small object, such as a sachet or potato, to each other while music plays. The player who is holding the object when the music stops is eliminated. 

For now, all I can say is that this game has been changed to practice physical dexterity. As the name suggests, you will have to pass the bomb, but in what sense is that explained?

Although those games cannot be known to someone living in Japan, it was not the same as the rest and I was interested in many other things about the culture of different countries. I guess now hairy take advantage of that knowledge that my late father insisted would be of no use.

"[Rules: Pass the bomb to another player before the stipulated time for each round]."

I was correct, it seems the process and outcome has changed, but the concept remains the same. Child's play...

"[Condition for winning: players must put on one of the vests under the seats in the auditorium. Once the vests are placed on their body, a general counter will be activated on everyone's vests and the bomb will randomly appear on a player]"

"[Since the bomb is on a player's body, the vest on his body will light up red and he must pass the bomb to another player by touching it. If the overall time set for each round on the player's vests reaches zero, the player with the bomb will explode and the round will end]."

"[The game ends when all twelve rounds have ended within two hours, if the player hides or stands still in a hard-to-find place, by the next round the player will be exposed to having the bomb with a higher probability]"

"[The time limit: Each round is set to take place every ten minutes]."

"[Remember that past the time limit of each round, the bomb will explode]"

Hearing the rules of the game and how it will unfold, I couldn't help but look around me with cold eyes. In a nutshell, we all have to put on a vest where it possibly carries a bomb powerful enough to end the life of the wearer.

If the game has twelve rounds, it means that only twelve players out of more than eighty will die and looking at the happy faces of the people they were definitely happy to know this little detail. But I was sure it wasn't that easy, if the game is nine of spades and every game is to kill most of the players, it doesn't make sense that only twelve people will die.

No, there is definitely something hidden in every round. To win this game you need two things, be at a considerable distance from the rest and never completely separate yourself from the players. All the people in this place can be life and death, if you suddenly have the bomb and no one is around you will definitely die, but if the opposite is true you will live.

When I got to the bottom of it all, I had come to a conclusion from the game. It is simple, pass the bomb and let someone else die. As the people around me bent down to pick up the vest under the seats, on the huge screen one face after another was placed in small squares.

One after another they were registering, when I looked at this detail I knew that there was some kind of facial recognition. This at first glance was incredible, which showed that the technology in this place was much more advanced than where I come from. 

But I had to go back to the main topic, this was a place with more than 24,000 square meters, if this place was so big it might become impossible to find the players. Therefore, I had to think very carefully about how we should move. 


"Here Yuta, you must put on your vest." Usagi who had already put hers on and handed one to Yuta to put it on as soon as possible. 

"Sorry, I was thinking deeply about how we should survive this game." Yuta took the vest Usagi handed him and inspected it. 

This vest weighed no more than three kilograms, its overall appearance was simple, but the striking thing was a wheel in the center of the chest where Yuta thought he went counter. Just as he was about to put on the vest, a kind of light appeared on his face and then his face appeared on the giant screen in the auditorium. 

So it's facial recognition... This vest seems to be the bomb vest, something very dark if combined with childish games.' 

Yuta shook his head and put on the vest, took the rifle in his hands and looked around with watchful eyes. This time they were all his enemies, if he wanted to win he had to face them all with the intention of ending their lives. 

The principle of this game could be said to be simple, Yuta would take it as a warm up, preparing them all for the hidden trick this game possibly had. 

"[Players have been registered, the game will start in ten seconds]" 

Right after hearing those words, Yuta looked at Usagi and said, "Let's leave this place immediately..." 

"Yes!" Usagi nodded and started running towards the exit. 

Because they were both close to the door, they quickly reached the exit and just as they exited the auditorium, gunshots rang out from inside followed by panicked screams. 

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" 

"Looks like there are competent players, this game will definitely be a challenge!" Yuta smiled and looked behind him as the players ran off in different directions. Taking the rifle in his hands, he was ready to eliminate anyone to survive this game.

Thanks for reading, your comments, reviews and suggestions are welcome. If you want to support me you can visit my P_treon: SrCuervo

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