
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

(Miyuki dream)

Right now she was in a dark place and seemingly floating aimlessly, everywhere she look on darkness that can be seen. She was confuse, why is she here? Didn't she was inside her 'sacred' room just now? Where is this?

While she was trying to figure out what was happening she was attack by sudden burst of emotion.






She start to shed tears because of the roller coster emotion she was going through right now. She doesn't understand what is happening, where did all this all this emotion came from, who is it belong to? But nonetheless she still feel it.

Suddenly infront of her there was a screen, she doesn't have time to recollect herself when it start to project a video on first person view. In this video she see a boy around the age of 4-5 years old with long black hair standing outside a restaurant alone watching people dining inside.

And then the 'video' change it view to the left and she can see an old lady around the age 50, white hair and wrinkle around her face. She seem to holding a hand of a child and it seem to be the one that is recording this 'video'.

"Granny sarah?" Miyuki mutter unconsciously.

"Wh—what!? How can I know her name?" Miyuki mutter to herself. She is totally confuse right now, first it was the sudden burst of emotion and then she is shown projectile of a person she doesn't even know and now this.

She was brought back her focus when she a child voice.

"Granny ,granny, why is that boy standing there like an idiot?" she her question the old lady.

"Miyuki its rude to call someone an idiot you know. Maybe she just hungry, let's go and ask him." The old lady remind in a kind and gentle voice to her granddaughter.

Then they head toward the direction that the boy was standing, now it was Christmas eve and the street is not busy like it was usually do because of the cold weather and now it was almost dark. So most people is now in their home having party or go to some restaurant to have a family dinner.

Seeing a boy alone outside a restaurant is an odd sight for sure.

"Hey!" the girl called Miyuki called out cheerfully when they were behind him.

"Hm?" the boy turn around and look for the person that called him. His face was now being hide by the bang of his hair, but in between those hair you can see his bright violet blue eye that was looking at them with curiosity.


"A-ALEX!?? What is he doing there? Is this his memory? Wait, who is the girl that was talking? Why did she have the same name as me? Who is this granny, why am I familiar with her face?" in the dark space Miyuki ask to no one. She has many question but no one to answer her. So she just make a decision to just watch until the end. Not that she has any other choice tho


The girl and the old granny seem to mesmerize by those beautiful eye. But the old granny come out her stupor and ask the boy.

"Hello there child, are you lost? Why are you standing here alone, aren't you cold?" the granny ask kindly and pat the boy head. The boy just enjoy the patting closing one of his eye.

'warm' after staying like for a moment he finaly answer.

"Hmmm, I'm not cold. I'm also not lost" the boy answer them with a small voice. He was now wearing long sleeve shirt that was too large for his size. And doesn't to wear any pant.

The granny just smile and ask again " Then what are you doing here? Are hungry? Where are your home"

"Home?" the boy just tilted his head and seem to thinking for a bit before answer " there" he point at the alley nearby " I always sleep there with the kitten"

The hand that was patting the boy pause for a second. And then she ask again " how long have you sleep there ?"

" Ummm, about 3 days? ever since I can remember" the boy also genuinely about his situasion.

" Hey?!! How about you live with us? Right granny? Please? Please?" before the old woman can ask more the little girl beside her already cut to the chase and invite the boy to live with them.

The old woman just smile wryly at her granddaughter antics. She doesn't even know what to answer, to invite a boy with unknow origin to they sound a bit unapropriate. But neverless she still ask the boy first.

"Maa~ maa~ Miyuki-chan you cant just invite him without asking for their opinion. So how about it little boy? Do you want to live with us? Although I cant promise anything, atleast you will have a place to stay before you decide anything." She said with a smile.

Alex just answer her with a small nod and said "sure". He didn't have anywhere to go either so he just follow them and decide to wing with it

"YAY~!! Now I have a friend to play with, hehehe" the bundle of joy Miyuki just cheer happily and give Alex a hug. Suddenly she seem to remember something and exclaim" AHHHHH. I don't know your name yet, what's your name? hm? hm?"

"Name? Alex" Alex just said with a small smile on his lip.

"Hehehe, Alex-kun, Alex-kun, Alex-kun" she repeatedly say his name and giggle happily. The old lady was standing nearby and watch them with a warm smile.

After that they start to head to back home. Along the way Miyuki just stick to Alex like glue and start to tell him story about her. Alex just stay silent along the way occasionally nodding and humming.

And just head home peacefully.






9 years later

At apartment complex near Akihara( made place btw) in a room there was a long black hair girl around the age of 17 sleeping peacefully in nightgown, the blanket that was supposedly cover the girl body was now seen on the ground. Her current posture was very unladylike for some as beautiful as her.

While she was sleeping peacefully, the door the to her room slowly open, revealing a handsome boy with hair that reach his neck and pair of beautiful violet blue eyes standing at the door frame. He lowly call out to the girl that was still sleeping peacefully.

"Nee-san, Nee-san. Wake up, you will be late to the academy if you keep sleeping" the boy try to wake up the girl that is still sleeping.

"Hng….. Alex-kun~ c'mere" The girl groan a little and then stretch her arm out asking the boy now known as Alex for a hug.

"Hmmm, but you will be late Miyuki-nee" Alex try to reason with her 'nee-san' about the time.

"C'mon~ just a little~" Miyuki still insist on making Alex helplessly walk to the bed and laydown next to Miyuki. Miyuki didn't waste anytime and directly hug her little brother.

"Sniff sniff… haaa I finally got my Alex charge" She grab alex on a tight hug and take a deep breath inhaling her so-called 'Alex scent'.

After hugging for a little longer they finally got out of the bed and get downstair to have breakfast that Alex cook. Yes, it was Alex that cook breakfast for both of them because their granny has pass away 2 years ago when alex was just 12 and miyuki 15.

The two of them was utterly devastated by the sudden death of their Granny since it was the only they have for each other. Since the death of their Granny they were living independently, it was hard at first, but manage to survive. Alex was doing the home work, cleaning, cooking, washing, grocery etc. Meanwhile Miyuki is attending Academy police force and was sponsored to become and an inspirational force of justice.

In this world, everyone is able to awake what they called x-gene, they give them a supernatural power for example to the simplest controlling your tongue length to the more complex one lik growing a wing, enhance strength, super vision and many more.

Miyuki and Alex is different from everyone because they power did not affect they psychical body but the element around them. Miyuki is able to control the earth in her surrounding to make a from the simpliest earth pole, to more complex earth golem.

Alex power let him control the surrounding space around him, but its power has a HUGE drawback. Even when he use a simple teleport he will almost use all of his energy, when they go to check with mutant expert they found out that Alex body cant contain a sudden energy spike. His energy was so large that his body cant contain the huge 'energy' and will breakdown (in Rosalie reincarnation he can sustain the energy of his power by using the special herb to toughen his body, but is this reincarnation he doesn't have any method).

When the news of them having such power was leak it lead to many commotion because of them having such terrifying power. The public was unrest because they were worried that if the kid want to suddenly start to turn rouge it be a disaster for the public. Therefore the government make a public announcement that Miyuki will join an special academy that was built to teach and educate student with powerful mutation.

And that was how Miyuki career as and academy student start. Right now she was in her last year and today is the that she have to going on her first mission under the supervise of an experience captain in the police supernatural department.

"Ahn~~ Alex-kun food is always the best" right now Miyuki was eating her breakfast that Alex cook. Alex cook a simple but delicious egg fried rice using the recipe he learn form the net.

"Hehe" Alex just giggle happily while also eating his portion.

"Alex how about you marry me when we grow up? *munch* That way I can always continue eating *munch* your cooking and we will always be together forever" Miyuki said in between her eating. She seem like to ask it casually but deep down she really mean it. She has deep attachment toward this 'younger brother' of her, and she know it was not something that as a big sister should have.

How she not have any emotion for him? He was always kind to her, always there for her at the time of happiness or sad. It just that he seem to really think of her as his big sister, he seem to not have the maturity to fall in love with anyone at all. And its kinda hurt her sometime, but she is satisfied with the current situation for now.

"Hmm? Sure " he answer her directly. She just smile wryly at that, because alex doesn't even know what marry mean.

'its okay. I still have to wait for him, we still young anyway' she console herself.

After they finish eating Miyuki goes upstair to change her clothe and Alex do the dishes. After a while Miyuki go back down and ready to leave.

She was now wearing her cadet uniform with black and blue color fitting her perfect figure. She goes to Alex that still doing the dishes and kiss him at cheek.

"Bye Bye~ Alex-kun, I will take my leave now. If anything happen just call me okay?"

"Okay, be careful. Ouh nee-san, what is your mission by the way?" Alex ask with curiosity looking at her

Miyuki just rolled her eye at that " it's called mission because It's a secret Alex-kun. Anyway I will just be going to patrolling mission at ##### district. Bye~"


'I have a bad feeling about this 'patrol' mission' Miyuki though to herself


[ I planning to write a short story about Miyuki 'Dream' but it seem imagination just struck again. Anyway the next chapter will be the last of the 'Dream' arc. And after that no more flashback no jutsu, I know some of you hate it and just want to go to the main story, and I'm sorry for that. Anyway thanks for reading and don't forget to add this book to your library.]

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