
Alenna Delevigne

In order to escape marrying her mate, who is an alpha of the second wealthiest and strongest pack in the city of Nalakanabak, Alenna, a half-werewolf and half-witch damsel, asked her parents to give her three years to explore their world, Fantasia. To her dismay, they let her go, but together with Feirro, her very own fiancee.   On the other hand, the Kingdom of Dolocab, where the mortals live together with the different creatures who want to live a normal life, slowly became chaotic when Nath, a tyrant and ambitious prince, kept trying to kill his younger brother, Prince Griff, to make sure that he would be the next king.   One day, while running away from the assassins, Prince Griff was saved by Alenna and Feirro, who had just started their adventure. From that moment on, the prince had amnesia, which made him forget his true identity and gave him no choice but to follow the two strangers. Never did he expect that he would fall in love and pursue Alenna, even when Feirro threatened his life.   While the two are making their own moves to win her heart, here comes a vampire who's full of mystery, Jileon, who will shake her easy-going life big-time.

6 Chs


Feirro Erickson

I was worriedly running towards her to check if she was hurt, but then I was stunned when I saw her absorbing the essence of the red-lion beast. "Ale, are you okay?"


Then, I sensed that she was about to fall, which is why I clutched her shoulder and said, "Ale!? Alenna?"


This future wife of mine is so stubborn and reckless. She fell unconscious after absorbing a strong essence. I couldn't help but shake my head and wrap her in my arms.


For sure, her body is fighting against the excessive energy now. I felt her warmth as her body leaned on my hard chest. For the first time, I was able to hold her this long without resistance.


I stared at her flawless face leaning on my chest. "All this time, I just want to get closer to you, but you are very elusive. I know that you only treat me as a friend and not a lover,but I will never lose hope. One day, I'm sure that I will be able to make you fall in love with me."


As much as I wanted to keep standing here and hugging her, I needed to run away before the people could realize things and look for their savior and mob around us.


I hurried towards the inn; I'd reserved two rooms for us already awhile ago for the two of us.


The inn's owner's eyes widened, and he quickly approached me with shaking hands as I entered the door.


"Ya-young Lord, wa-what happened to her?" He's stammering, looking worriedly at Alenna, who's currently rigid with her fists clenched.


I can actually feel how hard and hot her body is now; maybe she's in the process of feeling the beast's essence and trying to mix it with her own.


"She absorbed an essence, and I don't know if her power can stand. Please call a powerful physician immediately!" I just continue to walk, and other people in the dining area of this inn are just looking at us with a flustered expression.


"Ye-yes! Just one moment!" He's panicking, though I don't mind that much anymore.


I went directly to the room I picked for Alenna a while ago. I laid her in bed and sat beside her, staring at her beautiful face.


Suddenly, her eyebrows furrowed, and she started to move her head side by side, as if she were struggling to fight against something.


"Ale!" I hold her fist. I'm very worried and actually don't know what the right thing to do is.


"Don't worry. I am here! I will never leave you." Words just slip off my lips without me thinking much.


"Just get over this trial; I will surely never let you get hurt again. I will always protect you with my life."


Not too long after, someone knocked at the door. "Come in!" I said.


The door opened, and the owner entered with a young man in a white dress. He has pale and flawless skin, thick eyebrows, a pointed nose, and pinkish lips.


"Is he the physician here?" I asked, still not letting go of Alenna's hand.


"He is a medical sage, one of our visitors here," the owner responded.


It annoyed me to hear that he is not a well-known physician here but just a visitor. Based on his looks, he's just my age and, for sure, not sophisticated in medicine.


I quickly stood up and yelled out of frustration, "How can I trust him? Huh? Can he absorb the excess essence on her body now? He looked so young, and he's just a visitor here. How did you know that this guy is capable?"


A series of words just came out of my mouth recklessly because of my worries about Alenna's situation.


"If you don't want your woman to be treated by me, then it doesn't matter. Let her be dead with excess energy flaring in her veins." The young man smirked, as if he knew what was really happening on Allena now.


"Calm down, young lord. I've personally seen this medical sage heal a poisoned patient that even the other skilled physicians cannot treat," the owner said.


I was still not convinced, but I managed to lower my voice and calm down. "No! Get me a good physician!"


The owner sighed. "Young Lord, he is the best physician in the city already. Besides, it will take half an hour before the other nearest physician can come here anyway, and the young lady needs immediate help."


Hearing of it, I looked at Alenna, who is still struggling. Her face is now full of sweat, and her veins in her neck were already visible because of the excessive force she is using.


I appeared in front of him and clutched his shoulders, showing him my alpha's eyes. However, I don't see any reactions from him. He just looked at me, eye-to-eye, without blinking, and was not afraid.


"You better not make any mistake and worsen my fiancee's condition." I expressed each and every syllable of my words to him.


Then I pushed him towards Alenna.


He scoffs and just shakes his head. He immediately checked her pulse and turned around to face me.


"She had absorbed the strong essence of a red-lion beast, and based on her cultivation, it would only take an hour and her vitals would explode." My jaws dropped upon hearing what he said.


"If you can save her, I will grant whatever you wish," I said without any doubt.


I've never felt this kind of fear. I love her so much, even though she always acts like she doesn't care about me. I can't afford to lose her.


He gave me a broad, amused smile. "Get out! I need some space and silence to treat her."


I clenched my fist, hesitant to go out, but I had no choice. "I'll be watching you!"


I immediately walked towards the door and went out; the owner followed me.


I couldn't stop myself from being tensed, so I kept on walking here and there.


"Young Lord, just calm down. He looked confident that he could save the young lady. She will be fine. That's for sure."


The owner tries to comfort me, but it's just passing through my ears.


It's been about 5 minutes, but the medical sage is not yet coming out. I'm really anxious, and I can't take it anymore.


I was about to open the door when it opened from the inside, making me face the young, handsome man.


"How is she?" I rashly asked, pushing him aside and running to check out Alenna, who was still lying on the bed.


"Don't worry, she's already fine. She only needs some rest." His voice is low and calm, like every respected scholar here in the city.


I sat down and quickly checked Ale's pulse. It's weak but very stable now. I looked at her face; she looked peaceful and calm now too.


After verifying that Alenna is really fine now, I felt so much relief. I stand up and turn around to see her savior.


Then I crossed my right arm over my chest and bowed my head. "Thank you for saving her."


"I am Gabby Florence, a cultivator, and I just came from 3 years of training in Mt. Alebasi. My clan were physicians; it's my duty to treat any patient, regardless of their nature and status."


"I'm sorry for my impudent actions awhile ago. Please let me treat you to dinner as my apology," I humbly offered.


"That will do! By the way, how can I address you?" was his nice response.


As expected, people from Mt. Albasi were really humble and kind. He lived up to their reputation.


I shifted my gaze to Alenna and smiled. Just take a good rest here for a moment.


We went down and got a table. I ordered all the special dishes here inside the inn too to treat this young fellow.


"Brother Gabby, I promised awhile ago that I would grant any of your requests if you could save my fiancee. Please, tell me what you want," I said with a serious tone.


"Young Lord, I saw awhile ago that she is such a strong and capable lady. She actually managed to absorb the red-lion beast's essence and last that long," he replied, which made me smile.


"Well, of course. She's my wife, the most beautiful and powerful woman in this world," I boasted, feeling so proud of her.


He just smiled; in his eyes, I could see that he agreed. "I'm sure that she could survive it by herself; it's just that some of her veins were already visible in her neck, and there's a chance that they will stay like that if she continues to use all her power and might."


"Really?" I squinted. "If she went to advance her power using beasts, she could have started with a small and weak one first to be her base and so she could suffer less. She's really reckless, sometimes." I sniggered, "Well, most of the time, actually.


He shook his head with a smile on his face and lifted a cup to drink his tea. "It's a pity if the situation awhile ago will ruin her beauty. It is such an amazing case I have encountered for the first time. The experience alone made me happy already. As a magical physician, I finally helped someone new, not just healing some few wounds, sickness, and poisons."


"You talk too much, but that was touching!" I chuckle, as if it's a joke.


Yet Gabby just smiled. This guy! It looks like smiling is his hobby. Geez! He actually doesn't mind being mocked and never has bad reactions. Such a good man.


Realizing that he was making a fuss and trying to secretly shun telling me what he wanted, I eventually insisted again. "Hey! Hey! I don't care what you say anyway. Now, let me know what you want so I can fulfill my promise already."


He humbly smiled. "Helping her is already a benefit for me because the essence I have absorbed is actually inside my body now and has made me stronger. How can I ask for more?"


I shook my head and said, "Stop being so modest, man. I don't want to owe anyone a favor. Tell me, quick!"