
Alchemy System: The Ancient One's True Descendant

Nick was a loser. Born as a farmer's son where he learned to cultivate crops and herbs. At age 10, his father died and his mother shortly took her life in depression. Without any family, friends, or source of income, Nick had to venture out on his own. His first stop was the main city, Valeria, where he tried to join the Adventurer's Guild, however, the guild rejected him since he didn't know any combat skills and only knew how to farm. Depressed, Nick was sitting in front of the adventurers guild, when an alchemist offered to take the young boy in. Read on to see how Nick gets his alchemy system and advances to becoming the most powerful and influential mortal in the world.

N_D_L · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Nova Beam... Weapon of mass destruction!!!

Standing outside the Academy, Terri placed a target 6 meters in front of me.

A bunch of students were standing behind Terri and Dan watching.

I looked at her and asked, "Are you sure about this?"

I only asked because I did not know the range or the width or anything of the sort of the beam other than it will destroy anything it touches. And while peaking over the target I saw that there was the inner wall of the kingdom, then a few miles of the middle class, then the outer wall. If the beam managed to get past all that, then there was a mountain about 20 miles away from the outer wall.

Terri and Dan both nodded

I then said, "OK... prepare to take me back home Terri."

Terri didn't understand why I was worrying so much... but soon she will regret allowing me to use this spell.

Without any countdown or anything I held my 2 fingers out pointing at the target... [Nova Beam] chanted.

ZZZZVWHOOOOOOSHHHHHH (think of a rail gun sound). The beam was so hot however, no heat was projected backwards. The beam did exactly what the description said in my system.

Terri, Dan, and all the students were stunned. The ground in front of me was molten lava and as you follow the path of destruction, the target was obviously gone, a valley of lava was created stretching from in front of where I was standing all the way to the outer wall. The area where my beam hit was just gone... no rubble, nothing... the edges of the wall that were touching the parts that disintegrated were glowing red as the stone walls were slowly becoming molten stone.

Pass both walls you can see the remnants of a mountain, the mountain now looked like a crescent moon. The peak and half of the left side of the mountain still stood, however, the other half under the beak was just gone.

From what it looked like the beam gets wider as it gets further out, before launching out into the air and into the sky, the beam managed to evaporate a section of the Elf forest behind the mountain.

As everyone was inspecting the damage, I yelled, "MOM!" and just before I hit the ground Terri, grabbed me and dashed back home.

12 hour cooldown starts now.


After the destruction went down, Terri had a ton of work to do...

The King called for a meeting and anyone who was important was there... obviously other than me.

6 hours till Nick wakes up


The King sat on his throne while all the nobles and important faction races were speaking out on the destruction that just occurred.

Questions and accusations got launched across the sea of people.

SILENCE!!!! the king roared

The King looked at Terri who was flustered by everyone putting the destruction blame on her.

The King sighed... "Terri, can you clear up some of these questions... Who did this? What is the ability that caused this? Can we 1 control the power... if not can we kill the power? What punishment do you think fits this crime?"

Terri and Dan stood up, however, only Terri spoke.

"The person who caused this is my adopted son, his name is Nick, he is 10 years old. The ability he used is a class skill called [Nova Beam], he is of a class we have never heard of before called Star mage. However, he is a good kid. He has had a rough life to say the least and I adopted him just about a week ago. He is not a monster as some of you claim. He is my son and always will be my son. If any of you have a problem with him I will not stand for it!" By now Terri was red and angry.

Hearing this everyone was shook, the top alchemist in the kingdom who provided practically every potion that the kingdom needed was protecting a 10 year old child. The sea of people after hearing this looked up at the king waiting for a rebuttal. But Terri was not finished.

"He is a young boy, he is not a weapon and he is not your's to control or kill."

After hearing this the King looked at the sea of people, then looked at Terri with sad eyes.

The king then said, "His ability took out a huge chunk of my kingdom, we don't even know if there are any casualties since there are no bodies or building or for that matter solid ground to search... A punishment must be dealt! I am sorry Terri, you mentored me when I was just a child and now I have to do this."

(2 hours till Nick wakes up)

Terri looked at the king... "YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING, YOU ARE THE KING!"

"If you give out a punishment to my son or me we will leave this Kingdom!"

The room went silent after Terri said that. Everyone's first thought was, if this happens we wont have a master class alchemist in the kingdom anymore...

The King spoke, "Guards, restrain Terri Lortin, she is stripped of her nobility as a marquess and she shall be stripped of her title of "Master Alchemist of Kingdom of Lawrence! As for her acclaimed son, he will be executed..."

Before the King can finish his sentence, Terri screamed "NOOOO! I will take my revenge and destroy your whole kingdom."

By this point the guards already had Terri in magic absorbing cuffs that took away her ability to use magic.

The King looked disappointed but firm in his decision... and after Terri's secondary remark... he sighed and said, "Terri has brought great shame to this Kingdom, before her son's execution, she will be stripped naked and paraded around the remaining kingdom before being placed in front of her son to watch his execution, there after she will be banished with nothing, but her skin outside of the kingdom."

Everyone was silent... no one was expecting such a punishment... had the king gone mad!

Right away Terri was about to scream, however, the guards gaged her and brought her dungeon, stripping her of clothes and leaving her in a cold dark cell.


(Nick wakes up)

I looked around the house to see where Terri was, but she was no where to be found. I tried opening the doors to exit the office dimension, however, they were sealed. On the desk was a letter...

"Nick, I know our time was short, but I loved every moment of having you as a son. I do not know what will happen after all that destruction, but the king has called a meeting and I fear for the worse. The room you are in now is locked from the inside and the only way to open it is with the storage ring I gave you, the room itself has a defense of 100 years worth of my mana... they wont be getting in easily for the next few years. I do not know if I will ever see you again, I might be executed, I do not know... Use the time I bought you and grow stronger. I love you my one and only son Nick."

Love Mom

Something overtook me... I started crying mumbling, "mom, mom, mom."

*System I want to save my mom and get revenge for anything and everything the kingdom might have done... what should I do?*

[You are the Star Mage, you possess the ability to craft any pill and eat as many pills as you want to become stronger. Look deep into your roots, find that one root that has give you all this power and focus on it...feed it...grow it... nothing will stop in your path of vengeance only death and destruction await your enemies.]

Find my roots huh?

I sit back on my bed, cross my legs, and close my eyes. Breath... inhale, exhale... inhale, exhale... repeat

a few days went by and the guards were attacking the door nonstop trying to get in, however, even at their current pace, the door still had enough defense to last 2 years.

Terri on the other hand was being starved just given enough food so she pass out, but not enough to fight back. Every day since the Kings verdict, Terri as been posted on top of a pillar naked and chained, while citizens of the kingdom would throw anything from rocks, rotten food, to even shit.


Then it happened... Nick found the root of his powers the bloodline that connected him...

'He was the True Descendant of The Ancient One'

Turning to the dark side

N_D_Lcreators' thoughts