
Alchemy System: The Ancient One's True Descendant

Nick was a loser. Born as a farmer's son where he learned to cultivate crops and herbs. At age 10, his father died and his mother shortly took her life in depression. Without any family, friends, or source of income, Nick had to venture out on his own. His first stop was the main city, Valeria, where he tried to join the Adventurer's Guild, however, the guild rejected him since he didn't know any combat skills and only knew how to farm. Depressed, Nick was sitting in front of the adventurers guild, when an alchemist offered to take the young boy in. Read on to see how Nick gets his alchemy system and advances to becoming the most powerful and influential mortal in the world.

N_D_L · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

3/3 The Ancient One's Power

I wasn't in control of my newfound powers yet, however, as soon as I saw mom my anger switched to worry and the flames dispersed.

"MOM! MOM! can you hear me!"

I was devastated at what I saw. The state my mom was in was just gruesome. She was a bloody mess. Upon inspecting her, I noticed blood dripping from either side of her head, pushing her hair out of the way... I realized they cut off her high elf ears... I kept inspecting further, flipping her arms and legs over I noticed her hands and feet were cut at the tendons making her incapable of moving. I took out a blanket from my storage ring and draped it over her naked body saying, "I am here mother, please... please wake up, I can't lose you too!"

Her head started moving up looking me in the eyes and gave me a sorrow smile. However, when she smiled, her teeth were stained red... her tongue was even cut out.

I broke off her chains and was about to lift her up... However, just as I reached under her guards came shooting arrows. I used my body as a shield and used the flames to block the arrows. I turned around and used [Imortal Undying Flame] turning the guards into ash.

However, when turning around I saw a guard holding my mother's head in his hand while her body lay lifeless on the ground... with a flick of my fingers the guard was turned to ash, I dropped to my knees with my eyes closed screaming "MOM!!!" as tears roll down my face... Zwoosh...

"Ahhhhhh mom, it's all my fault."

I was still screaming and crying, however, I was then greeted by a voice I never heard before.

"I feel your pain. I feel your suffering. I feel your rage."

I opened my tear-filled eyes to see The Ancient One sitting across from me.

"Do you want power? Do you want revenge? When you go down this path it will lead to your destruction. Are you prepared for that?"


"Good good, but not enough... let that rage come out, only then will you be able to get your revenge. The last vision you saw was of us... me, your birth mom, and you still in her belly. My family... no everything that I loved was taken from me and I made humanity pay. Your mom in her last dying breath was casting magic to save your soul. Instead of giving part of my life force to her I made a life force container if you will and stuck your soul in it. With your mother's death I destroyed kingdoms incinerated half the world trying to satisfy my thirst for revenge... but eventually I was taken down chained down by dwarvin chains that absorbed my power... but before I was completely gone I casted your soul to wander till you found the right body. I know this isn't fair to you, but as your loving parent live on my son. As you hate filled father, BRING DESTRUCTION TO HUMANITY!"

Rolled up into a ball mumbling in my own madness... "I want them dead... I want them dead... I will kill them all... I will make them all pay..."


[Ding completed, you inherited 3/3 fragments of power from The Ancient One. Your body will go through immense pain and come out reborn.]

From screaming to face-planting and squirming in agony. The pain was so much that I literally stopped breathing gripping my throat. All the veins in my body were bulging out.


I was sent back seeing the head of my mom's head rolled right next to me. Just then it all hit me... waves and waves of pure RAGE and hate hit me.


My ears were now elf ears, my hair was permanently my black flames, my body increased in size to that of a 3 meter man.

In rage I just kept punching the ground, with each punch a shock wave made out of black immortal flames formed. Shortly after I was now in a crater the was about the size of 1/3 the kingdom I shouted, "BRING ME YOUR KING OR EVERYONE WILL DIE!"


[Status] (The Descendant)

Nick Zraith Lortin

Title(s): Holder of the 100% Alchemy System, Son of Master Alchemist Terri, Ancestor of the Star (Soul multiplier X 10), Descendant of Zraith (fragment title 1/3 to complete the full title bonus, 1/3 title bonus: 'Death, Death, Death, Destruction' Soul and Power are multiplied by 10), Love is pain (Ancient one 2/3 titles, 2/3 title bonus: 'an eye for an eye...pft your eye or their eye' Soul and power x 10), (Ancient one 3/3 Complete Set: Father's Will 'I was defeated, but you will be invincible' ALL STATS ^2)

Job: Alchemist Master+

Class: Star Mage

Race: The Creator

HP: 250,000

MP: 906,612,100,000,000

SP: 9,066,121,000,000 (9,066,121,000,000% increase in damage for spells)

STR: error

P-DEF: 9,066,121,000,000

M-DEF: 9,066,121,000,000

Power: error

Soul: 9,066,121,000,000



[Black Flame Aura] - Black immortal flames surround your body in an aura of 5m in each direction. The flames are so powerful that when the aura is active it will melt anything it comes into contact with.

[Guidance of Master Alchemist] - Produce double the amount of any concoction you make. If you use 1 set of materials you get double the output, so on etc...

[Photographic Memory] - Do I really need to explain this?

[100% Success Rate] - When preforming Alchemy you will always have 100% of succeeding. Others don't... Lower Relms [Tier 1 Alchemist: 5% of success Tier 2: 7%], Mid Relms (break through required by normal people) [Tier 3: 22%, Tier 4: 30%, Tier 5: 40%], High Relms [Tier 6: 50%, Tier 7: 55%], and finally the Master Relm (top of the top alchemists) [Tier 8: 70%]

[Ancestor's Pill Body] - The ability to consume pills at an alarming rate without any lash back. 'The one who does not know the term moderation' Pills for breakfast, pills for snacks, pills, pills, pills. Affects from pills are increase 2-folds!!!


[Immortal Undying Flame] - The perfect flame for Alchemy, you do not need to worry about temperature, all you need to do is throw your ingredients into the fire and let the fire do the rest. Never need to roll your own pills, the fire does everything! The Black ancestral flames have many enemies, to strike them down use the Immortal undying flame to burn them all to ashes! With the intent to kill the flame will become violent, with no intent to kill the flame is an alchemy flame that does relatively no to low damage.

Damage: 0 {the fire now doesn't do numeric damage it now slowly melts your enemy very slowly and painfully}, Mana: 10/sec, cooldown: 0

[Blackhole] - The ability to absorb any and all magical attacks coming your way. The Ability is always active for defense, however, for an attack ability it must be pointed and casted. When using this as an attack, it transfers the person or people being attacked into a black dimension. While in the black dimension the targets face their deepest fears, after 10 seconds they are ejected out and an unavoidable or block-able status effect of paralyzed sets in. The Target will be in this state till caster nullifies it. You can now use this ability to suck mass amount of pills directly into your stomach.

Damage: 0, Status effect: Paralyze and Fear, Mana: due to 1/3 of ancient one's power mana cost is 0, cooldown: 0 you can now permanently strike fear into your enemies causing them to be paralyzed in fear permanently.

[Nova Beam] - When stars go into supernova they become a massive explosion becoming the hottest temperature ever recorded. This skill produces that heat in form of a beam, it disintegrates anything it touches reaching a max temperature of 2,556,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Holding two fingers out pointing in the direction you want the beam to go and visualizing the spell will activate it, you can now control the length of the beam and even use it as a sword.

Damage: Infinite (nothing found yet to block the destruction) Mana: Users full MP, Cooldown:1 hour, anything related to mp is deactivated


{Basic Soul Pill (ungraded to basic)(Market price: 5G/1 pill): Soul Water, Spirit Grass. Burn the Spirit Grass till the grass becomes ash add Soul Water, mix the two together and while it cools form them into balls.}

{Soul Water made of High Elf Blood (Rare~tier 6)(market cost: 100,000-200,000G or 1,000 - 2,000 Soul Stones) : Mix fresh blood of a High Elf with Soul Water}

{HighTier Recovery Elixir Grade 6 (market cost: 500-700G or 5-7 Soul Stones (SS) ) : Firemoss, gillyweed, 20 year old ginseng, juice from the tree of life. Burn the Firemoss and gillyweed at 370 degrees F, maintain the heat and slowly add in the ginseng creating an ashy mush. Bring the juice from the tree of life to a boil and slowly add the ash mush in, stir till solution becomes ruby red and take off heat.}

{Legendary Soul Dew (upgradable-Myth)(market cost: ???G or 999,999,999,999 SS): Soul Water made of High Elf Blood, Golden Spirit Grass, Diamond powder, Blood of a virgin, SSS tier monster core, Ear of an High Elf, Crushed stick of yggdrasill, holy water of the church, 1,000 year old crimson gold ginseng, powder orchium. Can only be made with the immortal undying flame}

{Ancient One's Soul Elixir (rank:???)(market cost: ???) : Blood of the descendant, Soul Water}

lol I should of expanded out his power ups... but I realize as much as I like the system trope... it is pretty darn hard to come up with content without just repeating the same old shit... so going to create maybe like 5-8 more chapters before ending it ... in retrospect would of been cool to do an adventurer's guild type of thing but oh well...

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