
Alchemists And Artifacts

This is a story about an ordinary guy going through life while working as a leader of his information gathering agency in the world where people who can use magic is called Alchemist and powerful items called Artifacts exist.

FurballCat · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chapter 17: A Relaxing Day

It had been a week since I finished the job. Rakhala got beaten so bad that night by Maria that we had to took him to a nearest medical institution. The big kids cleaned up the place I fought with the Alchemist and dispose his body into a river.

I sent back the Grimoire to the Library. They gave me 5000 CP for the compensation. What a cheapskate. I told them to take care of the Grimoire more carefully.

I used an Artifact to wipe up the information that Rakhala had got with him. I also plant a Parasite Artifact inside his body and if anyone tried to extract the information, Rakhala would immediately die.

The condition of the girls were getting better. Maria took a really good care of them. They also didn't met any men much because their job were usually behind the desk like accounting and management. Maybe that's why they were specifically targeted.

There was one thing I didn't told Maria but I thought she must have the same opinion as me. There was a traitor in Witch Whisper. Someone who pick the Central side. I know who the person was but I didn't wanted to tell Maria. This was already outside of my job.

I lifted up my cup and took a sip of the steaming black coffee. Haaa.... it's a bliss. This was such a good day. No job, no headaches, no muscle pain and no sleepless night.

I just finished recording the case along with the process and the results. I also have sent Rakhala back to the Central. To be more precise, I sent him back directly to that fox Administrator. I was quite worried about that guy. He was quite bold targeting the place other Administrator didn't want to touch. His backing must made him feel like the king of Central or something. I hope he just shift his attention to another place.

Knock knock

"Sir may I come in."

"Just come in Alex. I know you are not a very polite person anyway."

"Yes. Here sir a video letter send to you by a person named Quake."

"Quake? He send a video letter. Sigh~. Looks like my vacation will be cut short again."

I opened the video letter. A holographic image of a big bulky guy with a short ash gray hair, rugged face, mean eyes, thick eyebrows and nubian nose. The video was silence before a tired sighing could be heard from the rough faced guy.

" I really didn't want our reunion being like this but it is tough doing this job with all the arrogant old farts demanding me to do something. If you get this video letter that means I'm already here. There is something I must tell you and talked about. I will wait at the place we used to eat ice-cream together."

The video closed. I somehow could guessed the reason Quake was here but I also wanted to meet an old friend.

"Alex, I will be going out for a bit. If anyone come to give us a job, accept the job but said to them that Cackling Crow Agency is taking a day off today. We will start the job tomorrow."

"Yes sir. I will do exactly what you have told me."

"Alright then.. take care of the place."

"Have a safe journey sir."