
Alanor, The Lycan King's Prisoner [BL]

[COMPLETED || WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // this is the only warning for the book] "I'll see you in the next life, mother," the young boy said, his eyes swollen from crying for several days. ---- Exiled from Udrad after the public stoning of his parents, Alanor Wynter swore on his parents' graves, to bring the lycan kingdom to its knees. So he became the rogue they despised and the devil they all feared. He was a monster, but they had created him, and he was bad. Alanor was the kind of evil that no dictionary even had a description for yet. He had vowed against Udrad's peace until he got his revenge, and no one would stop him, not even the mate the fates had forced on him. After all, he didn't believe in the fated mates. Alanor believed in REVENGE.

she_osprey · LGBT+
532 Chs

Show Me Your Crazy [1]


"You really are something," Edison said as he watched the young Wynter shout his lungs out, it was impossible to tell whether Alanor was benign or serious or this was just the young Wynter being the kid he was supposed to grow into.

However, there was no telling even as Alanor kept shouting, like he wanted the warriors to come to them. Sure enough, the warriors did make a show, and instead of stopping, the young Wynter kept shouting.

Maybe Edison was right, maybe the young Wynter had finally lost his mind in the madness.

"It's good to see you guys here," Alanor said as he looked at the warriors who had reached the. The warriors were confused, seeing Edosn armless, and his only arm cuffed with silver to the one man who was more psychotic than the king himself.