
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
181 Chs

Thanedd Coup (Part 1)

"So, how was it?" - Alan leaned on the wall with a bored look and stared at the distance.

Thanedd was a place of beauty and magic. A true citadel of mages in witcher, an entire island limited only to them. Aside from Loxia – the only palace among many, that visitors can enter.

He looked at the numerous stairs and tunnels in wonder. Only a couple of them were in use. The purpose of others was a genuine mystery.

"This place is a labyrinth!" - complained Geralt.

"Oh, please, dear. In your mind, everything that is not the inner organs of a drowner becomes a labyrinth! I wonder how do you manage to not get lost in your own bedroom."

"I don't have one." - Geralt tried to defend himself. And in front of two pairs of purple eyes at that.

"That is hardly a point to be proud of." - smiled Yen slightly.

"Is it revenge?"

"Of course not. I understand that all gatherings of sorceresses are unbefitting of your noblesse and there is nothing to look at. Perhaps that is why you acted like a peasant in the city and stared at the things you enjoy. What did you like more – cleavage of Keira or transparent blouse on Sabrina?"

"It wasn't exactly transparent... it had applications in very thoughtful places." - said Geralt.

"So Sabrina it is. And you had time to study applications. I guess your time wasn't wasted, you learned something new. I wonder where will you apply your new knowledge? Will I see some pink applications on your armor next time we meet?" - said Yen in a cool tone and smiled. - "I'm joking, Geralt. Don't make such a face. I almost feel guilty. Almost."

"I almost forgot how charming you can be. Almost."

"Geralt." - Yen stared at him with warm eyes. - "Your pathetic attempts to redeem yourself are... well... cute. I missed this."

Yen laughed shortly and pecked him on his lips. Geralt stared at her for some time. He is a lost cause.

"Missed what?" - he asked. Geralt was a unique person who could flirt with a look one usually has when hunting a rigger.

"Your clumsy yet heartfelt compliments."

Alan continued to look at the distance. There was something unsettling in it. The irregularity that irked him. Loxia was a palace just after the bridge, connecting Thanedd with the mainland and Gors Velen.

From here one can see Garshtang at the very center. It was the highest and the biggest palace on the island and the place where mages held all their official gatherings. Further to the side, Aretuza showed the unrivaled magnificence of gardens and terraces. It was built using magic and loomed over the sea from one side while hidden in the shadows of cliffs on the other.

Only one road leading there.

"It is like a golden cage." - Alan said lightly. - "A beautiful prison."

But his attention was elsewhere. At the very top of a tower where he felt a rupture in space. It disturbed everything around with waves of spacial energies he could perceive through his bloodline.

"Tor Lara." - said Yen coming near. - "This tower always gave me an unsettling feeling. If I don't know better, I would have said it is cursed. But it is not. There is a natural portal atop there. No one knows where it is leading."

Alan knew the end destination. It was not a place for humans.

"And don't try to teleport near it, space here is a huge whirlpool."

"I know. I can tell with a glance. It won't hinder me at all. I teleport differently."

Yen only shook her head. She has an affinity with space magic, but Alan is something else entirely. He was like a natural user of it, similar to Ciri, yet on a different, bigger scale.

They exchanged some meaningless words outwardly but talked all the time through the telepathy.

"Geralt, let's go. Today is the only day when Thanedd is open to visitors. I want to go to Aretuza with you." - finally, Yen was satisfied with their plan.

Witcher only nodded with a deadpan look. But both Alan and Yen knew how really glad he felt.

* * *

At the same time. Ciri.

She was having a hard time. It was so hard to read a book sitting in the room while in a new place. Also, it was very hard to stay in one place, when everything around enticed her to have an adventure.

Ciri wasn't a person to stay still. She wanted to see Geralt and Alan, wanted to talk with Yennefer a bit more, and that longing forced her to decide.

She covertly walked to the window and looked out. It was unlocked and balcony oozed with freedom. It smelled like the sea, the one she remembered from Skellige.

"No guards? Strange. Is everything here sealed with magic?" - Ciri mumbled. She was right and normally one won't be able to leave without notice, but not today.

Today was the day of Thanedd gathering and many mages went to take part in it, thus Aretuza was on leave too. This little detail, a custom that went for centuries without a problem, caused real trouble for many.

Most of the restriction spells were disabled, only anti-magic spell around Garshtang and a landscape shield that didn't let anyone uninvited in remained standing. Aretuza was nearly empty, even most of the young apprentices moved out to Loxia.

Although they were not permitted to leave for Gors Velen on the surface, in reality, no one was that strict with the rules.

Thus Ciri was left unattended. A huge mistake. She even claimed her sword from Yen after long persuasion, and now it served as an origin of confidence.

Ciri opened the balcony door and stepped out under the night sky, clouded, without stars. She wrapped the scarf around the neck and traced its soft surface. It gave her a sense of comfort, like always.

'Yen told me to behave. But I can't. At least for the last time, I want to see him. It will be for ten years! Ten years! Hmph. I won't leave Thanedd so it should be fine. What can happen to me here?'

With that thought as both a weapon and a shield, Ciri hopped on the railing and smiled. Aretuza was built for mages and by mages. Any unauthorized use of magic will be detected in a split second. Yet, with the most defensive spells turned off, the regular way can be the most proper.

Ciri wasn't just a sorceress in studying, she was a witcher in training too. And she used what Geralt and others taught her to the best of her capabilities. She moved to the side and hopped on the roof, disappearing in the night with the gleeful thought she will give a tremendous surprise to the three.

She escaped with relative ease, staying within shadows.

'Why is it so empty here? No crowds, no mages, nothing, just raw walls.'

Ciri moved to the biggest palace of the island and the closer she got, the more unsettling feeling about this eerie place she felt.

However, her senses originated from blood and the necklace in the form of one wing told direction. She can never get lost. Never. And now she ran as seamless and fast as the wind to the largest hall of Garshtang, where all lights were on.

'What are you doing there Alan? Why are you there?'

She imagined a sorceress with a big chest and loose character seducing him and couldn't help feeling angry.

However, when she arrived at the door and heard voices inside all her playful and angry teenage attitude evaporated in an instant.

Alan talked in a strange, calm voice, but it was so distant and cold that she felt fear. A voice that has nothing to do with a human being, but supernatural forces of nature and fate. She guessed what was happening.

'Am I the same? Do I talk the same when I have visions? But... why is he telling them all this?'

Ciri perked her ears and listened with rapt attention.

"Last night armies of Liria and Aedirn assaulted a bordering settlement. They crossed Yaruga at Dol Angra to lay siege on Glevitzigen. They spread the word to entice people for an uprising against Nilfgaard."

Someone sighed, some screamed, others kept their precious silence. Meanwhile, Alan didn't stop. He was in a trance, induced by magic. He couldn't have stopped.

"Emperor of Nilfgaard ordered to retaliate in full force. Today at the first ray of light armies under the black flags entered Liria and Aedirn."

The crowd went in another bout of screams and bickering.

And they again were interrupted by coldness and gruesome facts that Alan told them next.

"King Visimir was killed yesterday night with his own dagger. Redania has no king."

Silence descended in the hall.

But then Alan screamed for someone to stop, yet an immense wave of magical power expanded from his direction and a moment later Garshtang moaned like a living creature in a series of explosions caused by high-class battle spells.

All hell broke loose.

If you need me to explain about participants further, write in comments, I will answer.

There are too many sides and mages there to give everyone attention.

I won't write Geralt side, as you can read the original book to know about it.

Dijkstra leg was broken in this coupe. Geralt twisted it in several places, using his arms to prevent the spy from following.

In the game, one can hear him complaining about a leg. That's where it came from.

Next chapter tomorrow and one per day like usual.

Greymarkcreators' thoughts