
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
181 Chs

Something on the Background.

Alan arrived at the entrance of his room and opened the round door. It creaked with inviting tones and opened easily. There he saw Cedric sitting with pensive look and waiting for something, perhaps, a change of weather?

"We need to talk." - he said weakly, while fidgeting with his fingers crossed.

Alan sighed, clearly not in the mood for boy's hysteria.

"Shoot it." - Alan walked to his bed and found it unnecessary. He could spend time anywhere. Maybe it is time for him to move on?

'How long has it been since I actually slept? I already forgot, meditating instead all the time. No I did once. A year or so ago. And it was anything, but pleasant. Guess I screamed, because Selena appeared near me that time and didn't let go until the morning.'

"What was written in the newspaper, is it true?" - Cedric gave him a look full of caution. And Vibe detected barely hidden fear. Fear and mistrust.

"What exactly?" - asked Alan not looking at the boy at all. He just found his friend distant all of a sudden and have a silly thought, that he didn't want to see him like that, after all he will remember it for life. It is better to remember him differently, right?

"That you were trained by Death Eaters!" - nearly screamed Cedric irked by his friends calmness.

"I guess so." - he shrugged. In this aspect they did train him. Train how to know pain, how to know loss and despair. Oh yes, they spent quite a lot of effort for that.

"What? So it is all true?" - Cedric paled and stood up. - "You are a Death Eater?"

"I said they indeed trained me, but I never said I am one." - retorted Alan, still not looking at him. He was to tired to explain himself. And found that he didn't actually cherish friendship with Cedric that much. Right now it turned out to be bothersome more than anything.

Drifting to every their interaction it was very shallow most of the times. Like with everyone else here.

"You! They were right about you!" - Cedric was high on emotions right now and anything said will go to deaf ears. Who are 'they' is another question. The one Alan didn't even pay attention to due to lack of interest.

"What's the use of asking all that, if you have your bag packed?" - evenly said Alan, feeling more tiredness overwhelm him. He just wasn't in any condition to talk, to explain, to fight... he wanted to be alone.

No, maybe not alone but...

'She won't leave me too, right?'

He heard how Cedric stormed out with his bag and crawled to the bed, sitting in pose for meditation, while not even removing his old scarf. Right now it was the only source of warmth he had.

'I don't have time... I have tremendous undertaking to do until I disappear.'

His mind cleared up after some time to himself.

'Okay, Ravenclaw Diadem done and was pretty easy actually. There are three more. And they are pain in ass. Cup of Hufflepuff is in Gringotts inside Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband's vault. And there is one little problem, the bitch is taking a break in Azkaban. So instead if impersonating her I need other plans. Her husband? One of the possibilities, but it is very easy to track and will be recorded in Gringotts book. No, I need to be absolutely untraceable.'

'Second one is a Slytheryn Locket. It is a bit easier, as it is in Sirius Black home.'

'While the easiest is the ring. It is just inside the shack of Gaunts family in Little Hangleton.'

'Huh, fine. Let's start with the ring.'

Luxury was everywhere. In every curve of the furniture, every colorful reflection of light from the surface of ancient antiques, every part of tableware and even clothes on one person, sitting on the chair and dinning alone.

She seems distant and very unique, her aura coupled with golden eyes can make most immediately submit, but within it there was apathetic feel, as if all were merely dust to her. Dust she can easily get rid of or allow to exist.

The newspaper she was reading amused the girl to the extent of a slight smile appearing on her clearly very young face. Albeit just a smile, it was very attractive. She put it on the table and tapped it's surface. Ripple of power escaped her fingertips, transforming ambiance around into a room of gray.

With that not only surroundings shifted, the girl transformed into a woman of gold and light, that danced on her extraordinary clothes and crown adorning her long beautiful hair. She was a sight to behold in this bleak room, like a sole true immortal being.

"You may sit." - she said with a voice full of commanding might. At her words nine man and women in different but still gray clothing sat in circle by the round table. Their countenances were different entirely, but what united them were masks of the same appearance – a simple silver face without distinguishable features.

"Did you make sure that the real one fell into hands of a boy?"

"Yes, Your Grace. The plan of the three families went without any hitch." - answered one of the people. Even their voices were metallic and lacked discerning intonations.

"Good. Crow, proceed to the next stage." - she said with authority. - "Remember, only when that artifact and the false God will no longer be in this world, we will live in peace."

"Your Grace... is there a po..." - raised a man with agitated mood. The woman directed apathetic eyes at him, or perhaps they looked like that because all there was is gold.

"I know what you want to ask. But no one is even asking you to harm her. She will not even remember what happened and no physical harm will be done. On the contrary, she can't adapt like other side. Do you want to condemn her for a life of loneliness? I already showed you how far you let it all get, no?" - the woman in gold said sternly. She didn't look evil and even seemed to be kind. It is clear, she ruled not only with power, but respect as well. The woman knew when to be hard and ruthless and when soft and forgiving.

She was great at manipulating people.

"But what if he is incapable?" - asked man in return. The very fact that he could argue with the woman told both about his high standing and her benevolence.

"He? Incapable?" - she laughed. - "If he is not capable, no one is. Don't worry, he will know what to do. And he will do it to save her life."

"At your command, Your Grace." - finally man sat down, as he lacked any logical point to decline anymore. What is more, if everything went like she said, the man on the contrary will be glad. As for the boy, he didn't care.

"But the other target needs to be removed." - suddenly woman said with clear intent to her words. - "And no need to do it covertly, on the contrary, I want it openly. You can use the traitor."

"Yes, Your Grace. It will be completed shorty."

"And remove him too. There is no need to keep him alive after job is done. He knows too much and already have some people digging around the information. Grey Broker really did it on us this time." - then as if remembering something, but in reality, receiving new report, she asked. - "Did he escape the net?"

"Yes, Your Grace." - said another man with clear distaste in his mannerism and was a bit fearful.

"Actually, I don't like what we are forced to do too, but fate of the world is like so. To ensure it's survival and prosperity, we are forced to do so. It is a small price to pay in comparison to danger of total annihilation."

"We understand, Your Grace." - she nodded and raised to her feat. The rest followed hastily, making her chuckle over the spectacle. The woman waved her hand indicating them to remain seated, after all they will need more time to discuss and plan.

No one questioned or stopped her, as golden figure, the sole light of this place, disappeared in a flash.

She reappeared in her luxurious room, taking kitten in her arms.

"I'm sorry, brother. But there can't be two world rulers. You have to go and never come back. And I'll make you go and take that condemned artifact with you." - she squeezed animal so tight that crunching sound and whimpering were heard. She sighed.

"You are so fragile." - she ran her palms over soft fur, magic power flowed out of her hand into the kitten setting bones right and healing it in a matter of seconds. - "If only I am capable of using it... but I'm not, so it better be removed from this world."

Alan entered classroom one of the last, as he spent too much time on meditation and was now living alone. Usually he will look at Cedric, who never was late for classes, and act accordingly, but today there was no one.

He even got late for breakfast and eventually opted to go to class directly.

What awaited him was a bit unearthing experience.