
Akudou – a Naruto fanfiction story

what if being in the womb while having a bijuu sealed inside give someone more closeness to the bijuu. Naruto have kurama's chakra, eyes, and the same mark on his face. giving him a kekkei genkai of being able to create illusion that is indistinguishable from reality. And Kurama acknowledge Naruto as "her" son thanks to this, and decide to be a mother for him.

hikari_izuki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

chapter 14

Akudou ch 14

[Kurama POV]

"We are at a disadvantage at this point, almost the entirety of Konoha is against us. The other elders wanted to start a coup, but I know even if we won, many of us would be dead by that point, and we would be the target of other villages"(Fugaku)

"If Danzo wanted us dead then he already prepared a trap to kill us all, and Shisui's eye can change the balance with its power. At this point I think the best way is to run away from Konoha, though that would anger most of the Uchiha with their current mindset"(Fugaku)

"And that could create an infighting among the Uchiha, probably one of Danzo's objectives. How strong are the combatants from the Uchiha?"(Kurama)

"The combatants from the Uchiha is 30 percent of the entire Uchiha clan, more than half of them are in the chunin class, the rest is composed mostly of special jounin class with a few jounin class, the elders are in the upper jounin class and a couple of elite jounin class"(Fugaku)

And you are in the kage class, Kurama thinks to herself. Danzo has been using an underhanded method to corner the Uchiha clan, so he is definitely going to use a similar method to kill the Uchiha. Blackmail, hostage, poisoning, and the infighting.

She looked at Itachi and remembered, Itachi and Shisui were the few who are more loyal to Konoha than to their clan. Then if Itachi is forced to choose between the village or his clan, then he might just choose the village because the number of lives could be saved compared to if he chose his clan.

If he managed to make Itachi side with him, then Fugaku might not be fighting back as much and it will be easy to eradicate the Uchiha clan. But even if Itachi is loyal to Konoha, it would be hard for him to abandon his own family. So… Danzo will use the weak link in his family, the little brother…

"Itachi, did Danzo make contact with you recently?"(Kurama)

Surprised, that emotion was enough for Kurama to confirm her suspicion.

"I see, he have Sasuke as hostage, am I wrong?"(Kurama)

"... Yes…"(Itachi)

"What is his plan?"(Fugaku)

"... This afternoon, they're going to attack the Uchiha. I would take the blame for the massacre and in exchange he will let Sasuke live"(Itachi)

"That is earlier than I expected"(Kurama)

"Asuma moved a few days ago, but I don't know how much things have moved in the last few days. but I can have the Kurama clan to help you against Danzo"(Kurama)

"How can you do that?"(Fugaku)

Fugaku asked her, surprised by her mention of the Kurama clan. She smiles at him as she answers his question.

"I'm their guardian, I'm the one who gives them their power and have been protecting them for hundreds of years, before Madara take control of my body and Hashirama sealed me away"(Kurama)

Fugaku takes a few seconds to take that in before he asks her.

"Do you hate us?"(Fugaku)

Kurama looked at Fugaku with a sad look.

"I did, but now I have Naruto. I can't let myself drown in hate and forget everything. …do you know the reason I was attacking Konoha 7 years ago?"(Kurama)

Fugaku looked confused at the change of subject.

"Kushina was attacked after her child birth, and the attacker was a masked man with a sharingan. I don't know what happened to that attacker after that, but I can't have Naruto be in danger. I needed Naruto to be close to Uchiha, so that I know if somebody is still targeting him because of me and to have other Uchiha's help if that's the case"(Kurama)

Kurama looked at Itachi, he was surprised but also scared. Kurama asked him what's wrong because it's not like he is scared of what she just said.

"I think I saw that person"(Itachi)

This time, Fugaku is the one who's surprised as he asked his son.

"What do you mean?"(Fugaku)

"After my talk with Danzo, he made contact with me, said he will help massacre the Uchiha, and for me to come to his organization after. He called himself Madara Uchiha"(Itachi)

"Is he really Madara or an imposter?"(Fugaku)

"He is about a few years older than Shisui, but he is definitely strong and does resemble what I know about Madara. Black long hair covering one of his eye, a sharingan, and from how he disappeared after our talk, probably a mangekyou ability"(Itachi)

Kurama tried to remember her encounter with the masked man. And she vaguely remembers he can do something similar. But there is something more important than that.

"Do you think he is the real Madara? Does he have reincarnation jutsu?"(Kurama)

If that person is really Madara, he is a real danger to her and the others. Fugaku thought for a bit before answering.

"Without seeing the real person, I wouldn't know for certain. But Uchiha does have a forbidden technique called izanagi, it can change reality at the cost of an eye. Even the most known user of this technique, Baru Uchiha, only able to change the reality where he is death, not making himself revive in a younger body with his mangekyou ability"(Fugaku)

"And I never heard of Madara having that kind of ability, so at this point I can only think of this as his followers or descendants from when he ran away from konoha"(Fugaku)

Kurama takes the time to understand what she heard. This person is definitely dangerous, whether he is Madara or not. So they have an unknown Uchiha and root anbu force to look out for.

"What are you going to do? Waiting to counter attack them or get away?"(Kurama)

Fugaku closed his eyes as he made his decision .

"I want to at least get those who can't fight and don't want to fight out of the way. Especially with that Madara guy coming to attack us along with the root, it's possible that we will lose here. I want at least some of us to survive and protect the noncombatants in case we didn't survive"(Fugaku)

"I can handle that, I have a hiding place big enough to hide the entire Uchiha clan, I can bring them there"(Kurama)

"Currently the Uchiha is under surveillance, we can't just leave the compound all at once or they'll notice some of us has disappeared"(Itachi)

"What kind of surveillance?"(Kurama)

"A few squad of anbu is monitoring our move, patrolling along the perimeter of the Uchiha compound"(Itachi)

Kurama thinks for a second before asking Itachi again.

"Are there any Hyuga among them?"(Kurama)

"From what I know, there are currently no Hyuga among the anbu"(Itachi)

"It's rare for a big clan to give up one of their strongest for the anbu, it's better to have them stay as the clans weapon so the possibility is quite slim"(Fugaku)

Fugaku added.

"Why do you ask about the Hyuga?"(Itachi)

"Like I said before, I'm the one who gives the Kurama clan their power. I can fool the surveillance with physical genjutsu clone, though if there is a Hyuga among them, they might be able to see through the genjutsu using their Byakugan"(Kurama)

"Then it should be fine, let's call the others, it should be easier to exchange them with the clone while they're in one place"(Fugaku)


"What about Madara?"(Itachi)

"I think we should try to lead the root anbu towards him, reducing the enemy number and gathering information about his strength. Depending on the outcome, we could fight him or flee. If he is the real Madara, I don't think it would be able to win against him especially when we need to fight Danzo and his army too"(Kurama)

"Itachi, Madara already made contact with you, I want you to be on their side and spy on him. We will retreat accordingly if he is too dangerous, at that time I need someone to keep us informed"(Fugaku)

"... I understand"(Itachi)


Fugaku closed his eyes and the genjutsu ended. Kurama then made a clone to inform the Kurama clan, then they moved on to gather the Uchiha along with Fugaku and Itachi.

After all the Uchiha are gathered, Kurama uses her creation to make a clone of them so they can leave without suspicion. After Fugaku explained everything to them, those who can't, and don't want to fight teleported to the hideout with Kurama using reverse summoning. Only a small number of Uchiha shinobi decided to leave with her, most saw it as a cowardly act but didn't stop them as they would need them to guard the civilians.

Kurama leads Shizuka and Itachi to where Shisui is. Itachi was relieved seeing his friend still alive while Shizuka was crying seeing her son's condition. Kurama checks on Naruto's condition, noting that he is slowly healing.

After Shizuka calmed down she asked her to look after Naruto while she's gone before going back to the Uchiha compound along with Itachi. After they arrive back in the compound, Itachi leaves to inform the hokage while Kurama controls the clone so it doesn't look suspicious, and from there he is on their side.


Nearing sunset the kurama clan shinobi were surrounding the Uchiha compound, hiding and waiting to back up the Uchiha. She and the Kurama clan will spread physical genjutsu mist in the entirety of the Uchiha compound when the battle started. Using the Sharingan's power to see the flow of chakra they will lead the Uchiha towards the attackers while covering the Uchiha.

The mist will also act as an alarm in case Madara comes in the middle of battle. She will know even without it, but it is meant for the Kurama clan so that they can start leading the root anbu towards him. In case that failed, they would retreat to a gathering point where she would tell the foxes to teleport them to the hideout.

Now it's a waiting game.