

17-year-old Aidan Brown from Houston Texas had a promising future. An athlete and a brilliant student who got the love of the most beautiful girl in his school. Victoryville high. Life was perfect until one weekend when Aidan and his older brother Keith went on a road trip and got into a fatal accident on their way back. Keith didn't make it, Aidan did. But it came with a cost, he would never be able to speak for the rest of his life. He wished death had taken him along with his brother whom he loved so much, Aidan could no longer do things he could do before the accident. He wallowed in self-pity and extreme depression. Aidan kept thinking about the night of the accident, and every moment he thought about it he became convinced that something took control of the car. The accident took Keith's life and Aidan's ability to speak, making him a mute forever. But something else happened to Aidan that night. Something that would make him smile again, and may someday save humanity from certain doom.

11 Chs



We said good night and went to our bedrooms after Reyansh suggested we all go to sleep. I began getting a little home sick as I lay on my insanely huge bed. I missed my family and my girlfriend who would probably never speak to me again for leaving the way I did. The thought that everyone around here thinks extremely highly of me made me even more restless.



I thought about Keith and my tears began falling, I'll get my revenge on them for murdering Keith, even if it means me giving my life. In the depth of my thoughts I remembered something funny Keith once said, I smiled in nostalgia and drifted off to sleep.




I woke up with a groggy feeling but managed to find the bathroom, felt well after I took a long bath. The boys were loud so I decided to check on them.



"Hope you slept well." Reyansh said when I entered the super-sized living room. They were playing video games. "Nope I didn't." Reyansh laughed. "You'll get used to it pretty soon, there's food in the kitchen if you're hungry."

"Reyansh makes really nice dishes, he's the chef around here." Tunde said.



"How long was I asleep?" I asked.



"Long enough, meeting starts in an hour. You should eat first and then come over here for some serious ass whooping." Tunde said.




Apparently he bested Reyansh in whatever game they played. "You're a good cook." I said to Reyansh after I was done eating. He replied only with a nod because he was losing the game.



"Can I try?" I got Reyansh's controller before he could respond.



"I'll play for Reyansh." I said, mimicking Klahan's creepy smile at Tunde.



"Let's just Play a new game, I mean you can't possibly beat me with Reyansh's scores." Tunde bragged.



"Try me." I said, almost chuckling.



I wasn't good at basketball in real life, but Keith and I were basically gamers by the time we turned thirteen. Dad got us all kinds of games, from Nintendo, Xbox, PS, we had them all. I had mom put them away after the accident.



Tunde's eyes were filled with surprise and shock, while Reyansh was super excited and sang what sounded like an Indian victory song. Our scores were even at the end of third quarter I had come from 36pts behind and went on to defeat him by 18pts at the end of the fourth.



 The meeting room had a weird feel to it. Klahan and his followers were dressed in brown robe- like clothes, their sitting pattern was notably odd. Their bald head became shinier as rays of sunlight reflected on them. Reyansh, Tunde and I sat close to Klahan. After he introduced me and talked about my abilities Klahan began telling a story that would give answers to all my questions.