
Ahichetra: A Tale of Love and Revenge

Finally!! After waiting for 100 years, Kalpa reunites with her lover in the human realm. Meeting after so many years, their longing for each other forces them to forget everything and start their romance under the moonlit night. But the humans in the area who aren't so interested in their romance start their attack by killing her lover in front of her and beating her to death before sealing her. Just so they would use the power of their race ‘Nagas' a divine part-human species that wield magic and can change its form into a Serpent or part Serpent, they had made an enemy out of someone who is known as the 'Princess of Vengeance' in the Underworld. And now that she is released from her seal, Only pure vengeance is what awaits for all those who have harmed her and killed her lover. "A Snake will always bite back and I swear upon my name, this time more crueller, more brutal and many more savage than any other." --------------------------------------------- As a reader, I have read many novels featuring vampire, werewolf or other creatures on webnovel. I wanted to introduce something unique and interesting out of norm, So I chose a legendary race known as 'Nagas' who are very vengeanceful but underrated and developed a story according to it. A female Naga (protagonist) seeking revenge for her killers and exploring the human world, finding friendship, humanity, love and others along the way. --------------------------------------------- All characters and places in this novel are for pure entertainment purpose and are not meant to offend someone or something. I also found that cover on Pinterest. if it belongs to you, dm me for credits.

Magmaka_Ryu · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 06 – Saara

Kalpa slowly walked towards Zuusha. There was a devious smile on her face. When she was in front of him, she squatted a little and gave him a hand, signalling to get up.

"Today is the day we must become one dear,"


Zuusha understood when he heard her. Before leaving to perform the ritual, he gave his word that when he returns, he'll marry her. Like some traditions, Nagas consider married when a male and a female exchange their vows in front of their god and spend the night becoming one.

"So, this temple will be where we exchange vows"

Zuusha said and started to enter the temple.

"I don't care as long as we get married"

Kalpa also followed behind him and locked his hands by hers.

The temple was a mess, but they didn't mind and they both walked to where the altar was. Kalpa let go of his hands when they neared the raised podium and only Zuusha walked forward.

When he was in front of the altar, he brought his right hand down to his chest. All his fingernails started to grow as before and looked more like claws. With that, he thrust his hand inside and pluck out something.

It was covered in blood but as soon as he raised it, all the blood was sucked inside. What remains in his hands was a shiny red gem. That gem, after sucking the blood, sparkled in the moonlight like a god was descending. its radiation was so strong that it would have made any normal human lose his eye. It emitted a power that can only be described as a godsend.

It was Nagmani.

Zuusha held it in his hands for a while appreciating its glory. After spending years in solitude, now he was a step closer to becoming stronger. He dropped that nagmani inside the empty hole and walked near Kalpa.

The nagmani he dropped, started to levitate above the altar with a faint glow unlike before. Seeing that, Zuusha turned to Kalpa and cupped his hands on her cheeks. Kalpa also held those hands with moisture in her eyes.


"Yes, finally"

They both looked at each other's eyes that shone brightly in the moonlight. The raising lust in Zuusha was subdued by her pearl-like eyes. With a beautiful tune immersed in the moonlight, they both started to chant the vows of marriage simultaneously in perfect harmony,

"By the presence of his lord, the ruler of Patala, Vasuki, we, the loyal subjects of his land, ask you to bless us as one soul by,

Letting us, to live in a household full of nourishment and pure,

Letting us, to be powerful in mental, physical and spiritual,

Letting us, to be rich and healthy,

Letting us, to be knowledgeable and harmony,

Letting us, to be blessed with strong and virtuous children,

Letting us, to live the life of long,

And finally, by letting us take the step to be true companions and remain partners for life."

After they both exchanged their vows, Zuusha caressed Kalpa's red pulp lips with his fingers. Slowly but surely, he brought his head near her and connected his lips with hers. Their body started to become hot and without caring for anything, they started to kiss more passionately by locking their tongue. Zuusha removed one hand from her cheek and brought it to her back. He then furiously pulled her inside his arms, leaving no distance between her large round breasts. Kalpa also didn't let go of this moment and held him.

After a good minute, they both separated their lips and looked at each other. Zuusha's beastly instincts started to get hold of him and he wouldn't even control his own body. His breath become rugged and he looked at Kalpa with the eyes of a hungry predator. She also looked at Zuusha with eyes filled with lust. He lunged forward at her and slammed her to the ground.

Kalpa laid on the bed of broken rock and looked at Zuusha who was above her. His gaze fell on her chest which was now exposed due to her cloth being torn by him when he slammed on her. He looked at those fair big two mountains and started to touch them. At first, he touched them gently, but after a few more seconds, his both hands started to ravage her.

*Ahaaaa, ahaaa, aaaaa*

Kalpa couldn't control her moan as this was her first time experiencing pleasure like this. She had submitted to him and just bit her lip to stop making those sounds for her pride. But the more he listened, the more he ravaged her breasts. He started to tease them with his fingers and then it went to licking and finally sucking hard on them.

Now that he had finished with the upper part, his furious gaze fell on the lower half of her body. His hand slid under her dress and found her lower lip, stickily covered by her liquid.

Kalpa who was experiencing this sensation for the first time wouldn't hold any longer and started to twitch her legs and let an erotic moan escape whenever he rubbed the edges.

And just when he was about to continue the next step, he froze his hands. Wide-eyed Kalpa held his hand and said,

"It's ok, Continue. Am prepared for this for a long time. You don't have to hold back"

Kalpa understood that she was mistaken when even offered, he just looked blank. She started to calm her raising heart when Zuusha stood up and started to look around.

'There was something wrong'

Both of them thought at the same time. They both have calmed down and have their guard up. Kalpa summoned her golden armour that now covered her whole upper body and took a stance to pounce at any moment. Meanwhile, Zuusha also summoned his trusted weapon, a coral green Trident and took a stance. They both warily looked around the temple but they didn't find the reason for their uneasiness.

"Don't use your magic. Master had told me that Bhu-Loka is now devoid of magic, so it will draw all your magic at once if unleashed"

"Ok. Do you sense anything inside your domain? Something is wrong"

Kalpa asked Zuusha as he was the reason why the fog was covering the whole area around the temple. It was his domain and everything under his fog can be sensed by him. But even he wouldn't perceive what was happening until,


Zuusha shouted and head towards the broken wall. When he slammed Kalpa to the ground, he did so on the outside of the broken wall. He was just a few steps behind to enter the temple through the broken wall and just as he stepped his foot inside the temple,


Out of nowhere a large explosion occurred inside the temple and blasted him and the whole temple to dust.


"Rai, tell me you're not doing something dangerous?"

Saara was resting on the bed with Raahi who was beside her, sitting on a chair and holding her hands.

"Why would I do that now that you are recovered?"

He smiled when he answered her question with another question. But this time, this smile of his was by no means to make Saara comfortable like he used to do in the hospital. It was from his heart.

"Then, if I hadn't recovered, then would you have done something dangerous?"

He brought up another topic and ignored the question. There was something in Saara's heart that made her worried for Raahi. A week before, her body was soo weak that she wouldn't even maintain her consciousness but now, when she entered this mansion, she was feeling as if she was reborn. She would walk, she would go outside, and she would do anything she wanted without worrying about her baby or herself. She asked Raahi many times who treated her, but every time he changes the question or avoid it. She would only think that she is fine because of that mysterious person that she saw when she woke up, but she hadn't seen him again and Raahi didn't speak about that person. Not even he, but all the people who work in the mansion also give her the silent treatment whenever she asks questions and after 3 days, she had given up looking at Raahi's cheerful face.

He also spends time with Saara from morning to afternoon, but after that, he comes up with various excuses and took off somewhere without telling her where.

But today was different because of two things. When she woke up this morning, she felt weak again. She thought it was familiar, but the doctor said that it was due to her due date and would be giving birth today or tomorrow. She was also advised by the doctor to be extremely careful because of her fragile body.

Another thing is that, when she told that she would be giving birth to a child soon, all the joy on Raahi's face was exchanged into seriousness. He told her that he would be out tonight to take care of some important business and can't stay. Even for her childbirth. This made her worry more than anything.

"Promise me then, you will be back and take care of our son."

"I will and we are 'both' going to take care of our son, ok?"

Raahi also sensed that something is going on in her head but didn't ask her. He already knew that she was going to give birth around 3 am tomorrow. Sage had already told him that and he had also told another thing that Raahi didn't want to hear. Sage's spell will run out today and she will slowly revert to what she was a week before. He would have been very happy if she had given birth yesterday but she didn't. He made his resolve to quickly deal with tonight's night before her condition worsened.

He, Sage, and the friends he called over have been carefully planning for this whole week, and finally, they are going to hunt their prey tonight under the full moon night.

Well, it took some time to write this chapter, but from today regular updates will be released.

And finally, if you liked it or had some thoughts, please make it known so I can improve myself.

Magmaka_Ryucreators' thoughts