

I sit in front of NANDI in padmason(yoga) and starting to call his name.time passed one hour after another..and a system notification came <system notification:please user log out game will shut down in 15 min>

what? you old woman you bluff to me if I get hand on you I will break your neck .You wait I curse my grand mother and the same time.

In front of me whether starting to change warm wind starting to blow, tree ,flower,fruit starting to growth,bird starting to sing ,animal starting to paly .Like my surroundings are suddenly fell very happy like spring came after long time of cold. Suddenly In front of me a man is standing .his whole body is glowing .who is continuously smiling ,his hair are very long and it's touch his hip.A divine snake sit in his neck,moon is glowing from his head ,a fierce river flowing from his hair.He held a Trishul in his hand .He wore a tiger leather in her waist .He wore rudraksha ornament .He has ash tilak(mark) in his head and fore arm . He is like true happiness,He can do anything ,I feel like .I can not be bore if I see him year after year.If I see him once I will be happy in my whole life I don't need anything.My struggling is success after seeing him.He say what are you looking raavana jr.Wow what sweet voice like I you in bed and mom sang lulabay.

After some time I regain senses. And I bowed tears flowing my eyes and I say my Lord.I bring last load of my bread and offer him and my Lord I have nothing to give you I only have this piece of bread please accept it.

Lord Shiva take the bread and say why are you calling me?

I say my Lord I want to follow you and come here to learn but after seeing you I don't need anything.

Ha..ha..ha ..I impress my son and give you this and take it .He wave his hand and rested in my head ..Then a system notification occur.

<system notification:congratulations to get Lord shiva's diciple>

<system notification: congratulations you get hidden race demigod><want to announce in world channel y/n>


<system notification: congratulations now you can use some portion of Lord shiva's power>

My son from today you are my deciple I will teach you .You go holy city and bring me the old papirus .

Bye my son .with this word he desolve in the air.

<system notification:quest:- bring old papirus to lord Shiva in holy city Lord Shiva temple .for more info talk to the main prist of holy city's temple>

<system notification:player log out in three minutes >

log out.I open game box and thought about the conversation.game's creators are truly geneus they make character like real though I never met Lord Shiva in real.I came from washroom and sleep in the bed.