

My name is Charles. I am currently living in the capital together with my grandmother and some loyal servants. My parents died when I was 2 years old, grandmother said that they were killed in a beast horde attack when we were still living in the country side.

Our clan was quite a noble one. Even though we have no direct line in the king's blood, my father's sister become the 2nd mistress of the 2nd prince. With this our clan received graces from different families. But maybe because of this, my father was assigned to manage a country side town.

Being forced by the higher ups, my father had no other choice but to migrate with my mother. The town was rather small, and its primary source of income was by selling their crops to neighboring towns. When the beast horde came, my father was assigned at the front lines, and had to defend the town. But with little army, they were forced to retreat. While retreating, only few families were able to return, but all was either hurt or heavily injured. My father died while creating a diversion to the monsters to let the townsfolk retreat. While my mother was heavy injured while escaping, she reached my grandmother's house carrying me, then died a couple of days later.

I was raised by my grandmother then. With my noble family, I was quite raised as a noble myself, but quite different from the other noble families. With both my parents dead, our household had no elder to lead except my grandmother with me as the only heir. My aunt or should I say my brother's sister even didn't go to my parents funeral. My grandmother said that my aunt despised my father and our clan, and after becoming a mistress of a prince she never had any contact with us.

I've learned how to read and write at the age of 4, and was enrolled at the academy at the age of 6. The academy teaches only the nobles with the teachings of the Church. Almost all noble household uphold the teachings with the Church in the Academy. I would say I also follow it. With the help of the Church, the Capital was kept safe from monster invasions.

I hate monsters to such degree that I also learned on how to handle a sword myself. With no masters to guide me, I was self though with the help of books. Sometimes I also sneak into the training grounds to watch soldiers on how to fight.

"Charles, I know you're there. At least show up, when I'm calling you." The instructor shouts.

"Hey old man, since you know I'm here, and you probably know why I'm hiding, you should have just ignore me." Charles replied as he appeared behind a tree.

"I already gave up scolding you over and over again. But you're still not allowed here. Also there will be an inspection today. And if you are caught both of us will face consequences."

"What? That is today? I was close to mastering sword thrusts. "

"What mastering, all you do is watch and never practice. Alright, since you already know there's an inspection, leave."

"Okay, okay, but I'll be back." As he quietly left the grounds and head back home.

"This child."

"Instructor Lin, is that the fallen noble that everyone is talking about?" A soldier in training walks by and asked.

"Yep. It's regretful that his parents died and left his clan with nothing. It's only a matter of time before it plummet and dissolve."

"But from what I've heard that he still has his father's sister, a mistress of a prince."

"Don't mention about that, I believed that she forsaken her clan. Maybe she was also the reason for her brother's death, transferring him and his wife to a remote defenseless town. "

"What? Didn't they die fighting against a monster horde?"

"You have no idea how nobles think. Some siblings pretend to be nice to each other on the outside while planning a kill each other behind the scenes. Well I hope nothing bad happens to that child."

"Well I've heard that he frequents training grounds, I bet he is quite interested in sword arts and fighting. He will be able to defend himself against monsters and villains."

"In this world we live in, there are a lot of dangers, maybe against monsters and villains but there are also conspiracies and black mailers. You must be able to adapt to changes and have knowledge and experience. Oh also, there are Witches."