
Against The Paradox

KingJet · ตะวันออก
19 Chs

Chapter 16: Cultivating, Finding Materials

Arc 1: The System Of Unlimited Cunning

Chapter 16: Cultivating, Finding Materials

"Hello, I am here today to let you know that the lockdown has been lifted. So you can go into the forest now," Shen Wei said.

When Jett heard Shen Wei, he was stunned. He made an awkward smile and said, "So about that, I kinda forgot we had a lockdown in the first place. I have been going into the forest for the past few days."

"What do you mean you forgot," Shen Wei asked.

"I got into working with arrays and kinda forgot everything about the lockdown. I was having too much fun with learning arrays. I just came back from the forest after completing a Tier 3 array," Jett replied.

"You," Shen Wei said angrily trying to say more, but couldn't. Calming down he then said, "You should be glad that nothing else happened. You should also be glad that somehow no one saw you doing that, or I might not be able to protect you."

"Sorry," Jett replied. 

"It's alright, just be careful next time," Shen Wei replied, getting up to leave. "Good job completing the array."

"Thanks," Jett said.

Jett walked into the kitchen and saw Jang-mi almost done with food. He helped set the table, and they started eating.

"When you were talking to Uncle, I heard you say that you completed the array, right?" Jang-mi asked.

"Yep, I was able to finish it. I even brought some alcohol for us to celebrate," Jett said, taking out the alcohol and placing it on the table.

"Then let's celebrate," Jang-mi said, grabbing some cups and pouring alcohol for each of them.

They ate and drank, then went to bed. The next day Jett got up and did his morning routine. He then went to the spare room that he now calls the array room, and started setting up everything he needed for the array.

He set up the Qi array with ease. He planned to cultivate like this for the next week, then go out into the forest again. He wanted to find any low-level elemental ingredients since he couldn't just use the <Thunder Mushroom> first and then fail, losing it in the process.

So what he did was cultivate in the room each day and also do what he normally does: wake up, eat breakfast, train, sometimes eat lunch but mostly skip it, train more, eat dinner, then sleep. That was his routine for the next 7 days. On the 7th day, he advanced to the third stage of Core Formation.

After a week, he left for the forest. Though elemental herbs were rare, he knew he could find low-level ones that he could practice with. If he could find one low-level one, that he could use to make an array with, he could in theory create more low-level herbs. However, that might not be practical, since manufacturing tier 1 herbs might not be usable as a base for arrays.

Arriving at the forest, Jett started searching. He ran into multiple beasts that he quickly dispatched or just left. He did find some herbs that had elements on them, but they weren't lightning or even wind. Since they were rare elements, these were just fire and earth ones. Since they can grow by themselves, you don't even need arrays to grow them. Because of that, they are more common.

After a productive day of searching, Jett only found one herb with a lightning element. Admittedly, it was just a tier 1 herb, but it was still valuable to Jett. He returned home to eat and rest, planning to venture out again tomorrow in search of more herbs.

The next morning, he set out for the forest. Before searching for any herbs, he returned to the stone area to test the lightning array. He set up the grindstone and drew the array with chalk. Creating the spirit paste, he poured it onto the array, placing spirit stones around, and then positioned the tier 1 lightning herb in the middle.

Starting the array up, the herb began to meld into the array lines. Activating the array itself produced lightning. It was a success. Jett was pleased because this meant he could create an even better array. He promptly erased the array and resumed his search for herbs.

After a solid hour of heading in one direction, Jett found himself farther than he had ever been before. In an unfamiliar area, he stumbled upon a ravine with a powerful draft of air. Jett was pleased, as this could potentially be an area rich in both lightning and wind herbs. There might even be high-tier herbs, possibly even tier 4 or 5.

While pleased, Jett was also cautious. Ravines can harbor very formidable monsters, some of which could even overpower the Fire Emperor. He was aware that the beast repellent could only deter creatures up to the golden core level. Jett began to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages.

Jett ultimately resolved to return the next day with the necessary equipment, such as a rope. He needed to ensure he was thoroughly prepared. As he continued to follow the ravine, he came across some tier-1 herbs that he could use or sell. There were quite a few of them. Collecting them, Jett decided it was time to head back and make the necessary preparations.

Returning to the village, Jett made his way to Jong's house. Upon arrival, he promptly inquired with Jong about where he could sell some tier-1 herbs. Jong informed him that the clan would be interested in purchasing them, as they use them for pills and such. He instructed Jett to bring out the herbs.

Jett presented half of the lightning and wind herbs he had gathered that day and inquired about their value with Jong.

"I can give you 120 spirit stones for them all," Jong said.

"Alright, that's a good amount," Jett replied.

Jong handed over the spirit stones, and Jett made his way to the markets. There, he procured everything he needed, including 200 meters of rope, 2 pickaxes, some torches, and additional bandages just in case.

Upon returning home, he went to his room and organized everything to ensure he was fully prepared. After confirming that he had everything, he stored it away and waited for Jang-mi to return so they could prepare dinner together.

"Welcome back," Jett said.

"Another rare day, you being back before me," Jang-mi replied.

"I found herbs today and I'm going back tomorrow to find more," Jett said.

Jang-mi nodded, putting away the items she had bought at the market. Then, she started cooking dinner with Jett. While they cooked, Jett told Jang-mi, "I might be late tomorrow, so you can eat dinner without me."

"It's fine, I can wait," Jang-mi replied.

"No, I might not be back until morning. It depends on how far I venture tomorrow," Jett said.

"Alright, what are you doing?" Jang-mi asked.

"I found a ravine. I'm going to explore some of it," Jett replied.

"Alright, be safe, don't go too deep," Jang-mi said, then asked, "Are you prepared?"

"Yep, got home early just so I could buy everything at the market I needed," Jett replied.

"That's good," Jang-mi said.

After finishing cooking, Jett set the table while Jang-mi prepared plates of food for them. They ate and talked, then relaxed in the living room. This time, they played chess since Jett wanted to do something other than read.

Jett lost quite badly since he didn't know how to play this version of chess. However, he wasn't upset because he was enjoying his conversation with Jang-mi. After an hour of fun, they retired to their rooms and fell asleep.

The next morning, Jett got up and double-checked to make sure he had everything he needed. After confirming again, he ate breakfast and left the house, heading to the forest. Arriving back at the edge of the forest, he took a deep breath and started heading in the direction of the ravine.

Even though he had set his mind on exploring the ravine, it didn't mean he wasn't worried. He knew that there could be a mishap and he might even lose his life. Though he still had the scroll as a backup just in case, he could use its power to flee the ravine. 

Arriving at the ravine, Jett took out the rope and tied it to a tree near the edge. The tree was thick, and his pushing on it didn't make it budge, so it was a perfect fit. He threw the other end into the ravine, but it was pushed back up by the strong wind. Jett shook his head at his own mistake and then secured the rope around his waist. Taking out the pickaxes to aid his descent, he prepared himself, getting closer to the edge of the ravine. 

If you want to contact me for any reason please contact me at kingjetsoar@gmail.com