
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · สมัยใหม่
180 Chs

Chapter 41 (Part 3)

"My experiment operation is complete." Zhong Youyou turned around and said to them.

Although the dean of teaching was not a chemistry teacher, he was shocked by the series of techniques. He looked at the face of the teacher with the gold-wire frame around his eyes, and he felt a little proud. He is the most flattering person and couldn't help but applaud first: "Classmate Zhong Youyou, you are simply the pride of our school!"

Invigilator No. 1 also smiled appreciatively, feeling that he hadn't read the wrong person. And the chemistry teacher in the laboratory stayed, what's the matter, if he remembers correctly, isn't this student in the bad class? He has been in the laboratory for the past few days, has something serious happened outside?

The teacher's face turned blue, and the tingling sensation from the slap came too fast, like a tornado, leaving his face dull.

"Do you want me to do all the other operation problems?" Zhong Youyou looked at him and raised the corner of his mouth.

"No, your operation is perfect. It's worth the thirty points. I was biased before." The golden silk frame said dully.

Damn it, what do you call the colleagues around you now, and the colleagues in the competition group when you go back, how do you think about him? There may be rumors that he is unfair to the candidates. This student named Zhong Youyou is really evil! Never heard of her name in previous competitions, right? Did she really get first place in the city this time?

First in the city.

These four words were never thought of by class 19 students, and never in their dictionary... Not only them, but even the whole school's classmates, no one thought that one day, these four words would actually be connected with Zhong Youyou!

This is too magical...like a bomb, it blows up an uproar in the whole school!

In the corridors, classrooms, playgrounds, and forums, there was a bloody storm, all around this topic.

They know that Zhong Youyou has made a lot of progress. She even got first place in the class last time, but why did he become the first in the city all of a sudden? Isn't the span of this rise too great?

Did she take some "shocking" pills? This one after another, math test, class number one, Zhong family daughter status... Just when the whole school thought this was the limit, she could always use facts to show others even greater shock... Now everyone has a feeling that she is suddenly revealed that she is the reincarnation of Xueba and will not be surprised.

The students definitely didn't know that in the laboratory, the gold wire-framed man questioned Zhong Youyou's matter. They just thought that the first test score was calculated wrong, so they alarmed the people in the two competing groups. He traveled a long distance and personally came to change the score for Zhong Youyou.

Oh my god, Zhong Youyou is too savory!

They have never touched the side of the competition exam, and they have no qualifications to participate, and she is the person who alarmed the competition exam to change her score...

Compared with this, it makes people cry.

Now, all the people in the school who heard about this are in a mess.

Especially the people in Class 19, who are more familiar with Zhong Youyou, and they have a sense of astonishment that "the peerless master is by her side."

"I think I strayed into some counterattack… first in the city. I almost don't recognize these four words. Why did Zhong Youyou get first place in the city? What did she use for the test? Are you hearing it..." the boy in the back row murmured.

In the morning, they saw Zhong Youyou being listless, thinking that Zhong Youyou had not done well in the exam. As a result, this series of operations was the first eleventh in the city, and then the education team personally came to adjust her grades. It was announced that she was number one in the city. It really made them shocked...

Xu Xiaoyue slumped on the chair and suspected that her ears had a problem, but now she can check the results of the competition exam, and the screen of her mobile phone shows that Zhong Youyou is really the number one in the city.

Xu Xiaoyue looked at the list of exams, so long, the top students among the thousands of top students selected from tens of thousands of high school students to participate, it can be said that everyone is the most competitive student in their school.

And now the name Zhong Youyou is above all the top students like a god.

This is really incredible, making her wonder if she is dreaming, but if it is a dream, why is the protagonist of this dream, not herself...

Ren Zian also stared at the list, browsed from bottom to top, and finally found himself in 19th place in the city.

He suddenly felt relieved.

He said before that he wanted to catch up with Zhong Youyou's footsteps, but now Zhong Youyou has been upgraded for one day, faster than the upgraded for a year. He was shocked numb and suddenly felt that next time Zhong Youyou was the number one in the province. It's not that shocking anymore. However, the whole province is more competitive than the whole city. Zhong Youyou may not be...

This time no one would think that Zhong Youyou's results were a coincidence. First of all, this competition is very strict, and it is impossible to cheat. Second, it is the difficult and abnormal competition exam. After the exam, many students in the competition class came back crying. Because it's too difficult.

...But Zhong Youyou got first place in the city.

It can only be because of the strength, the strength hidden by her, without a second interpretation.

The whole school was boiling, but it was like a pot of water that had already boiled. At this time, no matter how shocked by Zhong Youyou's test of No. 1 in the city, the pot of water could only be astonished to boil dry and could not boil anymore.

There are too many shocking things about Zhong Youyou. She has gradually changed from a bad girl in a bad class to the legend of their school step by step.

No, not only their school, but Zhong Youyou got first place in the city this time, and her reputation is far-reaching. I'm afraid that after the battle, people from more than a dozen colleges and universities in the city will know her.

Moreover, for the first time in three years, another name appeared above Shi Zhitang's name.


The whole school was talking about this. Meng Shixuan listened and went out to collect water silently. Her current mood is very complicated. In the beginning, she stepped on Zhong Youyou. She has always been very disdainful of Zhong Youyou, because Zhong Youyou's character cannot be pleased anywhere, and she is full of thorns, rebellion, and gangsters. She had no plan for her life, poor academic performance, and a big brainless look.

But now, when did Zhong Youyou become so dazzling, she has already left her far behind. Has she ever taken first place in the city? No, she got the best one in the exam, and she was second in the city.

Meng Shixuan bit her lower lip, unconsciously biting out blood. She suddenly felt that even if the truth of her identity had not been announced, she was still the former eldest lady of the Zhong family, and Zhong Youyou would be more eye-catching and popular than her.

Because her star came from Zhong's family, and Zhong Youyou, the light she released now came from herself, but Zhong's family was only a dispensable part behind her.

How did she do it?


Just when the whole school was talking about No. 1 in the city, Zhong Youyou was surrounded by a group of classmates as soon as she returned to the classroom.

"Zhong Youyou, how did you take the test? You are really the first student in our class in three years. If you have time to open a cram school, maybe you earn more than your Zhong family!"

Zhong Youyou recovered a little and smiled. The group of classmates in Class 19 is still lovely. Although envy and hatred, no one sneered, and no one was sour. They all smiled and congratulated her. In this posture, I'm afraid that if she were a boy, she would have been raised up in the air by these classmates to celebrate.

"Oh, yes, there seemed to be someone who said just now to send a pennant..." someone said.

Here Li Dongping walked in beamingly, holding a pennant in his hand: "Today our class is having double happiness!"

Zhong Xiyou naturally also knew that Zhong Youyou's score was wrong. People from the education group personally came over to change the score and announced that she had taken first place in the city! He flipped through the forum in shock and not knowing what to do, only to see that the forum was about to explode, and hundreds of "I'm really convinced" and "I'm really shocked. Was she hiding her strength before?" and such remarks...

In addition, there is another matter that is also being discussed in full swing.

Those are the pennants sent by the 13th Middle School and three classrooms donated by the parents of a student who Zhong Youyou helped.

What is going on here? Zhong Xiyou was taken aback. He didn't even go to the toilet after class. He kept flipping through the forum, trying to understand what was going on.

Donate classrooms and books to the school. Any donation will appear on the school's official website. Therefore, the photos taken by Tang Tian, ​​Zhong Youyou, and the dean of teaching were uploaded to the latest news on the school's official website in the afternoon.

On the side of Father Zhong, he asked the assistant to pay more attention to the news on Zhong Youyou's side, so after the meeting, the assistant opened the school's official website and handed it to him, and immediately let him know about this series of things.

Before Father Zhong had time to think about the meaning of "first in the city", he couldn't look away just by seeing the top photo. If you donate in the name of Zhong Youyou, can you take pictures with her? Seeing Zhong Youyou smiling in the photo, he only felt as if he had eaten a sour lemon.

And Youyou helped this person's daughter so much, this person donated three classrooms?

Only three rooms?

Too stingy!