
Aegis of Radiant Shadows

In a mysterious world where players wield remarkable powers drawn from cosmic energies, Gyeong Dae, an orphan on a secluded island, grapples with the relentless rhythm of survival. Will he unravel the mysteries connecting him to the celestial tapestry? Or will he perish in the unforgiving dance of fate?

SpiritOfTheBear · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Embers of Destiny

When awareness returned, the orphanage lay in ruins. 

The agony coursed through me as I lay there amidst the wreckage, my body a testament to the brutal dance with the monstrous force that had torn through our haven. Sharp pains radiated from my limbs, each movement sending jolts of discomfort to every corner of my battered form. The once vibrant haven now bore scars of an unforgiving battle. Smoke hung in the air, a haunting specter of the calamity that had befallen us.

My hands, once steady and sure, now trembled as I gingerly assessed the damage. Fingers grazed over gashes and bruises, a tactile exploration of the toll exacted by the malevolent creature. The searing pain in my side bore testament to the force that had thrown me aside, a mere plaything in the hands of a merciless force.

Blood, warm and sticky, adorned my forehead where a vicious collision with the unforgiving ground had left its mark. A throbbing ache pulsed through my skull, a relentless reminder of the merciless blow that had momentarily robbed me of consciousness. Bruises painted a dark tapestry across my skin. As I moved to rise, a sharp pain in my leg protested. The air felt thick with the metallic tang of blood, my own mingling with the collective essence of the shattered village. 

Despite the protestations of my battered body, a surge of determination rippled through me. With gritted teeth, I pushed myself up, the very earth beneath me seeming to quiver in sympathy with my exertion.

The groans of wounded structures echoed in the air, a somber symphony that played out the aftermath of the monster's onslaught. My eyes, blurry with pain, scanned the desolation, searching for signs of life amidst the chaos. 

As I limped through the wreckage, an unspoken oath echoed in my mind - a promise to those who had fallen and those who still clung to the fragile thread of existence. The tendrils of smoke curled upward like mournful spirits, and the weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders.

The scene unfolded before me, a tableau of destruction and despair. Broken structures lay like wounded giants, and the communal fire, once a beacon of warmth and camaraderie, now flickered dimly amidst the remnants of our shattered sanctuary.

The air hung heavy with sorrow as I navigated the wreckage, my movements slow and deliberate amidst the debris of shattered dreams. With each step, my determination solidified, fueled by the echoes of the laughter, the shared stories, and the bonds that had defined our makeshift family. The shadows of the fallen played on the edges of my vision, and a whispered prayer escaped my lips. 

In the dim light, I failed to notice the still form lying in silent repose amid the chaos. My foot caught on a piece of rubble, and I stumbled forward, a sharp cry escaping my lips as I fell to my knees. The world seemed to blur momentarily, and as I tried to regain my balance, my hand unwittingly met the cold, unyielding surface beneath me. Reality struck with brutal force as my fingers grazed the lifeless features of Mi-Young. 

 I recoiled, the impact of the discovery reverberating through my entire being. A gasp caught in my throat, and my heart pounded in my chest like a war drum. Her once vibrant eyes, now dull and vacant, stared into a void that mirrored the hollowness in my chest. Tendrils of her raven-black hair, tinged with the ashen residue of destruction, lay strewn across her lifeless face. The innocence that once danced in her laughter was now silenced by the merciless hands of fate.

A guttural cry escaped my lips, a primal wail that echoed through the desolation. I fell to my knees beside her, my hands trembling as I reached out, hesitant to touch the cold reality that was once warm vitality. The pulse of the village, the heartbeat of our shared existence, extinguished like a flickering candle in the storm.

Grasping at her lifeless form, I clutched her to my chest, as if in denial that the vibrant soul within had been cruelly snuffed out. The grief, raw and visceral, clawed at my insides, threatening to consume me. My heart, now a relentless drumbeat of pain, resonated with the haunting silence that enveloped us. The world, once vibrant with camaraderie, now echoed the hollowness of my shattered soul.

The air itself turned heavy, and the agony of the moment seeped into my bones. My breath caught in jagged intervals as I grappled with the visceral truth of her demise. The air, thick with despair, seemed to constrict around me as her body slipped from my hands. A surge of nausea twisted in my gut, rising like a tempest within me.

Unable to contain the overwhelming torrent of emotions, I stumbled backward, a primal instinct compelling me to distance myself from the stark truth. The taste of bile clawed at the back of my throat, and before I could comprehend what was happening, a guttural sound escaped me. I doubled over, retching uncontrollably as the intensity of the moment overcame me. Each convulsion echoed the upheaval within, the horror of loss, the devastation of our sanctuary, and the cruel reminder of a world that spared no mercy.

Vomiting in the aftermath of this tragedy, I found myself both physically and emotionally emptied. The act itself felt like a grotesque purging, an involuntary response to the shattering of our haven and the heart-wrenching discovery of Mi-Young's lifeless body amidst the ruins.

A profound sadness enveloped me, rendering me motionless for a heartbeat that felt like an eternity. In that suspended moment, I couldn't escape the harsh reality that our sanctuary had crumbled, and with it, the lives we had so precariously stitched together.

My senses still reeling from the horrifying sight of Mi-Young's lifeless form, the stench of charred debris and the echoes of distant wails enveloped the air. Near collapse and in a haze of despair,, my ears strained for any signs of life.

Then, through the grim fog, a feeble groan reached me—a sound that clung to the edge of existence. My gaze darted toward the source, and there, barely alive, lay Miss Ji-yoon. Her eyes, dim and haunted, met mine, conveying a silent understanding of the cataclysmic events that had unfolded.

Beside her, Jin, with a face etched in grim determination, knelt by Miss Ji-yoon's side. He clutched her remaining hand, the one that had escaped the cruel fate of the monster. No words were spoken, but the exchange between them spoke volumes—the unspoken bond of a teacher and a student facing the unfathomable.

Yet, as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of our losses, a realization struck like a bolt of lightning. The monster, the harbinger of our suffering, was not vanquished. It lingered in the shadows, a malevolent force ready to unleash further chaos.

Amidst the debris and devastation, Miss Ji-yoon, her face pale and bloodied, beckoned me closer. Her voice, weakened but resolute, cut through the chaos.

"Gyeong," she rasped, her gaze meeting mine with an intensity that transcended the physical pain she endured. "Take the others. Run. Don't look back."

My eyes widened, grappling with the harsh reality of her words. "But... Miss Ji-yoon, what about—"

"No time," she interrupted, a fleeting wince betraying her pain. "This is my final stand. Protect them, Gyeong. Protect Jin."

I hesitated, a surge of conflicting emotions threatening to overwhelm me.

Miss Ji-yoon's grip tightened on my arm, her eyes locking onto mine. "You're their leader now, Gyeong. Lead them away from here. Survive."

With a nod, I choked back the lump in my throat, mustering the resolve to fulfill her final directive. As I turned to gather the other orphans, her parting words echoed in the air, a haunting reminder of the sacrifices that paved our path forward.

"Go," she urged, a fierce determination masking the pain etched across her face. "And may you find strength in the face of the darkness."

Jin, his face a canvas of muted horror, met my gaze. In those silent seconds, a shared understanding passed between us—the need to protect the fragile lives that remained. With a nod from Jin, we gathered the other surviving orphans, their expressions mirroring the mix of fear and disbelief that clouded our own faces.

As we raced through the ravaged remnants of our once-safe haven, the world became a blur of chaos and devastation. The ground trembled beneath the monstrous footsteps of our pursuer, its grotesque form emerging from the shadows with an otherworldly malevolence.

The monster, a nightmarish creation forged from the darkest recesses of terror, loomed over us with its immense size and jet-black scales that seemed to absorb the feeble light that dared to pierce the gloom. Its eyes glowed with an unholy fire, an inferno that hinted at the destructive power within.

Claws, like grotesque talons, scraped against the ground, leaving trails of destruction in their wake. Each step resonated with a primal dread, a rhythmic drumbeat heralding the imminent danger that pursued us. The air crackled with the ominous promise of an impending clash between survival and annihilation.

Miss Ji-yoon's final stand unfolded behind us, a brave silhouette against the monstrous behemoth. She faced the horror head-on, a lone defender against the encroaching darkness. The echoes of her battle, a symphony of defiance and sacrifice, underscored our desperate escape.

 The weight of her sacrifice pressed on me, the gravity of her words carving an indelible mark on my soul. 

Yet, as we fled, the knowledge lingered like a bitter aftertaste—no sanctuary remained, no haven to shield us from the relentless onslaught of our world plunged into chaos. The monstrous shadow pursued us, its presence a haunting reminder that our tribulations were far from over.

The monstrous shadow, a harrowing silhouette against the moonlit night, drew ever closer, its malevolent presence casting a sinister pall over our fleeing group. Panic was a palpable entity in the air, as our ragtag assembly stumbled through the darkened forest, their hearts pounding in sync with the relentless pursuit of the nightmarish creature.

In the midst of the chaos, I turned to Jin, his eyes wide with fear, and spoke with urgency, "Jin, you're in charge now. Lead them to safety. Don't stop until you're sure we're out of its reach." 

His young face betrayed a mix of terror and determination as he nodded, gripping the hands of the orphans around him.

As the others fled, I couldn't shake the burden of responsibility pressing on my shoulders. The idea of leaving them behind to face the creature alone was unthinkable, yet my own powerless state limited my options. Desperation clawed at my insides, but in that moment, a spark of intuition ignited.

Snatching a handful of rocks from the forest floor, I aimed with quick precision, pelting them at the creature. The monster, enraged by the distraction, shifted its attention to me. My heart pounded, but I maintained my resolve, drawing the creature away from the vulnerable villagers.

Ducking behind trees and using every bit of cover the forest offered, I continued to distract the creature. My strategy wasn't about direct confrontation; it was a dance of evasion, a calculated gamble to buy time for the villagers to escape. The forest became a battleground, each tree a potential shield, and every second stretched into an eternity.

No matter how agile I tried to be, the monster closed the distance with alarming speed. It lunged, and I barely evaded its razor-sharp claws. A searing pain shot through my side as its attack grazed me. The ground met my body with a thud, and I lay there, vulnerable and defenseless.

As the monster loomed over me, death seemed inevitable. 

As the first rays of the rising sun peeked over the distant hills, darkness began to creep at the corners of my vision. 

In that fleeting moment, feeling an inexplicable connection to the celestial energies, I extended my hand towards the growing orb of light. My fingertips, tingling with anticipation, grazed the radiant beams as if reaching for the very essence of the sun.

I closed my eyes, awaiting the final strike. But it never came. 

Instead, an otherworldly voice resonated in my mind.

"Gyeong," it whispered, "you have faced the crucible of survival. Accept the power I offer, and become the player who shapes his destiny."

The world around me blurred, the pain in my side dissipating. In its place, a surge of energy coursed through my veins. My eyes snapped open, and I rose to my feet with newfound strength. 

The monster, momentarily taken aback, roared in frustration.

"Get ready," I muttered to myself, realizing that the battle had just begun. With newfound power coursing through me, I faced the monster head-on.

The forest, once a serene haven, transformed into an arena of conflict. The monster's scales gleamed ominously, reflecting the sun's fiery brilliance. Its eyes, deep pools of darkness, fixated on me as I prepared for the inevitable clash.

I felt a power surge within me, a tangible force that heightened my senses and honed my instincts. The weight of responsibility remained, but now it was accompanied by a newfound confidence. The battleground, bathed in the light of the rising sun, awaited the confrontation between a fledgling player and a formidable adversary.

The monster lunged, its claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. With newfound agility, I dodged the attack, a dance of evasion that echoed through the ancient trees. Solaris's power guided my movements, turning me into a force to be reckoned with.

Taking advantage of a brief respite, I assessed the situation. The remaining villagers were disappearing into the depths of the forest, their panicked footsteps gradually fading. It was a haunting sight—the vulnerable, the innocent, seeking refuge from the impending chaos.

But my attention swiftly returned to the looming threat. The monster roared, its frustration evident, and charged once again. This time, however, I was ready. Channeling the power surging through my entire being, I let out a scream from the depths of my soul and unleashed a burst of energy. A shockwave rippled through the air, blinding the monster with a brilliant light which radiated throughout the entire forest.

The ground beneath the monster trembled as if protesting against the unnatural force. It staggered, momentarily disoriented. A surge of triumph flooded my veins—I had the creature on the back foot.

Seizing the opportunity, I closed the distance between us. Newfound power surging through my fingertips, I struck the monster with a series of calculated blows. Each hit resonated with a force that seemed to defy the laws of nature.

Yet, even as I fought, a realization crept into my consciousness—the monster, formidable as it was, seemed inexhaustible. It endured my onslaught with an unsettling resilience, its scales shimmering in defiance.

I pressed on, determined to find a weakness in its formidable defenses. 

With each calculated strike, I dodged the monster's relentless attacks. However, the creature's resilience was evident—it withstood every blow with unnerving tenacity. A sudden, powerful swipe knocked me back, forcing me to reassess my strategy.

As I stumbled backward, an instinctive command echoed in my mind, summoning a translucent window before my eyes.



Name: Gyeong

Level: 5

Class: Solar Adept

Title: Survivor

Constellation: Solaris

HP: 25

MP: 65

Fatigue: 60


Strength: 18 (D)

Constitution: 15 (D)

Agility: 25 (D)

Intelligence: 22 (D)

Sense: 20 (D)


The information before me appeared as a cryptic puzzle, a tapestry of numbers and acronyms. A Solar Adept, a term unfamiliar to me, hinted at a connection to Solaris, but the intricacies remained elusive. My HP, or health, dangerously low, indicated the fragility of my mortal form, while MP, the source of my magical power, stood relatively intact.

A sense of urgency gripped me as I scrutinized the numerical values assigned to my attributes. Strength, Constitution, Agility, Intelligence, and Sense—they represented facets of my being, each with a corresponding rank.

Strength: 18 (D) – A modest physical prowess, a testament to the trials faced.

Constitution: 15 (D) – Endurance, reflecting the toll of sustained combat.

Agility: 25 (D) – Nimbleness, a dance between survival and evasion.

Intelligence: 22 (D) – Mental acuity, a reservoir of strategic insight.

Sense: 20 (D) – Perception, a guide through the chaos of battle.

The alphanumeric rankings puzzled me. D, C—what did they signify? The levels seemed arbitrary, their meanings veiled in mystery. My available stat points presented an opportunity for growth, a chance to reshape my abilities.


(Available stat points: 3)


The dilemma lay in understanding where these points would be best allocated. Should I enhance my physical strength, fortify my constitution, or prioritize agility for nimble evasions? The puzzle of stats unfolded, a web of interconnected choices.

My skills, both passive and active, added further layers to the enigma.



Passive Skills

-Solar Resilience[3] (Lv. 2)

-Unyielding Will[4] (Lv. 1)

Active Skills

-Solar Flare[5] (Lv. 2)

-Luminous Shield[6] (Lv. 1)


Solar Resilience—did it enhance my ability to endure solar-based attacks? 

Unyielding Will? Was it a testament to mental fortitude? 

The monster lunged forward with a ferocious roar. Its claws, like daggers of obsidian, sliced through the air with predatory precision. Instinctively, I dove to the side, narrowly evading the imminent onslaught.

Time seemed to stretch as I felt the monstrous rush of displaced air graze against my skin. The ground trembled beneath the weight of the creature's assault.

Rolling away, a heartbeat away from the monster's unforgiving claws, I felt the thrill of survival coursing through my veins. The cosmic dance between predator and prey continued, each movement choreographed by the uncertain rhythm of battle.

More information flooded my mind in a matter of seconds about the two active skills, Solar Flare and Luminous Shield. Solar Flare unleashed bursts of solar energy and was what I had unintentionally used earlier, while Luminous Shield provided a protective barrier.


(Available stat points: 3)


The stat points beckoned, promising a semblance of control over my destiny. With a ponderous gaze, I considered my options. I had mere seconds to make a decision.

I deliberated on the attributes essential for survival. Strengthening my physical form, reinforcing my resilience—these seemed like prudent choices. However, agility, a lifeline in the dance of combat, deserved the most attention.



Strength: 18 (D)

Constitution: 18 (D)

Agility: 27 (D)

Intelligence: 22 (D)

Sense: 20 (D)


Surveying the battlefield, I noticed the dense foliage surrounding us—a potential ally in the struggle against the monstrous intruder. With a swift change of tactics, I darted towards the thick canopy, my footsteps muffled by the soft underbrush. The towering trees cast intricate shadows, a dance of light and darkness.

I sprinted between the trunks, relying on the labyrinthine nature of the forest to confound the monster. The creature, momentarily disoriented, thrashed and roared, its colossal form clashing with the resilient vegetation. The forest became my refuge, each tree a potential shield against the monster's relentless pursuit. 

As my fingertips traced the digital confines of the translucent window, I yearned for clarity. The battle raged on, the monster's roars reverberating through the forest. Yet, my quest extended beyond physical prowess. The unlocked abilities beckoned, their potential untapped.

The realization struck—a locked ability, Radiant Surge, held the promise of a decisive strike. But the conditions for its release remained veiled.


Radiant Surge[7] (Locked)


The intricacies of Solaris's powers eluded me. I pondered the conditions for unlocking Radiant Surge, the puzzle demanding a solution.

The battle raged on, the monster's assault unrelenting. 

In the midst of battle, the stat window became a compass, guiding my choices in this dance of attributes and abilities. I adjusted my stats, allocating points strategically to enhance agility, sense, and constitution—the pillars of survival.

Yet, amid the chaos, a plan crystallized. Solar Flare, a calculated distraction; Luminous Shield, a brief reprieve. 

As the cooldown on Solar Flare approached, I tried envisioning the sun. Surprisingly, I could feel its cosmic radiance flowing through my entire being, the feeling intensifying in response to my plea.

Time, however, was a relentless foe. The monster, sensing my hesitation, prepared for another onslaught. My thoughts raced, seeking the key to unlock Radiant Surge.


(Available stat points: 3)


I allocated my remaining stat points to agility, the key to maneuvering against the imminent assault.



Strength: 18 (D)

Constitution: 18 (D)

Agility: 30 (D)

Intelligence: 22 (D)

Sense: 20 (D)


The newfound agility infused me with a renewed sense of purpose. The monster lunged, and Solar Flare surged forth, a dazzling display that momentarily blinded the creature.

The monster, temporarily blinded, thrashed in confusion. This allowed me to distance myself from the impending onslaught. I sprinted, weaving through the battlefield with newfound agility, the monster's claws trailing in my wake.

With the monster's colossal form lunging forward, intent on erasing the distance between us, I summoned the manifestation of Solaris's protective embrace—the Luminous Shield. A luminous cascade, ethereal and radiant, erupted around me, a celestial barrier woven from solar energies. 

The monstrous claws collided with the radiant shield. The luminous barrier quivered but held firm, absorbing the relentless assault with a dazzling defiance. The battlefield quivered with each seismic clash, the luminous shield standing resilient against the creature's relentless assault.

The monster, agitated, circled the luminous barrier, providing a precious window. 

My cosmic reservoir of mana, once flourishing at 65, now dwindled to a critical 20. The vibrant numbers, indicating magical potency, flickered in warning, and the once-bountiful well of solar energy threatened to run dry.

Simultaneously, the insidious toll of the relentless conflict manifested in my fatigue stat, which had now surged to 80, a numerical reflection of the weariness infiltrating both mind and body. The cosmic enhancements, though potent, couldn't stave off the accumulating exhaustion brought about by the dance with the creature of shadows.

The monster's relentless assault intensified, its monstrous claws battering against the radiant shield. As the luminous shield absorbed the ensuing assault, my mind raced. The conditions for Radiant Surge teased the edges of my consciousness. Harnessing the essence of the sun, channeling its energy—a feat requiring time, focus, and an unyielding will.

The luminous barrier, though resilient, began to falter under the unyielding force. As the celestial protection waned, a searing pain lanced through my side—the monster, seizing the opportunity, broke through and struck with ruthless precision.

The force of the blow sent me sprawling, and the numbers on my cosmic canvas plummeted. My HP dwindled to a perilous 5. I lay battered and half-dead, a mere flicker in the overwhelming darkness that loomed.

In the throes of agony, my gaze sought solace in the celestial expanse above. The sun, radiant and unwavering, painted the heavens in hues of gold and amber. As my vision blurred, and the world teetered on the edge of obscurity, an instinctive command echoed in the recesses of my mind.

"Radiant Surge!"

The words resonated like an invocation, a desperate plea to harness the sun's power and unlock the enigmatic ability that lingered within. 

Radiant Surge, the enigmatic power locked within the celestial arsenal, refused to yield to my desperate invocation. The numbers on my cosmic canvas remained stubbornly unchanged, a mocking testament to the limits of my fledgling abilities. Panic clawed at the edges of my consciousness as the monstrous creature gathered momentum, preparing to unleash its final, devastating assault.

The looming darkness, like a predatory shroud, closed in, threatening to snuff out the last vestiges of my consciousness. In the face of imminent doom, fear threatened to overwhelm me. A cold sweat broke across my forehead, and my breaths quickened, each inhale a struggle against the crushing weight of terror. 

Yet, despite the searing pain and exhaustion, an indomitable spirit surged within me, fueled by the desperate need to protect those entrusted to my care. Gritting my teeth, I staggered upright, cold sweat clinging to my skin. Every fiber of my being screamed in protest, yet the children's faces, etched in my memory, propelled me forward.

My gaze locked onto the approaching monster, its monstrous form a grotesque silhouette against the luminous backdrop of the battleground. As it advanced, the ground quivered beneath its massive weight, each step reverberated with an unsettling rhythm, a relentless cadence that heralded the storm of chaos about to descend. 

 A deep breath, laden with the scent of impending battle, filled my lungs. I felt the throb of my heartbeat, a rhythmic drum heralding the charge I was about to undertake.

With renewed determination, I steadied my stance, the cosmic forces swirling around me like an ethereal cloak. 

"Radiant Surge!" 

The command burst forth, not as a desperate plea but a resounding proclamation of defiance. The words, now a battle cry, echoed in the charged air as I lunged headfirst toward the encroaching creature. Every step, an arduous push against my battered body, resonated with the tenacity to survive. 

The creature's eyes glowed with an unholy fervor, fixated on its prey. It charged with blinding speed. Its monstrous limbs, tipped with razor-sharp claws, sliced through the air like scythes of impending doom.