
Adrianette (Discontinued)

When Marinette and Adrian are finally in a relationship, a girl mysteriously appears and looks exactly like Adrian. Will they figure out the mystery on who she is? Read the story to find out!

Julianna18 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
2 Chs

The Girl

Disclaimer: i don't own Miraculous Ladybug or any of the characters except Crystal. Credit to whoever owns it.


Marinette's POV

'I am so late' I thought as i heard my alarm clock go off again. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. As soon as i was almost out the door i heard someone laughing. I turned around and saw my boyfriend Adrian Agreste on the floor laughing his butt off. "What are you laughing at?" I asked. As soon as he stopped laughing he replied "I set your alarm clock so that it goes off 10 minutes early , Sorry I couldn't resist". I didn't reply instead i just walked out the door of Agreste mansion with a laughing Adrian following behind. As soon we got to school I noticed a girl with blonde hair that looked my age sitting on the steps of the school. I decided to walk up to her and introduce myself. "Hi I'm Marinette Du PenChang and the boy behind me is my boyfriend Adrian Agreste." "Hi I'm Crystal and I'm new here" she replied."."Whats your last name?" I asked." I don't actually know, my mother won't tell me," she replied. I said "That's to bad, do you want me to show you around?"." I would like that very much" she eagerly replied. After I showed her around I found out we have the same class. When we got to class Chloe was trying to kiss Adrian again. But before I can do anything Chloe was magically lifted up and dumped on her seat. "Ur welcome" Crystal said then went to the back and sat down at an empty bench. Then the bell rang so we quickly got to our seats. 10 minutes later we ended up having school canceled because the teachers were sick. "Hey guys lets go to my house" Adrian said to our small group of friends. "Um ok" Crystal hesitatingly replied. When the bell rang we followed Adrian to his house.