
Addicted to your taste

“You know it’s better off this way.” “No. I don’t care what you are. I want you, and no one else.” “Please, Graham. We cannot be together anymore. Don’t make this more difficult than it has to be.” “You are making it difficult. I’ve told you time and time again that I don’t care about the dangers of being with you.” “That’s because you still don’t understand what I’m capable of”, the red-haired man says with gritted teeth, his patience running out fast. “You haven’t hurt me yet, and I don’t think you can.” Aiden scoffs. “I shouldn’t have come here.” “But you are here, and we can try to make this work.” The vampire can feel how he starts losing track of the heartbeat that kept him at ease. Thus, he decides it’s better to flee before his instinct takes over his consciousness. Graham’s hurtful gaze triggers hesitation, nonetheless. Aiden is aware that the only way he can carry on with his life is to stay away. And he soon figures out that there’s no better way to keep your distance than being dead. “This won’t work. Do you want to know why?” Millers asks with spite as the color of his irises intensifies. Instead of being afraid by the change in his voice, Larson seems to be in a trance. “Why?” He asks almost unconsciously, letting Aiden’s voice hypnotize him entirely. “Because I don't belong to your world anymore.” --------- Graham Larson is the successful heir of one of the biggest companies in the country. He has never found true love until one drunken night he meets the chef Aiden Millers. Ever since the moment their eyes meet, a sparkle ignites inside them. And when they first kiss, Graham becomes addicted to the taste of Aiden's soft lips. Unfortunately for them, there are more than just one obstacle in their relationship. Graham's parents want him to marry a successful entrepeneur for the sake of the company. On top of that, Aiden has a very dark secret that could put everyone involved in danger: he is a vampire killer. When Graham is forced to either leave the family company or forget about his forbidden relationship, will their love be strong enough to keep them together? Or will Larson give up on his addiction for the chef? And what if it is Aiden's past what will come to haunt them? Can they keep each other alive when numerous vampires want them dead?

KiraVengeance · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Hurried mind

"He's been muttering things about food all day", Larson's employees discuss as quietly as they can, hoping that Graham doesn't overhear that his name has been in everyone's mouths lately.

"I heard that he's started dating someone."

"Could it be that he's planning on preparing her a romantic dinner?" A worker speculates, feeling jealous for not being in the place of Graham's secret lover.

"I don't think so. He doesn't look like the romantic type."

"It didn't look like he'd make time to be in a relationship yet there he is."

"It's just so obvious that he's in love. I bet he'd do anything for her."

"I still wonder who she could be…"

"Alright, let's begin the meeting", Graham states as soon as he enters the conference room, ignorant to the fact that he's just silenced the gossip about him.

The workers only stop talking when he's around, though. During their free time they continue speculating about the very noticeable change in Graham's attitude.

While he has continued to complete his tasks in time and with no distraction, he has a brighter look when talking to other employees.

Fortunately for him, Salvatore Larson has never paid attention to the gossip that spreads every now and then in the company. He believes it's a waste of time and that's why he never listens, even if it has something to do with his family.

After thanking everyone for their attendance, Graham ends the meeting and walks to his car at the parking lot. He's happy to finally leave his office and start his way to the place where he'll meet with Aiden Millers.

The young businessman has spent every free second he's had during the day to find ways to help Aiden with the contest. Last night they agreed that he would prepare ginger pork with tea-smoked bread, along with apple toffee cake.

His mouth waters with just the thought of it. Although it may not be true, he believes that he'd like anything prepared by Aiden.

He arrives at Indigo with high expectations once he's driven through the city's traffic.

Aiden had told him that he would take care of the reservation. After all, it's Friday night, it would have been hard for him to find a free space with just one day of anticipation. That's why Graham is welcomed by the entrance and quickly guided through the restaurant to his table.

Larson has just started reading the menu when a waiter approaches his table to leave the plate of ginger pork and bread in front of him.

"Thank you", he says with a disappointed look. Not because he didn't expect Aiden to give him the food immediately, but because he thought he'd have some sort of interaction with the sous chef.

"Would you like anything else, sir?"

"No, thanks."

With that, Graham Larson is left on his own to enjoy the dish prepared specifically for him.

He's never felt strange nor awkward when being alone because he lacked good friends when growing up. It didn't matter how close he got to a person, their prejudice and rejection of homosexuality would always make him walk away.

Although he really craved for some sort of company during his high school years, he never allowed himself to hang out with anyone who would treat him different after knowing about his sexual preferences.

Instead, Graham was alone all the time, which is why he's grown to enjoy solitude even more than he enjoys being with someone.

"Alright, let's see", he mutters to himself while taking out his phone to take a picture of the plate.

Aiden told him not to take this too seriously, but Graham doesn't really know any other way of taking life. His parents have taught him to take every event he is interested in as if it was the most important thing in the world.

That's why he took the time to listen to some audiobooks of recognized chefs around the globe while working, and he also read plenty of articles online written by critics during the short amount of free time he had. He really wanted to give objective feedback that could actually help Millers pick a recipe for the contest. Otherwise, he would have said phrases like: "This tastes better than the omelet I ate this morning."

He even did some research about the contest's objective, which turns out to be a way of finding an innovative chef that can bring new recipes to the international cuisine. Since he believes that Aiden deserves that global recognition, Larson decided to do everything he can to help.

"The pork looks too plain. It could look better with a thicker sauce on top of it", he writes down on his phone in a blank document.

It's obvious that his comments and observations are ones of a simple customer, but he doesn't care how professional or unprofessional they may be.

After taking his time admiring the dish, Graham takes the first bite.

The taste of ginger prevails over the meat's just a little bit. The bread is slightly burnt on one side and it lacks the flavor of the herbal tea.

Graham purses his lips together, writing down every detail he can think of while also enjoying the meal.

This dish wasn't as delicious as the previous ones he's had at Indigo. However, he doesn't waste time wondering what could be the cause. He simply concludes that Aiden must make some changes to the recipe, not knowing that it was the chef's distracted mind that made it taste and look worse than usual.

"Here's your dessert, sir", the waiter says politely after replacing the empty plate with a new one that contains a small round cake.

"Thank you."

He then proceeds to repeat the ritual he performed with the first dish. When he opens the camera on his phone, he sees through the screen that Aiden Millers is talking with someone at a table nearby, which means that he may finally talk with him in a matter of minutes.

Graham considers for a second taking that picture of Aiden attending a pair of elders with a bright smile. Thinking better of it, he decides to lower the lens and focus on the dessert in front of him.

The red-haired man soon stops by his table, right after ending the conversation with the other customers.

"What's all that?" He asks in a funny tone, peeking over Graham's shoulder to read a little bit of the text he's writing on his phone.

Graham locks the screen immediately, wanting to keep all that information a secret until they can discuss it.

"I'll tell you when I'm done evaluating", he replies jokingly before eating a spoonful of the cake.

This one isn't as poorly prepared as the pork.

"And when will I hear the results of that evaluation, sir?"

"You should answer that question, since you're the busy one."

Aiden's smile fades. He said they would talk about the recipes once his shift finishes yet he won't have time for that.

This cancellation of plans is the reason why he couldn't focus entirely on the dishes he prepared for Graham. It didn't matter how hard he tried, his mind drifted away from the process described in the recipes he wrote himself.

Guilt covers him like the cold air of a freezing winter. He can't spend time with Graham because of a bloody task he has to fulfill under the moonlight.

"I'm sorry, Graham. Something came up and I won't be able to stay after closing the restaurant", he says while keeping his head down and fidgeting with the silver knife that rests on the table.

"Is everything ok?"

"Uh, yes. Everything's fine", Aiden reassures with a weak smile, evading the brown eyes that look at him with curiosity and something else he cannot see. "We can meet tomorrow, though", he adds, ignoring his own mind that screams at him how important it is that he stops talking with Graham as soon as possible.

"Of course", Graham replies without hesitation. He doesn't really care if he has to cancel any other plan, as long as he gets to spend time with Millers. "I don't have to go to the office tomorrow, so I can come here at any time."

Aiden shakes his head, finally finding the bravery he was lacking to look at his guest. It doesn't take it too long to realize that there's a lot of concern inside those chocolate eyes. This worry that Graham feels for him signals that it's already too late to push him away without hurting him.

Still, the younger man can decide how much he can afford to hurt the only friend he's had in a while.

"I'm free around 6 a.m.", he says with no emotion in his voice. Though his body is right there in the restaurant, amongst dozens of people, his mind is too busy thinking about the consequences of the decision he once thought was selfish. After that phrase remains unanswered, Aiden's mind comes back to the certainty of the present. "Let's meet here before the restaurant opens."

Graham notices the change of his voice to a warmer tone by the end of that suggestion. However, he doesn't think it's weird because he understands that Aiden could be busy thinking about all the job he has to do later today.

"Alright, the results of the evaluations will be given early tomorrow."

His playful statement brings back the happiness on Aiden's features in an instant.

"I'm sorry again for today. I should have texted you but couldn't find the opportunity."

"I totally understand", Graham reassures with a nod. "What I don't understand is why you're still wasting your precious time talking to me."

Aiden would love to tell him that any time spent with him isn't a waste. He knows, nevertheless, that he's already caused enough pain, even if Graham hasn't realized yet.