
Across Parallels

The story revolves around an astronaut named Kang Sung-jo who has been working in space for around 15 years for a private space program company named Xpwork Pvt. Ltd. And as one day while everything was going well & the crew was getting back to earth a day later suddenly the space station was approached by a cluster of asteroids because of this disaster the whole space station gets totally destroyed, then Kang Sung-jo ends up seperated by away by his crew during their evacuation process. And gets on an alien planet which is alike to planet Earth & is known as "Zarthix". Where he comes to know about a company which do illegal experiments over the people living over there without the knowledge of the government. Then he & his mates who he met up there in Zarthix together bring this problem in front of the media & law of Zarthix. Total number of episodes: 32 - TO KNOW FURTHER JUST READ THE STORY. Follow the author on Instagram @e_igh_t

E_igh_t · ไซไฟ
34 Chs


" Across Parallels " is a pure work of fiction. The characters, names & places do not signify any person or region of the world & it doesn't have a motive to hurt any sort of human feelings. The story is only for entertainment purposes & it does not support any kind of theft of storyline.

Note: If the story entertained you. Please support the writer by liking & commenting on it. Follow the author on Instagram @e_igh_t