
Across Parallels

The story revolves around an astronaut named Kang Sung-jo who has been working in space for around 15 years for a private space program company named Xpwork Pvt. Ltd. And as one day while everything was going well & the crew was getting back to earth a day later suddenly the space station was approached by a cluster of asteroids because of this disaster the whole space station gets totally destroyed, then Kang Sung-jo ends up seperated by away by his crew during their evacuation process. And gets on an alien planet which is alike to planet Earth & is known as "Zarthix". Where he comes to know about a company which do illegal experiments over the people living over there without the knowledge of the government. Then he & his mates who he met up there in Zarthix together bring this problem in front of the media & law of Zarthix. Total number of episodes: 32 - TO KNOW FURTHER JUST READ THE STORY. Follow the author on Instagram @e_igh_t

E_igh_t · ไซไฟ
34 Chs

Chapter 32

When the scientist saw that message he alerts others about it that Xionic Co. is coming for them. Where on the other side, Alex was talking with higher officials to issue a warrant to arrest Do Yo-gun & his other comrades for illegal biomedical tests on living people & murder of a huge number of Zarthixians. When Alex heard about they are coming looking at others he said.

Alex Lu: Don't be afraid, now his bribed officers also can't do anything because now the case has gone beyond his bounds. And police troops have set off to arrest him.

Kang sung-jo: So, you are saying that after Yo-gun arrest Xionic Co. will be declared officially fallen.

Alex Lu: Yes! It's true. Within a few moments, we will hear that also.

At Xionic Co., because of the pressure & rage Do Yo-gun comes out of the office shouting. Then he takes his space bus & set's off to Scientist's Yo-shin Home during these time the cops landed at their office & started to raid out all the records & made all the process of the company freeze.

And after a few hours, Do Yo-gun gets to Scientist Yo-shin home. He gets out of the bus holding a gun in his hands & kick opens the door of the house in rage & shouts.

Do Yo-gun: All you bastards! Where are you? I'm here as I warned.

But Kang Sung-jo has foreseen these moments because the people at Scientist home were all prepared. They together tackled Do Yo-gun & made him put down his guns & surrender. Then Alex called his comrades & arrested him.

Days later on the television, the reporter Kim Young-so found about Xionic Co. crashing news being reporting over the news.

Over the television, the reporter was announcing like this.

Reporter: Today was the judgement of most sensational Xionic murder case judgement & The Zarthix Supreme Court had decided to imprison the culprit for the rest of their lives in taking their crimes done till now. And killing a large number of people who don't even know anything about this kind of things.

On the other side, Scientist tried his best to sent Kang Sung-jo back home. But due to some reason,s Sung-jo was not able to go back to earth again & he found that his love is in Xarthix & he found his true love in Kim Young-so & he decided to live on that planet itself. And the rest of the people who all were with Kang Sung-jo improved in their own fields. Lee Yoon-sun got a beautiful girlfriend who he met at the hospital while he was admitted during the thug fight held earlier. Alex got a promotion in his job. Then talking about Scientist Yo-shin he continued developing new technologies & he also got someone as a comrade for life the nurse with whom he talked at the hospital. Then the only one left is Yo-gun he was living a hellish life in Central prison of Zarthix.