
Chapter 1 Eons

John Smith's journey through life followed a path that many would consider unremarkable. 

Growing up, he faced the typical trials of adolescence, enduring the sting of bullying and the weight of familial expectations. 

Yet, through sheer determination and resilience, he rose above the challenges that threatened to hold him back.

As he entered adulthood, John found himself carving out a niche for himself in the professional world. With hard work and dedication, he climbed the corporate ladder, steadily ascending to a position of respect and influence. 

His career brought him financial stability and a sense of accomplishment, but there was always a lingering sense of emptiness, a void that even success couldn't fill.

In his quest for fulfillment, John turned his attention to matters of the heart. He longed for companionship, for someone to share his triumphs and tribulations with. 

He dated earnestly, searching for that elusive connection that would make him feel whole. Yet, time and again, his efforts ended in disappointment as relationships faltered and love remained out of reach.

Then, in a single moment of heroism, everything changed. As he crossed the street one ordinary day, John witnessed a young girl stranded in the path of an oncoming truck. 

Without hesitation, he lunged forward, propelled by a primal instinct to protect. The screech of tires, the deafening sound alarmed the people in the street. 

"BANG!"—it all happened in a blur as Truck-kun collided with him, sending him hurtling into the unknown realms of the afterlife.

In that fleeting instant before consciousness slipped away, John's mind was consumed by darkness. 

Yet, amidst the shadowy abyss, he found solace in the knowledge that his final act was one of bravery and selflessness. 

Though his time on Earth had been cut short, his legacy would endure—a testament to the indomitable spirit of a man who dared to stand up for what was right, even in the face of oblivion.

John Smith, a man whose life had been devoid of the tender touch of love, met his end as a virgin, the flame of passion never having been kindled within his heart. 

He drifted into the murky depths of an eternal slumber, oblivious to the passage of time, until he was suddenly jolted awake by the stark, dispassionate tones of an otherworldly voice.

"Congratulations, John Smith," the voice declared, its frigid cadence sending shivers down John's spine.

"A grievous error has occurred due to the negligence of a fatekeeper. Your demise was untimely, a mistake in the grand tapestry of existence. To rectify this oversight, the Eternal Arbiter Nexus has seen fit to bestow upon you a rare and extraordinary opportunity." 

As the words hung heavy in the air, John struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what was being conveyed to him. 

The voice continued, its resonance cold and detached, yet filled with a sense of undeniable authority.

"The 583rd universe now exists under the dominion of the Eternal Arbiter Nexus, and you, John Smith, have been granted the mantle of godhood within its vast expanse. This realm is yours to shape, to govern, to rule as you see fit. The Arbiter's only desire is for you to experience the pinnacle of existence, to live a life of unparalleled fulfillment and joy."

But with the promise of godhood came a dire warning, a caveat that hung over John's newfound power like a dark cloud.

"Know this, John Smith: the fate of the 583rd universe is intrinsically linked to your own. Should it falter and meet its demise, so too shall you perish, your existence forever entwined with the fate of the cosmos you now oversee."

The weight of these words settled heavily upon John's shoulders, the enormity of his newfound responsibilities pressing down upon him like a mountain. 

Yet, amidst the trepidation and uncertainty, there flickered a spark of excitement—a glimmer of hope that perhaps, in this vast and uncharted realm, he might find the fulfillment that had eluded him in his last life.

With a mixture of apprehension and determination, John embarked upon his journey as the divine architect of the 583rd universe, ready to carve out his destiny in the boundless expanse of creation.

"So I'm now a god too?" John Smith asked in the silence that followed.

"DING!" echoed a sound, and a character screen soon danced before him. There were only two lines that followed:

* * *

Host: John Smith

Cultivation Base: Primordial Genesis Realm

* * *

"A little bit short but concise. I like it," John commented as he observed his system screen. He would have wanted to tinker with it more, but a sudden pull came out of nowhere.

"AHHHHHHH!" John couldn't help but scream as he felt like he was falling from a trillion kilometers, thrice the speed of light. The experience lasted only for three breaths, but he felt an eternity in the duration. He would have wanted to complain more if not for the epic beauty that serenaded his view.

He witnessed the birth of stars, the formation of galaxies, and the dance of celestial bodies across the cosmos. It was a breathtaking sight, one that filled him with awe and wonder.

As the sensation of falling subsided, John found himself suspended in the void of space, surrounded by the vast and near limitless expanse of the 583rd universe. 

He felt a connection unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

"This universe and I are one," John whispered, feeling the pulse of energy that flowed through its every atom and molecule. 

He realized that he could perceive every corner of this expansive cosmos, from the swirling nebulae to the bustling civilizations that inhabited distant planets.

With a thought, he could manipulate the very fabric of reality, shaping worlds and guiding the course of civilizations. 

It was a power unlike anything he had ever imagined, and yet, it came with a sobering realization.

"I have the power to create and destroy," John mused, pondering the weight of his newfound abilities. "But with great power comes great responsibility."

He knew that the fate of the 583rd universe now rested in his hands, and he vowed to wield his godlike powers with wisdom and compassion. 

He would strive to nurture life, foster harmony, and ensure the survival of this vast and beautiful cosmos.

"Well, I don't want to die a second time this soon," John chuckled to himself, shaking off the lingering sense of unease. 

With a newfound sense of purpose, he set out to explore his domain and embark on the greatest adventure of his existence.

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