

Natasha was running as fast as her legs could take her. She couldn't let them catch up with her. No,she couldn't let that happen. She'd been running for so long and she was out of breath now. She wanted to rest so bad but she couldn't. She had to keep going. She couldn't let her guard down unless she wanted them to catch up to her. She turned back to see if they were still following her. There was no one there but there was certainly a trap in front of her.

She screamed in pain as the trap clung to her leg. That was when she saw him walk towards her like a predator would towards his prey.

"You've been a very bad girl,Tasha. Why'd you run away,huh? Don't you know that I'll always find you?" He said with his signature smirk.

"Pl..please let me go."

"No can do. You're mine now."
