
Part Twenty-Seven

The battlefield is a scene of chaos and exhaustion. Zara, struggling to stay upright, gasps for air, her breath heavy with pain. Her thoughts race, 'Dammit, when... when did things get so serious.' She grunts, fighting to maintain her balance amid the turmoil.

Azura, his anger unabated, holds Gareth by the neck, blood dripping down his arms. 'Fuck... this bastard,' he thinks furiously, his grip tightening. Gareth, wincing in pain, manages to utter, "You're one strong lady."

Azura's response is swift and harsh. "Fuck you," he growls before delivering a brutal punch into Gareth's stomach. The impact is so severe that Gareth's bracelet activates, teleporting him out of the danger zone for his safety.

Meanwhile, Mira, catching Quinn off-guard, unleashes her fury. 'I finally have her,' she thinks as she starts pummeling Quinn. "You fucking bastard ruined my clothes!" Mira yells, her punches relentless. Quinn's body reaches its limit, triggering her teleportation for safety. As she disappears, she taunts, "Hahahah, you cheap bastard, teaming up on me."

Mira stands, her clothes torn and bloodied, a look of intense anger on her face. Her once immaculate hairstyle is now disheveled and stained with her own blood. The area around her is a testament to the fierce fighting, littered with debris and signs of struggle.

The ones left standing – Azura, Knox, Mira, Orion, Tara, Cassia, Elara, Zara, Rami, Elina and Luna – are all visibly exhausted, their breaths heavy. Azura, however, stands more firmly than the rest, his resolve unwavering despite the chaos.

The tension among the remaining fighters is palpable. Everyone is bruised and battered, the toll of the battle evident on their faces. Elara, usually calm, now shows signs of anger, frustrated that the healers, who were not actively fighting, were targeted and eliminated from the fray.

Luna, standing next to Zara, grunts in pain as she covers her hand over the dagger wounds she has sustained. 'Where the hell are Nyssa and Sera?' she wonders, looking around for any sign of her allies.

Luna, desperately rummaging through her pouch, realizes the direness of their situation. "Shit, I'm all out of potions..." she mutters, her frustration palpable as blood continues to spill from her wounds. Her thoughts drift to Eamon, regretting his selfless act. "Dammit Eamon, why did you take the hit? You could've dodged it and let me get disqualified."

Zara, holding her mouth, tries in vain to suppress a cough but ends up coughing up blood. "Cough cough!" The severity of her condition is clear as she worries about her fluctuating aura. 'Shit... why is my aura acting up now? Dammit, at this point, I'll get disqualified. And where are Sera and Nyssa? Did they end up fighting some other people?'

Orion, breathing heavily, acknowledges the formidable strength of his opponent. "Oh... My god, you're a tough one," he says, struggling to maintain his composure as he faces Azura.

Tara, clutching her wrist in pain, is fraught with concern. 'This is not good, Maeve has all the potions, but Knox got rid of her while we were distracted. Thalia and the others are fighting the rest of class A.' The situation is dire, with their options for recovery rapidly dwindling.

Cassia, lying on the ground, tries to hold back her tears. The pain from her injuries is overwhelming, her thoughts focused on the piercing sensation in her arm where the arrow struck. 'It hurts,' she thinks, trying to muster the strength to keep fighting.

Orion, noticing Cassia's distress, whispers urgently, "Cassia, stop acting like a child and help us out." His plea reflects the desperate need for every able fighter in this dire situation.

Cassia, pouting in frustration, acquiesces. Remaining on the ground, she looks up and raises her arm. A magic circle forms, signaling the onset of a powerful spell. "Boom," she utters, and from her hand, a torrent of flames bursts forth, soaring high into the air. The flames then cascade down like a fiery rain, creating a sea of fire that descends upon everyone in the vicinity.

Everyone, save for Azura, recoils from the inferno, their groans echoing amidst the crackling fire. Azura, however, embraces the flames with a terrifying resolve, stepping forward undaunted. His skin begins to char under the intense heat, but his determination remains unshaken. As he pushes his blue-white hair back, a menacing smile forms on his lips. "You two are fucking dead, especially you, bitch," he declares, his gaze locked on Orion and Cassia.

Azura's clothes start to burn, yet he shows no concern for the fire consuming him. He steps heavily, each footfall creating small craters in the scorched earth, as he charges towards Cassia. Cassia screams in terror, "Ah!!! This crazy ass bitch is after me again!" The fear in her voice is palpable, her instincts screaming to escape the relentless advance of Azura.

Orion, witnessing Azura's approach, grits his teeth and taps into the last reserves of his mana. He enhances his body, aiming to muster enough strength to fend off Azura's assault. He swings his sword at Azura in a desperate attempt to stop him. Azura, however, is unfazed, his body coated in a shimmering aura that deflects the blade's impact. Despite the sword slicing through his knuckles, Azura shatters the weapon and launches a barrage of punches at Orion. The blows are so forceful that they send Orion crashing into a rock, breaking it in half. "That's what you get you—" Azura begins, but his gloating is cut short.

Suddenly, a hand slams into Azura, sending him plummeting into the ground, creating a massive crater upon impact. Azura, caught off guard, grunts in pain. "Who the fuck—" he starts to ask, but is interrupted by the newcomer's voice.

"Azura, you're all fucked up. We'll take it from here, so take a nap," the stranger says, his tone commanding yet concerned. Azura looks up, his eyes narrowing as he sees who it is. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he growls, his frustration evident.

The third-party stands tall, his presence commanding attention. He has striking crimson hair that cascades down his shoulders, contrasting sharply with his piercing emerald eyes. The individual is dressed in a battle-worn academy uniform that speaks of many previous skirmishes. He radiates an aura of confidence and competence, suggesting they are no stranger to the chaos of battle.

Azura snarls with unyielding defiance. "You damn cowards! I won't let you take the win! Let me go, Kyran!" His voice is laced with anger and frustration, unwilling to accept defeat or assistance.

Kyran, undeterred by Azura's protests, presses him further into the crater. "Azura, you have embarrassed our Thunder Academy," Kyran starts, his voice calm yet firm, indicating his disappointment.

Knox, witnessing the scene, steps forward with a scowl. "Oh shut the fuck up, Kyran. We've been fighting more than anyone here. The embarrassment is you all that decided to stay hidden until everyone is exhausted." His accusation is pointed, highlighting the late intervention by Kyran and his allies.

Orion, struggling to get up, is suddenly pushed back down by a foot. He winces in pain as the new arrival speaks. "I'm surprised that guy didn't come with you," she remarks, her foot pressing down on Orion. Her tone is cold and calculating.

Orion, gritting his teeth through the pain, replies, "W-well, unfortunately, he got sick. If he was here, I'm sure we would've won." His voice is a mix of pain and frustration.

The woman, unimpressed, tilts her head and responds dismissively, "As if." She applies more pressure, her foot stabbing into Orion's back painfully, triggering his teleportation away from the battlefield.

This new character, standing tall and imposing, commands attention with her striking appearance. She has vibrant pink hair styled in an elegant yet edgy asymmetrical cut, with one side shorter than the other, giving her a distinct and fierce look. Her piercing pink eyes are sharp and unyielding, reflecting a serious and calculated demeanor.

Adorning her head are unique accessories: a set of sleek, metallic hairpins arranged asymmetrically to complement her hairstyle. They glint in the light, adding to her formidable presence.

The new arrival moves with a composed and confident stride. She approaches Luna, who is glaring at her defiantly. The woman, unphased, crouches down and gently lifts Luna's chin with her finger. "Class B, was it? I'm surprised you attacked Class A. I was worried both of your classes would form an alliance," she remarks, her tone laced with a mix of curiosity and superiority.

Luna, despite her glaring, is internally assessing the situation. 'I have no clue who this woman is. I did sense others around, but they kept moving further away. Dammit, I can't fight her,' she thinks, aware of her current vulnerability. Clenching her bow, she realizes that direct confrontation with her is not an option.

The woman then stands and directs her attention towards Knox, who visibly braces himself. "Suzu, what are you doing?" he asks, his voice carrying a hint of apprehension.

With a smile that doesn't reach her cold pink eyes, Suzu responds, "You already know what I plan to do." Her words are ominous, hinting at an underlying agenda.

Knox, understanding the gravity of the situation, warns, "Professor Reon will get pissed." His concern is evident, indicating the potential repercussions of Suzu's actions.

Suzu's smirk broadens, her pink lips shining in the dim light of the battlefield. "I know," she says nonchalantly, before suddenly stabbing Knox in the stomach with a dagger. As Knox is teleported out for his safety, he casts a last look towards Biana, who is still laying on top of Isadora. "Don't be overconfident against them," he cautions, his warning directed at the remaining fighters.

Suzu, dismissing Knox's statement, casually drops the dagger she used in the attack. Her focus then shifts as Cassia, fueled by anger, tries to catch her off guard. "Fuck you!" Cassia yells, unleashing a powerful pillar of fire towards Suzu.

But Suzu, demonstrating her prowess, effortlessly lifts her hand, conjuring a magic circle. The flames, upon nearing her, abruptly change course, shooting upwards instead. Her control over the magic is precise and effortless, showcasing her strength and skill in battle.

Suzu's attention shifts to Cassia. She wears a sly smile, observing her opponent with a mix of curiosity and condescendence. Stepping closer, Suzu addresses Cassia, "Ah, the flame powerhouse." Her tone is both acknowledging and slightly mocking. "For someone who's gifted with incredible flame power, you sure lack mentality."

Cassia, unfazed by the remark, rolls her eyes and retorts with a mix of defiance and pride, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm still the best, you know." Her confidence remains unshaken despite the challenging circumstances.

Meanwhile, Azura, still trapped under Kyran's hold, struggles fiercely, trying to break free. Kyran, maintaining his firm grip, advises, "Azura, stop it before you hurt yourself. You're too tired to continue fighting." His concern is evident, even as he restrains Azura.

Azura, his teeth gritted in frustration, lashes out, "Oh yeah, yeah, say what you want, you cowardly bitch. Once Zephyr returns with—" His words are cut short as a new arrival makes a graceful entrance.

The newcomer lands from above with an elegance that defies the height from which she fell. Her landing is so effortless and poised that it immediately captures the attention of those around her. This individual possesses a unique and vibrant appearance, her hair a striking shade of lavender, flowing freely in a style that balances whimsy and boldness. Her eyes, a bright teal, sparkle with an energy that reflects her lively personality. Something distinctive about her look is a quirky, colorful bandana tied around her forehead, adding a playful yet daring element to her appearance.

She stands up and twirls around, her smile wide and infectious. "I've dealt with those two already. They were fun, but why is Lyra still talking like a psychopath?" she muses, speaking more to herself than to Azura. As she taps her chin, pondering her own question, she seems to momentarily zone out, her lively demeanor giving away her carefree and unfiltered nature.

I didn't want to write two more chapters of Eamon and the others fighting so skipped it. You guys don't mind, right?

QTVcreators' thoughts