

With a fluid, lightening fast slash Xei Ming disarmed the man infront of him.

For a moment the two stood still glaring at each other, eyes sharp enough to pierce metal before they both burst out laughing.

"You're good." Feng tian with a smirk. "For a kid."

His eyes were twinkling with pride and a bit of an awe, though he would never admit to the latter.

"Yeah. Pretty good for a geeky

college student to be able to beat you"

Xei Ming smirked right back, his eyes twinkling playfully.

"Is that how you talk to your master?" Feng Tian said but he was still smiling.

Xei Ming threw him an indulgent look one would give to children.

Feng Tian signed. "Cheeky bastard. Sould never have taken you in as my student"

That got him another one of those annoying looks.

Feng Tian had been a totally trapped when Xei Ming had enerstly requested to be his apprentice two years ago. He'd seen not the fragile 17 year old boy but an intelligent mind...and a great potential.

He hadn't been able to refuse and he was glad he hadn't because the boy had grown into someone he was proud to call his student.

Xei Ming watched as Feng Tian pulled a black box out of a drawer before handing it to him.

"Happy 20th birthday"

At Xei Ming's questioning look he added. "I know your birthday is a week later but this just feels right. And whenever something feels right-"

"-It usually is" Xei Ming finished for him with smile.

This line was grilled into him from the begining mearly because Feng Tian said it at least once everyday.

"Go on. Open it" he waved an impatient hand at him.

He quickly opened the box and gasped when he saw a beautiful bamboo flute nestled inside it.

It was beautiful in its simplicity. It had no decorations and was well used but he loved it.

"Thank you" He wispered and smiled up at Feng Tian.

" It was my mother's. Thought you might like it"

Xei Ming's eyes widened. He knew that like him, Feng Tian was an orphan but unlike his, Feng Tians parents had died when he was only ten whereelse his had died when he was sixteen so he knew parting with his parents must have been much more difficult and terrifying.

For Feng Tian to gift him with his mother's flute made him feel very grateful and humble.

"Thank you" He wispered.

When he looked up he saw the akward and uncomfortable smile on his master's face. He never was good at taking gratitude.

A sly smile popped up on his face which made Feng Tian lightly hit head before they went back to practice.

After a strenous practice Xei Ming said goodbye and left his masters house.

He hummed happily with his fingers gently holding onto his new flute.

He wondered what he should do today because he didn't want go back to his empty apartment and he felt too restless to stay put so he decided to wander around for a bit.

He was walking aimlessly along the road when he heard a high pitched sweet laugh.

He looked to see a girl across the road crossing the road with her mother who was struggling with her grossary bags.

The girl impatiently bounced to the middle of the road and turned to her mother.

The mother rolled her eyes in


He chuckeled at the sweet mother-daughter pair. He took a step forward to go help when he heard a load screech.

It was a loading truck swaying dangerously as it drove at high speeds. It was headed straight for the girl.

The mother, too shocked didn't move as she stared wide eyed at her baby. By the time she did manage to react it would be too late.

Before he knew it he found himself racing towards the girl.

Pain and suffocation. Something sticky running down his head.

Through a blurry vision he saw the girl with a bloody forehead crying and hugging her hysterical mother.

He saw broken pieces of wood a few meters away from him.

Ah. My flute is broken. Master Feng Tian will be furious.

He thought before everything went black.


"When will little Wenhe awaken?" A male voice asked.

"I don't know. He must have hit his head very hard when he jumped into the river. " a woman's voice.

" I don't want him to suffer like Rui. Maybe we should have let him..."

"He is our child. He will come back to us and live"

Huh? He was not dead? He wanted to get up but found that he couldn't even move his a single finger.

He idly wondered who they were talking about before falling into the welcoming darkess.

They next time he gained conciousness he heard the man's voice.

"Its been two days and still he won't wake up" he sounded worried.

"He will. When his body his ready, he will." The mother spoke but she couldn't hide the uncertinity.

He unwillingly sank into darkness once again.