

The extremely hurtful thing is ruining your own life in the procedure of loving someone from the bottom of your heart and forget about your personality. Afterward, this relationship becomes blissful..

Innocent_Girl_5403 · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs


A boy is sleeping on a king-sized bed, when he gets a call from someone, he gets up and after seeing the call, and he goes to sleep again. Again he gets a call, and now he gets up and picks up the call.

"Hey Kabeer, You are still sleeping. Today we have to go to college early, New students are coming to college today and we have to ragg them," Aneesha said.

"Anu, you know I have no interest in ragging and so on, I woke up because of you. Now I will be ready and come at the same time and the time at which I always come as usual. Do not irritate me, don't call me at this time. Sleep is my first love. I do not like anyone spoiling my sleep in the morning," Kabeer spelled out.

"Kabeer you are talking to me so rudely in the morning, You did not even wish me a good morning with love," Aneesha said.

"Aneesha please call the rest of our friends rather than me. I am not going to come to college so soon, you see only me in the whole world, and every time you keep calling me. Bye," Kabeer spelled out.

Kabeer disconnected the call and so he goes to the restroom for getting ready because he was not sleeping right now. Then he gets ready and comes down to the living room. He wishes good morning to his whole family and he goes to his grandmother and sits down with her. All the young people were talking about themselves and the elders of the house were talking about their business and home

"Listen, children, It's been a long time, since we did not do any puja at our home, so I was thinking of getting the puja done at home next month, I call Pandit ji (priest) and get the auspicious day and time of worship," Kabeer's grandmother demanded.

"Yes mom, do what you think is right," Kabeer's Dad said.

"One most important thing is it is very necessary to have everyone in that worship and No one will make excuses for their work, remember it," Grandma said.

Every member of the family agrees with the grandmother. Kiara wakes up from sleep and comes out of the room, and comes into the living room. First of all, she kisses her mother and after that she goes towards Kabeer and sits on his lap. Kabeer loves his little cutie munchkin very much. They all go for breakfast in the dining room, Kabeer feeds Kiara with his hands, then he eats breakfast himself. Kabeer was getting late to go to college, so he makes Kia sit next to Aditi And leaves for college himself.....

On the other side.....

In 1 bedroom apartment, A beautiful girl, Amaira is getting ready to go to college because today is her first day in college. She gets ready and comes to the kitchen to cook breakfast for herself, then after eating breakfast, she goes to college. Amaira is a very bold and fierce girl because living in the place where she had lived is, was not easy. She had to listen to people's taunts every day and the people of that place were looking at her with very dirty eyes. Her aunt sent her to Bangalore to do graduation. Her aunt considered her as her daughter, she did not want to keep her daughter in this messy place, and that's why she sent her there. Amaira enters the college, all the boys were staring at her because she looked pretty as well as sexy. Going to college, she sees that some senior students are ragging about freshers. When Amaira starts leaving, all the senior students stop her and ask we have never seen you in the college before, if you are a fresher, you will be ragging. Whatever we say, you have to do, you can not say no to that work.

"Excuse me, I won't listen to you anything, and ragging in college is not allowed, so how can you guys do it, I will complain to all of you to the principal," Amaira spoke.

"O hello miss, do not talk to us like this. You are new to this college, you do not know who we are. Our best friend's grandfather is the trustee of this college. What will your complain about us to the authorities, we will expel you from college. You do everything that we are saying," Aneesha told her.

Amaira was not afraid, she just did not want to mess with anyone. She thinks I will listen to them and that I am here to study, I have to become an IPS officer, not fall into all these traps....

"I will do what you say," Amaira told.

"She is afraid of us, she is going to the principal to our complaint. We have to teach her a lesson. O hello miss new girl, the first boy to come from this gate of the college you will have to propose right now," Aneesha said to her friends.

"Let it be Aneesha, now the teachers are also coming, Do not do all this, and If Kabeer finds out that you have used his name to ragging, you know what will happen," Shivam spoke.

"Nothing will happen, just wait and watch. Anyway, Kabeer will come late, So do not take stress about that. I will talk to her, Tell me if you agree with us or not," Aneesha angrily said.

Amaira's POV

I say yes to them, I will complete my dare and afterward I tell the truth to that boy, I do not know who that guy will be, will he agree or not, let me try.

"It is alright, I agree with you," Amaira accepted.

Amaira stops near the entrance gate of the college and after some time, a boy comes there. She goes near to that boy....