
Chapter 24

"talking" (Mc to system) [System]

Ifia was also amazed at the resilience of the short noble, the seemingly indestructible cockroach.


Even after the incident with the little "bird", he had the audacity to personally come and catch her. It must have taken a tremendous amount of determination!


Carefully taking two steps back, Ifia distanced herself from the short noble and his henchmen, avoiding any sudden attacks. Thanks to the encounter with the muscular man at the Black Clinic, she had gained some experience in escaping.


However, no matter how cautious Ifia was, with her small arms and legs, she was no match for the two burly men. So, her only option was to find a way to escape the predicament.


"Wait, I advise you to stop now, or you'll get into big trouble."


Now, she and the short noble have a grudge against each other, which couldn't be easily resolved, she had to use her strength to suppress him!


As long as the short noble dared to lay a finger on her, she would have Amelia wipe out his family later!!!


To make it clear that she meant what she said, Ifia quickly provided an example, "If no one is backing me up, I wouldn't dare to confront you like this, idiot. Don't you understand that now!"


The words Ifia spoke at this moment did serve a purpose.


At least, the burly men who had initially intended to act hesitated. They glanced at the short noble, then back at Ifia, realizing that today's reward might not be worth it.


Normally, they should follow the noble's orders and act directly.


But Ifia had a decent appearance, and even when surrounded, she didn't show a hint of fear. Her confident demeanor indicated that she wasn't an ordinary commoner, she must have someone powerful supporting her!


After all, unlike men, women's most powerful weapons are their appearance and cunning.


Provoking them and subsequently bringing in more formidable characters would be troublesome!


Anyway, the two of them were just temporary henchmen, not slaves kept by nobles. They didn't need to risk their lives for a noble they barely knew.


Thinking about this, the henchmen exchanged glances, looking at each other, the sky, the grass, and insects—anything but Ifia and the short noble. They decided to let the two of them handle their own business for now.


Upon seeing the henchmen temporarily choosing to stand by, Ifia's facial expression remained indifferent, but she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.


It wasn't that she was backing down, the enemies were just too strong, with intimidating muscles all over.


If a punch came her way, she would be done for.


Damn it, this short noble, seeking outside help just because he couldn't win!


"Ifia, don't think you can deceive me. As a commoner who just entered the school, where could you possibly know important figures? I'll set aside the matter for today, but you will pay for your actions. I'll sell you to the lowest-tier underground brothel and let you be pressed by different men all the time!"


Perhaps losing the little "bird" had driven the short noble towards a more twisted path.


His creepy words, combined with his contorted and sinister face, made people's hair stand on end.


Ifia sneered, thinking he could scare her?


"Tsk tsk, if you can take me away from Pulis Academy, then you're impressive. But, it's just a pipe dream!"


Ifia knew that no matter how polite and friendly she acted, she would be directly labeled as a softie without any connections.


Therefore, she let loose, as she felt the urge to curse just by looking at the short noble's face.


However, apart from her, were there really no other people taking this path?


The confrontation with the short noble had been going on for quite some time, and now there was not a single soul in sight…


"Ah, Ifia, I'm going to kill you!"


"Why haven't you taken action yet? I hired you with money not to stand by and watch. Hurry up, tie up this woman and take her away."


The short noble's temper seemed like a powder keg, ready to explode. Seeing the mocking expression on Ifia's face, he couldn't control his loud shouts, resembling a fit of impotent rage.


His visibly pudgy body trembled continuously with each shout, and he was in a state of frenzied anger.


As the henchmen, who had been casually observing the scene, heard the short noble's orders, they couldn't pretend to be background scenery any longer. They approached Ifia slowly, still hesitating in their minds about whether or not to lay hands on this beautiful girl.


(System, help me! I'm about to be captured!)

[Please resolve the crisis on your own, and the system will cheer you on!]





The system was still useless today!


Inside, Ifia cried with a distressed face, while outwardly, she maintained an appearance of calmness as steady as a mountain.


Glancing at the two henchmen with their emotionless expressions, with the intention of buying time, she quickly recalled the exaggerated acting of female villains in TV dramas and decided to give it a shot.


"Heh, are you so eager to be sacrificial lambs? If you protect me, my backer will definitely hold you two accountable afterward. He will surely cast you aside and detach himself from the situation."


Ifia raised her head with arrogance, her eyes filled with disdain. It seemed she was facing not an imminent danger but a group of incompetent bugs.


Simultaneously, a mocking smile played on her lips. If she had a folding fan in hand, she would undoubtedly use it to cover half her face and laugh derisively. Wait a minute, this scene seemed familiar—she had seen it in the short trees before.


However, when Amelia did it, it was delightful, completely unlike the villainous actions that would attract hatred.


Indeed, it still depended on the person?


While Ifia was contemplating, as soon as her words fell, the henchmen stopped as they wished.


Seeing this, Ifia seized the opportunity and continued to sow discord, "Moreover, he's supposed to be a man, yet he has to hire henchmen just to deal with a defenseless weak girl like me. Clearly, he's looking for a scapegoat."


Ifia was gambling.


She was betting that the short noble still had some semblance of foolish pride and wouldn't reveal the news of the demise of his little bird.


As it turned out, she won the bet!


The short noble indeed hadn't spread the news of his situation everywhere.


The two henchmen, after hearing Ifia's counterattack, immediately directed their suspicious gazes toward the short noble. Though they didn't say it explicitly, their expressions clearly agreed with Ifia's words.


For a frail girl like Ifia, they could easily handle her with one hand… Even if this noble looked pale and feeble, dealing with Ifia was a piece of cake.


Could it be true, as the girl in front of them claimed, that the short noble hired them just to take the blame?


"You two idiots, I guarantee it with the Gray family. If anything happens, I'll bear it, and it absolutely won't implicate you!"


The short noble also hadn't expected that the henchmen he hastily hired would be so coward. He gave a malicious glance at Ifia. If it weren't for this despicable person subjecting his precious possession to inhumane kicks, he would have already beaten her black and blue. These two useless lackeys were unnecessary!


The effect of swearing in the name of the family by the short noble was immediate. Although the henchmen were still uneasy, they were prepared to follow the noble's orders… After all, nobles cherished their feathers, and now, with the family oath, it seemed they genuinely wouldn't have to take the blame.


At worst, they would go into hiding after finishing this job.


Before leaving, they still needed to extort some more money.


"Sorry, girl, it's unfortunate that you angered a noble!"


After saying this to Ifia, the henchmen didn't drag things out any longer. Immediately, they approached to arrest her and take her away, eager to leave this place.


When Ifia realized she couldn't delay any longer and the henchmen had been convinced by the short noble, her heart couldn't help but skip a beat.


Was she going to be captured now?




Just when Ifia felt despair, a shrill cat's cry sounded. The familiar and piercing tone brightened Ifia's eyes, and a faint sense of anticipation arose within her.


Sure enough, the next second, the cold and indifferent voice of a woman rang out.


"What do you intend to do to her?"
