

[District-17: New Horizon City]

Around 10 pm, it was raining cats and dogs, showering the whole city with its full might. Thunder God was reminding his very existence to the sinful residents of this city by bombing the sky heavily.

[Old Town's West Wing 2nd street aka 'Red devil Street']

Because of thunder god's proving of own existence and the mighty show of the pouring rain, had given the very long waited peace to this side of the city dwellers, but to their dismay, this peace didn't stay with them much longer.

The very desired peaceful moment of this street which had almost gone extinct earlier was taken away by ear-piercing sirens this time.

'Wwwweeeewwww Wwwweeeewwww...'

Five police cars came hailing sirens notifying the dwellers of the street their arriving. No one had any idea why the police came here as the area belonged to the 'Red Devil Gang'. Almost half of the old town was controlled by the Red Devil Gang, and the street was the Red Devil Gang's den. The police wouldn't dare to come here if anything big didn't happen.

The dwellers of the residence beside the street peeked through the windows to pry what was going on. No civilians wanted to come out at this moment, and the 'Red Devil Gang' members were getting ready to jump on the street upon the signal of their boss.

The police car halted at the end of the street, there was a dark alley. It led to the backdoor of the Red Devil Gang's head office.

The police car's headlight lightened up the dark alley. They had received a 911 call from inside of the head office, the person who called was a high member of the gang.

He couldn't even fully complete the sentence before the call was cut. He was only able to utter, "The leaders are killed, please save... Arghhhh."

The police didn't know what had happened in there, they had many spies inside the gangs, yet they didn't notify any activities about any taking down or extinction of the Red Devil Gang, they thought it might be a prank call. So, they didn't take it seriously at first and let the spy resided in the next building to take a look. When the spy confirmed the situation, they came to the scene immediately.

The police officers came out of the cars, and four of them took the position of guarding the alley entrance, others went toward the backdoor.

Although they had gotten the full report from the spy, they didn't expect the situation would be so cruel. Boss Lorenzo Diego, who was well known for his cruelty and strength, now he was dead. His corpse was sitting down on the ground spreading his legs leaning on the opposite wall of the backdoor entrance. The wall had gotten numerous cracks because of the crash.

The officers came in front of the body, seeing the body they shivered involuntarily. Boss Lorenzo's head was crooked toward his right shoulder, the broken bones of the neck came out piercing meat and the skin, blood had been washed away by the rain, it was clean. The back of the head was also distorted because of the crash. His eyes were wide open, they were looking like he was terrified beyond his imagination before his death.

Seeing this scene, the police officers gulped a mouth full of saliva. They have seen more terrifying scene than this but still, this scene sent a chill through their spine because Boss Lorenzo was himself a dreadful person. The person who killed him in such a way, how much dreadful he might be?

The police officers entered the office, the whole office was in a mess, two more corpses were lying there terrified. All of their bodies were crooked as if twisted like a twig.

"What the hell had happened here!" A police officer exclaimed, he paused and asked the nearby officer who was inquiring something on the walkie talkie, "David, How far is the forensic team?"

"Lieutenant Eric, in five minutes they will arrive," David ended the call and replied while bending to check the dead bodies keenly. He always wanted to become a forensic specialist, his father was in the CSI department, but his result wasn't good enough, so instead of becoming a CSI, he became a police officer.

After five to six minutes later, the forensic team and 5 more police cars arrived, this forensic team that arrived, wasn't usual CSI team, they were called as SCSI (Superb Crime Scene Investigators).

SCSI team started to investigate the scene, after investigating the scene SCSI team leader John Hank, was pondering the situation knitting his brows.

Seeing Hank's state, Lieutenant Eric approached him, "How serious is it?"

"Very serious. The culprit didn't leave any clues. Here look, you know him right? Enzo's all spines were shattered, I can only find one explanation. The culprit punched at his back, I can find only one punch's trace which shattered his all spines. How powerful the punch was! And above all of that Enzo had a defensive superpower. He was known as 'Turtle shield' for his defensive power." Hank flipped the body of Enzo Diego, the nefarious brother of Lorenzo Diego while explaining to Lieutenant Eric.

Hank led Lieutenant Eric outside, "Look at Lorenzo, his neck was crooked like this only form a single snapping. His ribs are almost reduced to powder, his terrified look says that he was facing a monster level superhuman. Here, sniff the odor, he peed on his pant from fear. This time we are dealing with such a terrifying monster. After all, Boss Lorenzo was one of the strongest superhumans in this district. Someone was able to kill him in only one punch and a snap, had done all these things, yet no one from the surroundings hadn't even noticed. I think no one from this district will be able to confront this monster."

Hank explained as clearly as it happened, he had a keen sight and sharp brain. Although he had no superpower, yet everyone would consider him as he was a superhuman who had no superpower. Everyone called him 'Eagle Eye' for his keen sight.

While Hank was explaining the situation to Lieutenant Eric, around 500-600 meters away, a man was observing them standing upon a tall building roof. He was wearing a red mask, so, no one could see his facial expression and could understand what he was thinking, but his deep black eyes were as cold and deep as a bottomless pit, his cold glare could frighten anyone.

Retracting his cold glare, he turned around and opened a teleportation portal and left. Another man was also in the rooftop, it seemed he was an accomplice of the cold masked man. He looked toward the police officers and said with a deep sigh, "You people have no idea what a monster has born today! I am afraid in the future, you people will face the terror and despair of this newborn devil."


On the same date, 30 years ago, It was also raining cats and dogs, the skies were bombarded by thunders.

A thirty yeared man was pacing to and fro in the corridor in nervousness, seeing his nervous appearance a white-haired old man came to him and patted his shoulder, "Akram, don't be so nervous. Everything will be fine. You..."

Before the old man could finish his sentence a newborn's loud crying sound floated out. Akram started to jump in happiness, he rushed toward the labour room, but he couldn't enter the room, the man waited outside impatiently, after some time his mother came out holding a baby boy. Seeing the baby's face Akram' face beamed with joy, he started to laugh like an idiot, tears were flowing out of his eyes.

Akram took the baby in his hands, kissing the baby's forehead he said, "He just looks like his mother, doesn't he?"

Akram's mother was smiling wholeheartedly, "Yes, he is. Look at his face, he is looking like a saint."

Hey guys, I hope you will like the chapter. I am not good at English, so if there are maybe some mistakes, I hope you will point me out.

I will appreciate both negative and positive comment wholeheartedly.

Thank you for reading the chapter. ❤

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