
First Offense

"My name is Hyacinth Thermise and I am a Morrigan-level succubus. You've all heard the list of crimes I have committed, but they don't tell the whole story. In order to explain myself and my behaviour, I need to go back to the beginning, to the night I first met him.

Now, maybe I should explain what the duties of a succubus are for those here who aren't familiar with them." She raised her eyes in appeal to Skelemis, who nodded.

"Please go ahead, Miss Thermise. I, too, am interested."

"Well," said Hyacinth. "A succubus' duty, like that of almost all demons, is to harvest humans of their energy. Many demons harvest fear or envy or the like, but we succubi are experts at the farming of orgone, human sexual energy. Each succubus is given a territory and charged with providing Hell with as much orgone as she can. I'm proud to say that I've been ranked top of my region on three separate occasions."

An impressed murmur from the crowd.

Hyacinth smiled. "Yes. But we all realise how difficult things have become recently, of course. Humans aren't as easy to harvest as they once were. The dreadful state of the upper world has made our, well, more metaphysical fearsomeness less effective. Succubi face similar challenges. There's so much pornography up there now that very few humans have enough unspent orgone to make it worth harvesting them. Their lack of orgone also makes the harvesting process all the more time consuming and, well, tiresome. So when I found him I was more than pleased. I was overjoyed."

Hyacinth turned her eyes from the jury to the bench. "I apologise for referring to the object of my... my crimes by the simple, unadorned pronoun, Your Horror. The truth is I don't wish to involve him in my problems."

Voreus coughed. "The prosecution demands a name be supplied."

Skelemis tapped his chin with a claw. "Is the identity of this human in any way relevant to these accusations against you, Miss Thermise?"

Hyacinth shook her head. "No, Your Horror."

"Very well," sighed Skelemis. "I suppose that if a name is required later the inquisitors will extract it from you. There's no need for us to hold proceedings up in any case. Please continue."

Hyacinth continued. "Well, as I began to say, I'd been forced to roam further and further afield to meet my quota of orgone. So when I felt a new powerful source, a vibrant star-point of energy not far from where I was, I was ecstatic. I flew directly to the human's habitation. There were several other humans living there - I was later to learn they were his family - but the human giving off waves of orgone like a beacon was living in the basement. Uh, a basement is a small room underneath a human habitation used to store unneeded items." Hyacinth sighed. "I was soon to learn how appropriate such a room was as his chosen refuge.

Having taken the form of a shadow, I slipped inside this 'basement' to locate the source of the orgone. I soon found him, fast asleep on a bed. The room about him was in a state of disarray - it was not particular dirty, just disordered. As a lawful-evil being such chaos offended me deeply. I learned later that his room was a mirror of his mental state, which itself was quite disordered. But I'm getting ahead of myself...

There were numerous piles of video-games, comics and also small, cute figurines and posters of smiling characters on the walls. I don't need to explain any of these items, seeing how they're all well-known inventions of the infernal authority designed to corrupt and destroy mankind. The only space clear was around his computer desk, which clearly got a lot of use. Snack wrappers littered the keyboard and I absentmindedly brushed them off into the waste-paper basket beside the desk.

The human himself was a snoring lump fast asleep in the middle of all this chaos. I sensed he was undergoing REM sleep which meant that it was the perfect time to strike. Succubi prefer to harvest our victims while they're dreaming so they don't wake up and become alarmed. We've all heard the horror stories of succubi who were not so careful and ended up with a face full of holy water."

A shudder ran through the court.

"I slid the bedclothes from him. He was lying full on his back. His face, clear to me with my night vision, was not at all unattractive. His features were well-composed, although boyish and somewhat naïve. Fast asleep, his expression was innocently tranquil. It was true that his body could've perhaps afforded to lose a few pounds, but overall I wasn't displeased. Harvesting comes easier when the victim is physically appealing, after all.

The scent of orgone he was giving off was palpable and I began to salivate. I'd seldom encountered such a seething pool of sexual frustration outside of the lucky occasions I'd been able to harvest the energy of a priest, and so I wasted no time.

I stripped him of his pyjama bottoms and brought my hand down onto his dormant member. With a few gentle strokes it stiffened into a delightful length. The appealing smooth firmness and the hot, earthy smell emanating from the human's body excited me further and I felt myself getting wet. I eagerly dipped my head to his lower half and slid his hardness into my mouth. It was strong tasting as the rest of him. The human groaned and I chuckled to myself as I felt the waves of pleasure he was experiencing from being in my mouth.

I slid my tongue along the length and spent particular attention to the area beneath the swollen head. This, I fear, was my first and perhaps most serious mistake.

I had misjudged just how excited he had already become. He gave out a most adorable shuddering moan and then his member was bucking inside my mouth, expelling copious amounts of his seed. I was so surprised I was unable to swallow it all and some drooled from my mouth onto his abdomen.

I cursed my stupidity and inefficiency. I'd been too wrapped up in enjoying the process and had forgotten my duty. Luckily, he hadn't woken and as I scooped the overflow of his semen from the length of his penis onto my fingers and licked them, I noticed he was growing hard again.

This time I made no mistake and straddled him. I moved my hips forward and guiding that delicious hardness into me. As he slid up into me I bit my lip to stop from crying out. Having already ejaculated, he was able to last for a long time. With each thrust I felt the orgone rise back inside him - less, this time, but still far more than I was used to. I was overeager, hungry for more, and I rolled my hips lustily against his until I felt his member grow even harder and then burst hot inside me. At the same moment I reached the point of no return myself. I shuddered as pleasure crashed through me, my own delight made all the stronger by the sexual energy I was drawing from him. Filled to overflowing with both his semen and orgone, I fell back panting.

Remaining on top of him, I drew my fingers across my belly as he went soft inside me. I could feel the warmth of his seed inside me and it excited me further.

He lay there on the bed, his face contorted with pleasure, his body ravaged. I slipped the bedclothes back over him and left. There was no need for me to harvest anyone else that night, since even the left over energy he'd supplied me with meant I'd reached my quota and then some. I was eager to visit him again, to harvest more of that overabundant energy. He would soon have me ranked top in my region again!

And yet... perhaps even then there was something else that drew me to him. His eager enjoyment of my body and his delightful moans had been flattering to my female heart."

"Please, Your Horror," burst out Voreus, laughing nervously. "A heart? Is this blasphemy really necessary?"

"Forgive me, Your Horror," said Hyacinth quickly. "I meant no offence. I fear my speech has perhaps taken on some human peculiarities."

Skelemis nodded. "Very well. Please continue, Miss Thermise, but do take care not to cause undue offence."

Written for a contest. Please consider helping me by giving some power stones?

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