
A Spider's Struggle

Luciel was a normal man with bad luck and a sucky job, or so he thought. His role was much more important than he could ever hope to imagine, go along with him as he explores a universe he once knew and discover whether or not he honors or disgraces the Spider-Man moniker!

SilverVT · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 2: Enter the Web

Chapter 2

Walking into this portal I look around and see shades of blue cascading by at ridiculous speeds, but as I look closer I recognize some of it. I see the attack of the saiyans, the defeat of Maleficent, Tony Stark snapping the infinity gauntlet, Peter Parker defeating the Red Goblin, Batman somehow surviving a crash from space with just his suit. Ok definitely some weird fanfic shit going on here, I continue to walk forward and the images seem to slow down more and more as I walk.

The scenes going back seem to get fuzzier and fuzzier not to the point of being unrecognizable but almost as if I'm watching them on older televisions the color begins to drain from my surroundings, the pictures becoming black and gray and even displaying older styles of art. Am I going to another universe or through time?

Looking back forward I see a bright light, guess this is my stop. I run forward towards the light because no matter what's awaiting me it can't be worst than what I left behind. I really hope I get sent to an easy MCU Alternate Universe. As the light embraces me.


"So you've arrived, did you enjoy taking your time along the scenic route?"

The lights dim down and I can focus my eyesight to see an older gentleman with a very recognizable mustache donning a black suit, tophat, monocle, and a cane in front of me. He has a slight smile on his face as I take in his features, he's by no means remarkable but he seems a bit familiar. I think I know him, actually no I know exactly who this is!


The smile slowly fades from the gentleman's face. His expression turns into one of disappointment as he looks at me. Why do I feel like I just got in trouble with my dad?

"That's because you and I both know that I am in fact not the Monopoly Man KT."

"AH! Uncle Pennybags you can read minds? I guess money really can do anything if you have enough of it!"

Uncle Pennybags looks at me with a deadpan expression that would even make Tatsumi from akame ga kill proud. So is this the part where he tells me to collect 200 dollars as I pass g-


'Oop, guess I went a bit too far. It's still fun to tease him however, I guess Batman fans were truly made in his image. Uncle Pennybags who I quite obviously recognize as the supreme god of the DC universe, The Presence.'

"Finally the respect that I deserve- wait what was that comment about Batman fans? "

"Listen we both know that the God of Plot Armor Batman has easily the most insufferable fanbase in all of comics, regardless I was kinda hoping I was gonna go the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe reincarnation route. No offense but there's a bit too many hypocrites in your multiverse for my liking. I tell the GOD honestly".

"HAHA what did I tell you geezer!" Another voice cuts in and I look towards where I hear it coming from and immediately the tears begin to fall. The face I see is even more recognizable than Uncle Penn- I mean The Presence. The man who single handedly changed my life and gave me the will to survive. Excelsior himself, Stan Lee.


""No young man, but I do appreciate you holding me in such high regard, I was telling Uncle Pennybags over here that you weren't gonna be all edgy and we made a bit of a bet on it. A bet that I won easily, then again I could never lose considering your favorite character is the wise-cracking Peter Parker." "

"Can you please stop calling me Uncle Pennybags the two of you?"

"Nope. Stan and I say simultaneously much to Pennybags dismay."

"So what do we have on our hands here? MCU? Young Justice? Comic Universe? What's my ROB setting?"

"Whoa now don't get ahead of yourself young man. Honestly we shouldn't have even brought you here. Your fate was to simply stay as one of the biggest fans of Spider-Man within your own universe but because I wasn't paying attention the Inheritors somehow bled into your own universe. The only thing I could do to help without overstepping my boundaries was allow the Web of Life to bleed into your location for a while."

"Your universe sits above the web and alongside it the rest of the "fictional" omniverse. You perceive their struggles as media and in return influence the lower omniverses as writers, artists, cosplayers, and even consumers. The heavy stuff aside now that you've been entwined with lower entities you had to leave your universe and as such now you must enter another world."

"So like I originally said, ISEKAI TIME! So what's my hax? A system, power roulette, wishes, what's my leverage here? I ask excitedly. I've dreamt about scenarios like this and I have a million and one loopholes to apply to whatever the stipulations are. It's for this reason I read so many self-insert fanfics, for this one moment."

I see Stan reach inside of his pants pocket and pull out a twenty dollar bill and hand it to Uncle Pennybags who slowly loses the smile he had on his face. Before sighing and shaking his head.

"Well KT, you uh aren't actually getting a choice in what universe you're going to. Or the powers you'll receive upon arrival." Stan Lee tells me embarrassingly.

I look between the two of them in shock, disbelief, betrayal, heart brokenness, and-

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT enough with the dramatics son. Although you won't be able to pick anything yourself on the bright side the details of our earlier bet do ensure that you will receive SOME kind of power. Me personally I wanted to make you a Robin but Stan here insisted that you'd sooner murder Bruce before training with him."

I give him a look, I guess he really doesn't know me. My top 5 isekai shit list is consistent of a few people: Charles Xavier, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Norman Osborn, Albus Dumbledore, and lastly one Mr. Bruce Wayne. Each of them have done more than enough things to earn my ire, specifically Hiruzen, Bruce, Xavier and Dumbledore as they hide their hypocrisy and dark heartedness behind the ruse of the "Greater Good". Norman is just a bit too psychotic and sadistic for me to live in the same universe as him.

As I finish the thought I see both the Gods looking at me in disbelief Stan more so from the details that I recalled as I went through the names and Uncle Pennybags for being so quick to identify people to kill of all things once arriving in any of those universes.

'One thing I've learned from reading/watching the suffering of all these characters is this in the words of many Wuxia MCs, you must pull up weeds by the roots. Leaving loose ends will only bring pain to you and all those you involve yourself with. I have no intention of apologizing either. So with that being said CAN YOU ALL STOP READING MY THOUGHTS FOR JUST A FUCKING SECOND?!?!?!?'

Both of them flinch and look away as if they hadn't been intruding my personal space, you all on the other hand are fine. I honestly need the company, maybe you guys can act as a moral compass to keep me from becoming anything like those people I hate.

So, I speak, "where are you guys sending me?"


When we pulled him from the portal leading to the Master Weaver I expected this but I didn't expect for his soul to be so bright. I wonder if that's because he's [redacted] {please refrain from spoiling the readers Mr Lee} well there goes that idea.

"I can't tell you where you're gonna end up but we hope that with the gifts we WERE able to give you you'll live a fulfilling life in your new home. Also try not to get killed easily like those other reincarnators, there won't be a second chance in your new world's afterlife."

"Wait, what do you mean by second chance? I thought that." Before the young man can continue speaking, The Presence interrupts him.

"You forget that you are from a higher plane of existence young man. The rules of the world you were going to would not have been able to handle your being there despite a lack of power in the grand scheme of things. Think the incursions from Doctor Strange and Multiverse of Madness. Upon arrival the Marvel Multiverse would have immediately collapsed on itself."


'Oh my fucking God, I almost destroyed my favorite universe. It almost feels unrealistic, not in terms of being something scary but it literally doesn't feel real. To think I was important with a lack of powers even seems a bit comic-like.'

"So what happens now? Is there anything else that needs to happen at this point? You already told me I'm not picking any cheats so why am I still here?"

Honestly this revelation has somewhat cleared my mind of anything else, there wasn't much left to say. I'm not going back home so I might as well get into my new life.

The two gods looked at each other and then to me a silent look of understanding. "We simply felt that you deserved some sort of explanation given the suffering you've been through since your birth. You left more than a few people behind, we'd hate to send you to your new world without some time to grieve in a sense despite you're the one who "died". But if you're ready to go now we'll send you on your way." Stan Lee tells me with a pitying look in his eyes.

Although I will miss my friends and my family it's better for me to move on and live a life they'd be happy to see me in. So knowing that I open my mouth and ask for one thing as the lights brighten.

"Can you all make it so-"