
A Siren Tale [BL]

"Star Crossed Lovers thwarted by destiny and human cruelty, If we can only intertwine on the outrealms of dreams and memories, are we really worth it? But I will wait for you... Even if you're a changed person. Even if you're no longer the one I used to know." -Ae Within the frozen waves of the great ancient waters of Galia, Centuries had passed without change. Deep beneath the unforgiving cold, held the prison chambers of the former ruler of the seas, Aegir Eldoris. He looked up upon the shores, helpless and void of freedom, as the seal of Exuvia had held him so tightly. But once he regains his freedom, he must find out what happened all those years ago, to the past that made him lose everything, Even him. Note: Cover Art is done by yours truly. Thank you Status: Dropped, Re-write soon.

Spicy_Chicken2333 · LGBT+
10 Chs


Expanding seemingly endlessly was a sheet of blue, disturbed waters. Colors ranging from deep to clear blue, meeting aesthetically with the translucent icy coast. The deep, unseen depths hid the terrible biting cold.

The usually placid sea was currently erupting in tumult. The natural inhabitants, both penguins and seals huddled and waddled towards the freezing waters as a distant iceberg broke into countless pieces into the waters, melting slowly with an incomparably loud tumble.

Yet at this very moment, a human head popped out of the turbulent waves, seemingly unaffected by the violent push and pull, even more outstandingly bearing the freezing waters. The exquisite face had a look of confusion plastered over.

"That's strange."

A yawn.

"Has it always been this shaky? "

A young male, looking to be in his teens, placed his hand on a nearby iceberg and proceeded to hug it. His bare upper torso touching it in a freezing embrace. His lower half, a scaly, slippery tail which looked a lot like a fish's, swayed lazily with the waves underneath.

The Tail, a soft blue gray color–a feature unique to his race, glistened with the water.  The youth rubbed it, feeling it itch from the small pieces of ice sticking on its soft flesh.

He was clearly not human, but a creature of legends-a mythical siren.

Another loud tumble reared its way and echoed, followed by another round of wheezing from penguins and seals.

Aegir strained his neck to see a clearer view, widening his eyes in fear of missing a thing. His eyes further rounded in surprise- He saw a gigantic squid- a kraken, as humans call it- pushing its head out of an iceberg.

Its lengthy, fleshy body struggled to break free. Terrifying tentacles, with thousands of suctions, slammed open fragments upon fragments of ice. Its yellow skin dotted with orange circles seems to dull a little with every erratic action.

Aegir dove into the waters, his tail drawing elegant arcs as his body swam speedily towards the raging kraken. His long hair swayed madly as he began to go faster and faster.

Finally, when he reached his destination, he popped his head out of the water. Hesitatingly, he called out, "Miyu?"

"Is that you? Let me help." Aegir's voice trembled a little.

The kraken stopped and very rigidly turned his head towards the siren. With both an unfamiliarly hoarse and familiar baritone voice, Miyu opened his mouth with difficulties.


Aegir nodded. "Yes, It's Ae." He sniffed, feeling his throat tighten, eyes turning reddish with unshed tears.

"I'm back."

And with his fists, he smashed open not only the sheets of ice constraining his bestfriend, but also a new journey.

Hello lmao

Spicy_Chicken2333creators' thoughts