
A Series Of Unexpected Life Events

Young adult, kind, bold, and often sleepy, Mey Lin finds out her fathers getting remarried. Suddenly ice cold Lu Wei, Arrogant, Mischievous, and hot Lu might start to change. Note: This book contains Sex, bad words, and such so if you are a younger audience please watch out!

Layla_Roof_ · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Wedding

I couldn't believe it. My dad was getting remarried, I was so excited for him. I was dressed in an amazing dress that showed off my amazing figure, and was preparing for my fathers wedding. I finished my make up and checked up on my father. "Hey father, you look great I'm sure Quain Qing is already waiting, we'd better hurry and head out quickly," I said as I saw my father worried and looking like an utterly and entire mess. Father told me,"Alright I suppose you're right but, I haven't done this in a while how will I know she's the one? I thought your mother was, but now she's gone. What if Qing decides she doesn't want to marry me?" "Father calm down I'm sure she's waiting to walk down the aisle right now so go!" I said as I shoved him out the back doors and ran upstairs to my dads bedroom to tell Mother Qing it's time.

She replied," well I guess it's now or never" as she walked down the stairs, carefully holding some of the huge, white, long dress. The music started as soon as she burst through the doors and onto a white extravagant, carpet. I kept my head low as I walked behind mother Qing, as we approached the few steps I picked up the back of her dress and put it in place.

Then, I quickly went to my area and finally looked up, only to see the most beautiful ocean clear blue eyes I had ever seen. Which belonged to an amazingly handsome strangers body... which was standing next to me on the alter! I quickly looked back down at my feet realizing he had been staring too. After the wedding ended the reception began, father introduced me to Mother Qing formally.

Then Mother Qing said she wanted me to meet someone, then turned around and called the name Lu Wei. Moments later the handsome stranger from the alter appeared. He said,"What can I do for you Auntie Qing?" "Well, Mey Lin I would like you to meet my friends son. She and his father passed away years ago and ever since then I've taken care of him as a son, he'll be moving in with me tomorrow."

I replied,"Hello I'm Mey Lin, my fathers the one that married Mother Qing." "I'm Lu Wei but you can call me Lu," he said and then he waved goodbye to auntie and walked away. I felt a little sad for a moment, that he had barely given me a glance.


For some reason I kept fidgeting nervously, today was the day Mother Qing was moving in along with Lu Wei. Usually I can sleep in until 10:30 a.m. in the morning. But, today I couldn't sleep in because I was too excited I guess it's because it's the first time my dads gotten married since my mom died.

I suddenly heard a knock on my door. "Madam Lin, please wake up Mother Qing, err.. Mother Lin is on her way!" Somehow that reminder got me going, and I jumped out of bed and rushed to take a shower and get dressed. After I finally got finished I laid down on my bed and almost fell asleep once more until I heard a knock on my door. Yes?" I asked. It was my maid Sherry, "Madam, Mother ... Lin is here and your father requests your presence." "Okay I'm heading down now!" I shouted back. For some reason I felt the urge to check my hair again in the mirror. My long, light pink hair was just below my waist and my small bangs were in place. Perfect I thought, now just have to head downstairs.

To my surprise it's just Mother Lin and Father at the dining table, there's is no Lu there. "Hello Mother, hello father, it's wonderful that you have finally moved in." "Yes it is since I have never had a child, me and your father think it would be wonderful for me to spend some time with you. What about tomorrow? Do you have any plans," Mother Lin asked.

I quickly replied," No, not at all what did you have in mind?" I didn't want anything to go wrong with my dads marriage, he's been so happy since he met her and I don't wanna ruin it. "Well I thought the three of us could go mini golfing and then we could have lunch. Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, Lu is busy with his company so he'll be moving in later today," Mother Qing said.

"How wonderful I can't wait to get to know him. I will go now and give you two your privacy," I said.

I walked away and went back to my room to fall asleep again. I was once again disappointed by him, because I was looking forward to getting to know him. He doesn't seem like a bad guy so I was hoping we could be friends, but oh well. I quickly drifted off to sleep....

Hello! It’s bunny layroo here! I hope you like this story so far, it’s the first story I’ve published so I would enjoy some feedback. I update randomly but will try as much as possible. Let me know your thoughts and ways to make the story better, I’m also accepting ideas for the future. Don’t want to keep you toooo long....Bye!!! -Layroo out

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