
A Rogue In Gotham

Deathstroke's former apprentice, William is living in Gotham trying to go to school while working part-time as a bodyguard/goon for the penguin. He is getting tired of the goon life and doesn't know if things will ever change for him. His past is shrouded in mystery until one fateful night he is working for the penguin everything seems to change for him.

TheRealestWangLin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

Ch. 16

[Raven Pov]

Raven looked shaken. She was having a hard time calming herself down.

"Dang, Raven, are you okay?" Damian asked.

"Yeah, Damian, I'm fine." Raven said

"Don't listen to Will, Raven, he doesn't know what he's talking about." Dick said.

The three of them walked out to where everyone was talking.

"It would seem the boy has somehow gotten even stronger; he wasn't even close to being at this level not that long ago." Batman said.

"I fear Red Robin may have been right. I didn't want to admit it to myself. but there might be something wrong with him." Kara said sadly. 

"How could he have healed from those injuries? Wasn't he was supposed to be paraplegic for the rest of his life?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I do not know. His healing factor failed him earlier, but it would seem that is not the case. I am not sure what the issue was." Batman said.

Raven walked up, clutching her head, "Thanks for the save Superman."

Superman winked, "No problem, Raven, I hope you don't take the things he said to heart."

"No, I don't, I lost control as soon as I got near him. It's very likely the same thing happened to him. He's like me you know, as soon as I got near him my father screamed at me to kill him before he grew up." Raven said seriously.

"What do you mean? Are you saying he wasn't fully in control when it happened?" Kara asked.

"Well, I suppose he wouldn't have come flying out completely naked if he was," Raven stated dryly.

Kara laughed and blushed when she said that, remembering him flying out completely naked. "Uh yeah, I guess so, but he still went too far," Kara said.

"My father described him as an infant, which doesn't make much sense to me. Someone needs to teach him how to control the demon and darkness within him." Raven stated seriously.

Batman looked thoughtful and angry at the same time, "He has been keeping too much from us. I haven't been hard enough on him, I will get information from him."

[1 hour later]

[Will Pov]

Will was sitting down, staring at the door, hands cuffed behind his back. He had no idea what was going on. His body was throbbing in a dull and painful way; it was pretty annoying. 

"Ugh, I'm so bored holy shit." He said aloud.

Suddenly, the door opened up, and Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and a strange green man walked into the room with serious expressions on their faces. 

When he saw Wonder Woman, he had to do a double take. "Holy Fucking Shit! How Can A Woman Even Look Like That." He thought to himself.

Will blushed but could not take his eyes off Wonder Woman. He noticed the serious expressions on everyone's face and said, "I take it you aren't here to congratulate me for discovering a demon in your midst."

They all raised an eyebrow at that, and then Will made a break for the door. Superman quickly stepped in front of him and stopped him in his tracks. The hand on Will's shoulder felt like a mountain pressing down on him. 

"Woah, Slow down there, son," Superman said.

"Gak let go of me, I'm still injured." Will groaned.

"Superman, let me deal with him," Batman said.

Will looked over and really began to sweat.

"Shit," Will said as Batman grabbed him and threw him into the wall.

"Batman, what in the world are you doing?" Superman exclaimed as Batman's fist connected with Will's jaw. The punch split Will's lip and a bit of blood rolled down his chin.

"Ow, damn! What the hell, man."

Bruce came back for another punch, but Clark grabbed his arm before he could do anything.

"He's just a child Bruce," Superman said calmly. 

"I'm fucking sick of his bullshit," Bruce said angrily.

"Batman please calm down, the demon must have you under her spell," Will said, cringing up, afraid of being hit again by Batman.

"We are not under some kind of spell, you fool. Raven is not our enemy." Batman said.

Wonder Woman walked up, and she was several inches taller than Will. 

Will blushed again, unable to take his eyes off her eyes off her curves. She was practically naked. "Why did she have to dress like that?" he screamed in his head.

"Man, that's a woman right there," he thought to himself.

Unbeknownst to him, he had completely forgotten what Batman had just said to him or the strange green man watching the altercation calmly at the entrance of the room. All he could see was Wonder Woman. 

"Hello, Earth to Will." Batman snapped his fingers and screamed.

Will tore his eyes away from Wonder Woman with a slightly embarrassed look on his face. 

"Jeez sorry, I have never seen a woman like her I just can't possibly look away from," Will said to Batman.

Wonder Woman merely folded her arms and kept a blank expression on her face. Batman just rolled his eyes, and Superman cracked a bit of a smile.

"This is fucking serious Will, Stop goofing off!" Batman said nearly on the verge of exploding again, the only thing keeping him from beating the piss out of Will was Superman's presence. 

"Why would you attack a young girl so viciously?" Bruce said seriously. "I could tell you were trying to kill Raven, what the fuck is wrong with you."

"So, her name is Raven huh?… Terrible name it should be Crow because that bitch is an omen." As soon as Will said that, Wonder Woman pressed him into the wall with her foot.

"Agh, Shit!" Will screamed.

"Not cool, I was trying to save you and myself from her." Will said. 

Bruce narrowed his eyes, and Wonder Woman pressed her foot into him a bit harder. It was getting hard to breathe for Will. She was way too strong, it felt like he was pressed into the wall by an 18-wheeler.

"Have mercy please, I won't do it again. I felt her aura and thought she was here to kill me. Please, don't hurt me, just throw me in Blackgate." Will choked out.

Wonder Woman looked at Bruce, and he nodded. She pulled her foot off, and Will fell to the floor, gasping for breath. 

"Damn, she's strong." Will said with stars in his eyes. 

"How did you know she was half demon?" Wonder Woman asked 

"Uhmmm, I know demons real well, considering my elder brother is one, my father was one, and I honestly don't really know what I am right now." Will said.

Batman's eyes narrowed, "Why was this not disclosed when we last talked." 

"You didn't ask. Also, all demons must die, I know you said no killing, but they all got to go. So, um sorry, but this Raven has to die." Will said with an absolutely crazed look on his face. 

Bruce took a step back, "What the hell are you talking about, by that logic you would have to be killed, too, since you are also some sort of demon." Bruce said in a grave tone.

"Um, I suppose? I don't know what I am sir, also her mere presence drove my body into a frenzy. It was as if every cell in my body was screaming to kill her, before she kills me. I trust my instincts, sir." Will said. 

A concerned look flashed across Batman's face, then he got that glint in his eye once again. 

"You have two options. You can have the lasso of truth wrapped around you, or Martian Manhunter can look directly into your mind. We need to know what you know, and we need to know it now. I'm not playing around with you anymore." Bruce said.

"Batman, are you sure? He's just a boy, think this through. He didn't know what was going on, I won't hold it against him since nobody was injured." Superman said. 

The Green man with a red X on his chest and dark blue cape finally spoke up. "He doesn't seem to be lying Batman, why do you want inside the boy's mind so bad? It's too invasive, and he just woke up from horrendous injuries. I am not certain we should do this. He's too young, and I can't sense any bad intentions within him. He was just a young boy who was afraid." 

"I will do as Batman asks." Wonder Woman said sternly as she stared Will down like a tiger eyeing its prey.

After dealing with the demon for so long, Will was no longer truly afraid of someone like her. Will let out a laugh that bordered on insanity. "If you want inside my head, by all means, take a peek. Just don't blame me for what happens next. If I were you, I'd choose the lasso." Will said, his eyes narrowing.

"Don't threaten me, boy." Batman said in a cold tone, anger simmering below the surface.

"It's not a threat sir, just be careful. What you find in there might bite you." Will said with a crazed smile on his face.

"J'onn, please take us into the boy's mind. I am tired of this game we are playing." Batman said.

"Alright, since the boy doesn't seem to have a problem with it, we shall do it. However, I do not wish to make a habit of searching through the minds of children." J'onn said in a resigned manner.

"You shouldn't do this, J'onn, it's too invasive. It's not right." Superman said.

Will merely sighed and sat back down on the floor, his hands still cuffed behind his back, "Just get this over with I want to get out of here." He looked over at Wonder Woman with a concerned look on his face, "If she goes in there she might have to deal with the demon, I hope he doesn't try to do anything to her." He thought to himself.

"Alright, then son." Superman said.

"One condition, though, before you go the woman stays out of my head. I fear for her safety if you go too deeply within." He said with a concerned look on his face.

Wonder Woman looked offended when he said that, "Do you think me to be weak, boy."

"No mam, not one bit, but you don't understand what's in there. I fear it may do something horrible to you." Will said with a concerned look on his face.

She merely rolled her eyes, not taking his words seriously. 

"Alright, suit yourself then don't say I didn't warn you though." Will said in a resigned manner.

He closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall in wait.

[Martian Manhunter Pov]

"The boy wasn't lying," he thought to himself. "Perhaps there really was some sort of trap within his mind."

"So much anger and pain within the boy, how is he even standing I can tell his body is in intense pain. He seems to block it out as if it doesn't matter. What a crazy amount of willpower, they don't seem to realize," J'onn thought. 

J'onn walked up and stretched out his green hand onto Will's head, then connected his mind to everyone in the room. As soon as that happened, the four of them were sucked inside.

Suddenly, the four of them were forced into a scene within an old temple. They looked around, stunned at what they saw. They saw a young boy no older than seven crawling his way into a room crying. He was barely recognizable; his body was spattered in blood, and there were horrific-looking raw and red whip marks covering his back. 

A beautiful petite woman in her 20s with pale white skin and long, beautiful brown hair quickly ran to him.

"Oh, Will, it's going to be okay." She said as she picked him up. Blood dripped down her hands as she brought him into the room and sat down with him on what looked to be a couch of some kind. 

They were sitting in what looked to be a living room within the temple. It didn't look very comfortable, but it worked.

Young William pressed his face into the woman's bosom and cried. 

"Shhhhh, it'll be okay, Will, Jesus loves you, I love you. She rocked him back and forth." The scene was absolutely heartbreaking. 

Superman looked over, "What the hell is going on this is horrible." 

"Just watch." J'onn said.

The woman pulled a gold crucifix necklace out of her pocket. "Here Will, I got this for you. Don't ever let your father see it." She said as she hugged him tightly.

Will balled it up and clasped it tightly in his hand.

"I know this necklace. He no longer wears it for some reason." Batman said. 

All of the sudden, a man whose face they couldn't see walked in. He had a dark hood over his head, but you could see his hands. He had the same olive-colored skin Will had. The woman looked terrified and began to shake. 

"Quit coddling the boy, you'll make him weaker than he already is." He said in an angry voice.

"Will, it's going to be fine." She said under her breath as she gently placed him on the ground beside her.

She stood up, "Why do you keep doing this to him? What's the matter with you, he's just a boy." She said defiantly.

"Ugh, you fucking bitch. You really love to mouth off to people you can't afford to offend." He said in a bored voice. 

The man proceeded to slap her so hard that blood flew out of her mouth in a spray of bloody mist, and she fell to the ground, tears falling from her face. 

The man looked thoughtful for a moment, licked his lips, and touched himself. "Mmmmmmm"

He wrapped a fist full of hair around his hand and proceeded to drag her out of the room. She struggled and tried to fight, but it was no use against the man. 

Will silently watched as the woman was dragged off screaming.

He sighed and opened his hand, looking at the gold necklace the woman gave him.

Martian Manhunter looked over at Wonder Woman. She looked absolutely murderous. If looks could kill, then the hooded man would have died a hundred times. 

"Holy shit," Superman said, his hands balled up into fists. 

Suddenly, they heard an evil chuckle, and a handsome but pale boy who looked to be around 13 with black tattoos and bright hideous yellow eyes walked into the room. The boy's eyes had 3 snakelike slits within them making him seem incredibly evil, his eyes burned with a bestial light. 

"So, you can't even handle this much huh? No wonder you are the weakest among us. You are such a momma's boy." The man said, every word he spoke grated on their ears.

The boy licked his lips, and they noticed his teeth had been filed down to shark-like points. 

Will looked horrified, "Please don't do anything to me today, Samuel. Please." He said as more tears began falling down his face. 

Samuel slowly advanced on Will. Will got up to fight, but another voice cut through the room. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Samuel! He's barely hanging on as is." Said a boy who seemed to be slightly older than Samuel. He had scars all over his face and body, his eyes glowed with a disgusting green light. He had a fiery expression on his face and was much bigger than the yellow-eyed boy. 

"Or what, Michael, just let me put the boy out of his fucking misery. He's too weak anyways." Samuel said.

"No, not going to happen, you have to be the most pathetic of our brothers Samuel. You know that right, all you can do is push around a weakling like him who hasn't even awakened. As far as I'm concerned, you're even weaker than him." Michael said nonchalantly.

Samuel clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "I may be weaker than you now, but one day you will let your guard down, and, on that day, I'll fucking kill the both of you." 

"I'll be waiting then. Until then, why don't you do something to me right now, you fucking pussy. You got me all horny for a fight." Michael said.

The man with disgusting yellow eyes snorted and walked off.

"See, you don't have the balls!" Michael screamed at Samuel as he walked away. Will sniffled and held the necklace tight against his chest.

"William, are you good? Do not listen to that fucking creep. Though he's right, you know. You are too weak. You have the best heart among us, but unfortunately, that doesn't matter much here. Either directly kill yourself or get stronger because it only gets worse. Much worse, and I won't always be around to help you." Michael said coldly.

"Holy shit, that was horrible. What kind of advice was that." Superman said.

Suddenly, the scene changed to a room with body parts strewn about. The man with yellow eyes stood over the pale, petite woman from earlier. Blood was all over his body and face. The woman had a resigned look on her face as if she expected this to happen sooner or later. A slightly older William stumbled into the room covered in blood. His injuries were especially bad today. He saw the woman, and the resigned look on her face then simply started crying. When he saw this, the yellow-eyed man laughed his horrendous soul-piercing laugh. The man grabbed the woman by the chin and pressed his foot into her back. He slowly pulled the pale woman's head off of her body with his bare hands. Blood sprayed everywhere, and William fell to the floor. The man kicked her body away like it was a piece of garbage and threw the head at Will. The boy managed to catch it. Once he did, he just stared down at the face of the woman. His tears rolled down his bloody cheeks, onto her beautiful face. 

"Hurry up and awaken for me already, baby bro. Otherwise, you won't be as beneficial to eat as the others. We can't have that now, can we?" Said Samuel with the most vicious smirk they had ever seen. He chuckled evilly and slowly began walking from the room. He looked over and shot a disgusted look at the boy, who was still staring at the woman's face. He walked up and kicked the head from the boy's hands. "Pathetic." He said quietly as he rose to kill the young boy.

A shout rang out, "Let's fucking go, I've been patiently waiting for this day." Michael screamed as he charged in like a feral beast. The two clashed, and blood flew everywhere. They were moving so quickly, their hands like claws, as they ripped each other to shreds. The Yellow-eyed boy reached out and grabbed the Green-eyed man and bit a huge chunk of flesh out of his shoulder. They continued fighting, tearing each other's bodies apart. Loud booms echoed out as William stood up and ran as fast as he could out of the temple.

Suddenly, Martian Manhunter began to lose control inside the boy's mind. The four of them were sucked down through inky black darkness. They fell and fell through the suffocating, inky black darkness. They fell for what felt like an eternity and finally hit the ground. Suddenly, the Black throne appeared in a flash of blood-red light. The air smelled like copper and burned their lungs, breathing it. As the four of them picked themselves up off the ground, they sensed an immensely powerful and evil presence at the center of the world. They all looked around, and corpses were strewn about and covered everything as far as the eye could see.

"I think this is what he meant by be careful poking around in his head," Superman said.

Suddenly, the four of them heard one of the most evil sounds they'd ever heard coming from the black throne. It grated on their souls and caused each one of them to feel fear. It sounded like laughter.

"I think we may have made a huge mistake," Batman said.

Sorry had to fix the chapter.

A special thanks goes out to Enlightened_Rookie and Insanity is life. Man yall made me super happy, thanks for the reviews and spirit stones. I really appreciate the support. I hope you both enjoy the chapter.

Also in case y'all were wondering there will be absolutely no harem. 1 woman only.

TheRealestWangLincreators' thoughts