

A young man creates an imaginary world only to discover that it is a real place that he can visit through his dreams to be with the person he loves.

DaoistSmSj8F · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

CHAPTER 3: Sight of Imagination

As Ben heard her chuckle he threw away his nervousness. He dived inward to meet Nancy face to face.

Ben went spurring deeper into himself, ever inwards into a world of silence, away from physical interruptions. There was no void anymore but there were bright white clouds and a golden sun that lit up the bluest sky that extended forever. This panorama greeted him as he inserted himself into this world he had created from the spur of the moment.

Ben just visualized himself as he appeared on the physical and transferred that image into his inner world, and so he levitated in the air and placed his body onto a cloud. The clouds here were the pavements that one could walk on, and light came from the sun that lay on the horizon casting a reddish hue of dusk into the atmosphere.

Nancy approached him in a beautiful linen dress and silver sandals. The dress was white with small peach flowers embroidered onto it in exquisite detail. She stood before him trying hard to hide her shyness and she twiddled with her fingers.

Ben was delighted and so happy to see her, and he couldn't believe that he was standing before her. She was so beautiful.

"Hi Ben," she said casting quick glances at him and then averting her eyes from his.

"Hi, Nancy."

"Welcome to my world."

"Thank you. I am so glad to be here. I would like so much to shake your hand."

"Go ahead."

He took her hand into his and said "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's not like we are meeting for the first time. We were always together you know," she said.

"It's my first time seeing you like this, in a human body."

Ben would not let go of her hand so she covered her face with her other hand in an effort to hide from his gaze.

"I didn't think I would be so embarrassed," she confessed, "Stop staring already."

"I can't help but stare. You look remarkable. Can I touch your hair?"

"Of course you can."

As Ben was studying her hair she took the opportunity to look at him too. This was indeed her world and she didn't have to imagine anything nor did she have to be in a state of constant concentration in order to maintain the shape and framework of this world like he had to.

If Ben's focus faltered then this world would begin to break apart and to fade into oblivion and that would leave her disembodied inside the void.

Ben being here with her, standing before her in a body surrounded by clouds, a sky, and a sun, was a dream come true and she appreciated the amount of concentration and focus and time he was dedicating for her.

It was not so bad being inside Ben's void. It was all she knew before Ben had begun to turn his attention toward her. She was Ben's Other after all so when he was born she too was born into this place. This was her permanent dwelling place and she could never venture out to walk outside in the physical world.

But she experienced the outside world through him. The thoughts running in Ben's head were a voice that she could clearly hear. So when Ben was searching for answers or solutions to outside problems she could offer pieces of advice to him.

And he would respond to her suggestions either by asking more questions or by following her advice if he deemed it good. There was nothing more to her world but just to simply exist in this space surrounded by the soothing voice of the person she could not see face to face.

But there were those occasions when Ben would stand before a mirror either to comb his hair or to deal with a troublesome pimple. This was the chance she got to see him, to look at his face, to admire his eyes, to dote on his lips, to wonder at his caramel skin, and she knew this was the only face she ever wanted to see.

She was totally in love.

One day, to Nancy's great delight, Ben turned his attention inward to face her, to face the person dwelling inside himself. His great attention brought light into Nancy's home as he searched her out with the sight of his imagination.

That is how their conversations took an interesting turn for Ben recognized her as her own person and respected her individuality. And now that he had created a body for her and a place where she could actually stand, albeit clouds, this was her first time experiencing what it was like to have her own body move where she wanted.

"This won't do," Ben said, "Let me create a garden for you."

Before Nancy could reply the clouds retreated upwards and the ground came up to meet them. The sudden change in scenery made Nancy dizzy so she took a moment to regain her balance and when she looked up she saw herself standing in the midst of a garden filled with a variety of trees, green turf, and various flowers; and there was even a river.

Some trees had fruit in them while others didn't. Others were home to many colorful and cheerful birds. Nancy looked around in wonder to see a myriad of birds take flight in the sky.

Towards the river, there were frogs looking to catch dragonflies. Crystal clear water flowed and carried fallen leaves away. There were bees and butterflies and gnats visiting flowers that were in full bloom.

Nancy felt her blood rush with excitement as the sweet scent of roses invaded her nostrils. She ran to touch the flowers and felt the softness of the petals against her fingers. A breeze blew past her and she could actually feel the chill on her skin. Is this what it felt like to be alive? Is this what the outside world felt like?

A tear of joy rolled down her cheek and she tried to hide it but he had kneeled before her to wipe it from her with his hand.

"Thank you," she wanted to say more to express her appreciation.

"You mean this little garden has moved you to tears?"

"I know to you this is just a mental projection and you rely on imagination to keep yourself here, but it's different for me."

"How so?"

"I feel everything, and I don't have to imagine it," she took his hand, "How does my hand feel to your touch?"

"I imagine it must feel soft," Ben replied.

"See what I mean? The mental body you created for yourself to be here, to represent you, cannot feel touch, cannot pick up the fragrance, and it only relays visual information. The body you made for me belongs in this world and I can experience every sensation you desire me to feel. Thank you that the sun you put in this place is pleasant on my skin and it's not too hot. Thank you that the breeze you see ruffling the leaves is cool and refreshing. Thank you that the flowers have a beautiful fragrance. Thank you that you created all this so that I can enjoy myself here and have the time of my life."

Ben was surprised and he was glad that she had noticed.