
Chapter 1: Family

She had the career she'd always wanted, a boyfriend whom she wanted to marry, and the cutest yorkie in the world. She was happy and contented with her life. Her father though was not someone who would settle for mediocre.

"A job? Is that all you wish for in life? To work under someone the for the rest of your life?", her father said one day over dinner.

"It isn't like that dad, I-"

"Look at your sister, she started 3 business already, and what do you have? A job?"

"It's not a job dad, it's a career," her sister defended her.

'Her businesses aren't even successful,' she thought, but said nothing. She saw no point in criticizing her older sister.

"Besides, she's happy, right sweetie?", her mom always seemed to be on her side, "And that boyfriend of yours is very handsome!"

"But he can't give you the kind of life I can give you, now can he?", her father as direct as ever. "Does he even have savings?"

'No, he does not,' she replied in her head.

"Oh and they've been dating for 5 years now and still no talk about marriage. What a waste. You're already 25 sweetie, not getting any younger."

'Whose side are you on mom?', she never understood her mother. This was why she didn't want to dine with her family, all she got from them was criticism. "What exactly do you want me to do dad?"

"I've told you many times over, start a business with your sister."

She conceded, "So sister, what business should we start?"

"Oh I've always wanted to open a coffee shop!"

"Can you handle all of it? I mean, you still have other businesses to attend to right?"

"It's not a problem, I have a manager in each store so I only need to visit them once in a while."

"Alright, I kinda want to open a coffee shop too actually," she admitted.

"Then it's settled!", her father seemed pleased, "So you will quit your job tomorrow, yes?"

"No, no, no, no, give me around a half a year, I really like my team now and the project we are working on is really good! We're working on building small, sustainable homes," she was always enthusiastic when it comes to her work.

Her dad rolled his eyes.

"Now Henry, your daughter worked very hard for that, good work sweetie."

"Thanks mom," she replied reluctantly. She always felt that her mom did nothing but judge her every move.

Dinner was finally over and she went back to her room. She really wanted to move out but her mother wouldn't allow it. "Why would you want to move out?", her mother had asked in shock, "Dina, you're my daughter and I will take care of you until you get married."

'Mothers words are law,' she thought as she went to sleep.
