12 Not a Chapter

Hello Author here, I'm making this chapter because there are some things that I wanted to talk about with this fic mostly having to do with what to expect in the future.

1. First things first I don't have any really plot important things to happen for about a year or so. But instead of doing a normal time skip I am probably going to 4-5 short stories a chapter in length to bridge the gap. I was also thinking of just releasing all of them on Tuesday.

2. This is a AU Star Wars universe. I like Star Wars but I don't know everything that going on and when it happens. I may pick out some things like villains or plot lines from other cannon and non cannon stories to include. This means that they could also be changed slightly or drastically in timing or scale.

3. Power Scaling is definitely going to be difficult for this story. While I actually have a decent understanding of naruto scaling I definitely don't know the scaling for Jedi and sith. In the end all that I can say is that I'm going to try and make this a fun fic. This means that I might buff or weaken characters (depending on how you scale them) so that the Mc isn't just stomping everyone. We'll be seeing more of this in the next part of the story.

4. You guys are entitled to whatever you want to read. I know some people don't like it but the Mc will be a decently moral person. Not a saint or someone who would go out of their way very far to help everyone, but someone who will help people when he can even if he has to go a little out of his way. Also here I just wanted to say that I'm not the best with making characters and having them interact but I hope to improve with writing Mc and Eve on a team.

5. I kinda wanted to talk about the system in the fic. I'm going to be honest, I don't really like to write systems and I wouldn't have put one in here if I didn't have to. I just needed a excuse for the Mc to be able to learn the ninja skills and have the resources to make things like paper bombs. I didn't want him to get beamed the knowledge because I like the learning process but I also couldn't just throw him in blind or I wouldn't get the really tactical feel of Shinobi battles (or at least those in part 1). So in conclusion the system will still be there but i won't be using it very often in writing.

Finally I wanted to ask you guys a question. Right now I'm thinking of giving the Mc a cool sword or swords from the naruto universe to buy from the shop. I'm kinda leaning towards the dual blades wielded by one of the seven swordsman. But if there are any others you think would go well with his skill set then let me know.

Final thing for real this time, do you guys have any questions you want me to answer? Either about the story or anything else?
