
A night with 'Ella' my hot sis

Matured content 18+ Falling in love is something everyone wished for. A chance to be with the person they love. But for Ella, it wasn't so. SHe fell for someone he shouldn't have. SHe fell for her brother. A feeling that's forbidden. One frowned upon by the society. Keeping it a secret became difficult when he found out her brother isn't truly her blood. Not only that, the love she once thought one sided proved to be more than that.

Okeke_WolfGang · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

The Past

19 years ago

Mark Sullivan was an agent working for the Federal Bureau of Green Nation in the special ops department. He was the team leader of the Alpha team, a captain, an all rounder, good at practically everything. He had a good temperament and was good leader known for his decision making when it comes to unpredictable situations gaining the respect of his teammates and other colleagues. His team consist of a sniper, 2 assault riflemen, a bomber and a medic. They had 100% mission completed never once failed to complete a mission. He was married to a beautiful woman named Anne and had a daughter, Ella.

One day, the boys were out drinking with Mark and his wife who was eight months pregnant together with Ella. They kept laughing, joking around and enjoying a good time. Then all of a sudden, the sound of SMGs and M-16s was heard. Mark immediately jumped pushing his wife and kid on the ground covering them with his body. Unfortunately, the enemies were professionals who were tactically prepared for the mission. They looked like special ops  and were decisive and accurate in their shooting. His teammates tried to run and hide but were shot in the process. 2 had died instantly while the other 2 were gravely injured, even Mark was not exempted sustaining some bullet wound.

The enemy team threw a grenade in order to clear any evident left behind and entered their vehicle driving off. Mark saw the grenade, he stood up with great agility and tried to kick the grenade into the water close to them. He succeeded in kicking it but the bomb didn't go far before it exploded and the force from the explosion hit Mark with force throwing him far, Anne was also blown back but she kept hugging Ella keeping her safe from the ground and explosion.

The ambulance arrived some minutes later, but his teammates who were gravely injured didn't make it. Mark, Anne and Ella were taken to the hospital for further treatment.

A major from the army, with a military doctor walked in.

"Mr. Sullivan, my name is Andrew and with me is Major Robert. I have some bad news to tell you. You were involved in a surprise attack and all your teammates are gone, you are the only one alive. I would advice you not to go back to the field due to your injuries, even if you heal, you might be bedridden if you get this kind of injury again. You wife also was involved but sustained little injury but had a miscarriage, her womb was affect as a result of this. She would never bear child again. I am truly sorry for your loss." Doctor Andrew said.

The major opens a file and showed Mark a paper, "Captain, what happened was an unfortunate thing both for you and the government. We don't know who is behind the attacks so the leaders have come to a conclusion. Captain Mark Sullivan, you are hereby discharged from your service to the government and Nation, you and your family are to be place In witness protection until we find out who is behind the attack. You are to live as a citizen now, your military records and history will be wiped off, your name will be redacted from our server. As of now, you were never once a soldier of this nation. Do you understand captain?

"Yes sir." He responded.

"we thank you for your services to our great nation. See you later Mr. Sullivan." The major said and left the room.

"Your wife is in the next room if you want to see her. But you need to be given physiological evaluation before leaving the hospital." The doctor said while leaving.

Mark look dejected and sighed, 'the military was firm in their decision, no sympathy worth so ever. Well I knew this before joining, there was a probability of this happening but I didn't think it was going to happen this way. My teammates are dead. I need to see my wife and kid.' He stood up and went to the other room.

He saw Anne laying on the bed while cuddling Ella the moment he entered. He was sad, angry and wanted revenge but knew that there is nothing that he could do about it. Anne looked at him, seeing the look in his eyes then burst in tears. Mark moved closer to her and comforted her.

"Babe, we are going to get pass this I promise." He said.

"But….. Our… Baby…" Anne said still crying, "the doctor said I would not be able to carry my child again, my..womb is totally damaged."

"I am still here, aren't I? So is you and Ella. We will get over this and I am not going to ever ever ever leave you ever again. You and Ella are my world and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything had happen to either of you." Mark said and kissed her forehead which made her a little calm.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Anne asked.

"Well as of now, I have been decommissioned and we are going to be placed in witness protection. So we'll see how things goes from there." Mark assured her.

A doctor came in and greeted, "Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Sullivan. You are free to go but make sure you check the psychologist before leaving the hospital on the military orders. Well the good news is that your daughter, Ella, would not be able to remember what happened today. She was shock which suppressed the memory of this event. And concerning your unborn child, have you considered adopting?"

Anne looked at Mark and saw him looking concerned, she was traumatized but he didn't think she was ready to be a mother. "Thank you doctor, we'd consider that." Anne said nodding.

The doctor said, "You are in luck. There was a new born baby boy who was abandoned and had been brought in for treatment a week ago. Furthermore, he has the same color of hair. What do you think?" the doctor said hopeful.

"Can we see him?" Anne said to the doctor.