
A New Challenger Approaches

No way home? Maybe so. But one Uzumaki Naruto doesn't believe that. This world is strange, filled with interesting people and things, but no matter where you are one thing never changes; with a strong will anything is possible. A few clones never hurt either...

X3nr0x_Starfield · วิดีโอเกม
42 Chs

The Devil You Know 2...

Chapter 32.5 - The Devil You Know 2...

Cammy wasn't even going to try and get close to Sagat before the fight even started. Make him chase after her. Force him to try and press her, and retaliate violently in return. No room for mistakes. His legs and arms had to be twice as long as hers.

Either way she stood there in her stance, a good length of field away from her imposing enemy, just waiting for the sign to go.

Likewise for Sagat, but his mind was currently elsewhere. All it took to get the chance that he wanted was one girl. Take her freedom or her life. Those were the only avenues of success for the mission given to him. But could he do it? Was he really willing to do so?

"It's time for the first quarterfinal bout! Cammy vs. Sagat: fight!"

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he hardly noticed that Cammy was fast to make the first move, dashing at him so quickly that he mistimed when she would get close enough that he could land a sure-fire attack on her, "K̄hèā Seụ̄x (Tiger Knee)!"

With great explosive force that chipped away at the brick beneath him, Sagat launched himself forward swiftly, jumping at Cammy and leading with his knee. He launched it from too far out and she utilized a swift corkscrew kick that allowed her to glide just over the ground underneath him to avoid being hit, "Spiral Arrow!" Her feet back beneath her quickly, Cammy had Sagat's back after his miss.

Knowing that she would try a sudden move from behind, the moment Sagat's feet touched the ground from his Tiger Knee attempt, he turned around and lashed out with a long leg in a low sweep, but Cammy just flipped over him, flying like a cannonball to speed up her arc before landing and swinging both of her legs out in a sweep of her own.

Sagat drew a leg up to keep Cammy from taking it and was then forced to block a stiff, hard punch that came immediately after her attempt to take his base out. He lashed out with a leg in a front kick, but growled in annoyance when Cammy merely cartwheeled out of the way. What was she, a fighter or a gymnast?

Her evasive actions put Cammy far back out of his range when she stopped in a crouch, facing in Sagat's direction as she blankly stared him down like a predatory cat. If she had a tail it probably would have been waving behind her in anticipation. While her face were blank, the brightness in her blue eyes danced excitedly.

Yes, this was a 'Doll' but she wasn't a doll. That title couldn't apply to her anymore. A doll wouldn't feel excitement or trepidation of suffering injury.

And once again Sagat was against himself. Could he really do this? If he really could put her back under Bison's control with a phrase, would he do so? No one would know what he had done. The cameras couldn't pick up anything he said that closely. The only person in the world that would know would be him, he would lose no honor because of it.

But still, he would know what he had done.

Then again, what would it matter if he wound up placing Cammy back in Shadaloo's clutches? He wouldn't even be around long enough to face what he had done. The moment the tournament ended and he finished his rematch with Ryu he would quit and never look back at that portion of his past.

Shoving it to the back of his mind once again he pushed both fists out in a sudden punch that fired a yellow crescent of burning energy at Cammy, "Ying Seụ̄x (Tiger Shot)!" He wasn't expecting it to hit her, and it didn't. She was quick, that much was certain as she shot forward and slid underneath his ki blast as if it were a death limbo.

Planting her hands forward out of her slide, Cammy tried to flip forward into an attempt to wrap her legs around Sagat's head to drag him down skull-first into the ground. She wasn't long enough to pull this off however, and only wound up wrapping her legs around his waist. When she flipped up to gain momentum to drag him back down she merely came face-to-face with the unamused, bald, and eyepatch-clad visage of Sagat.

Sagat plucked her up by the back of her leotard and pulled her off of him before slamming his knee into her torso twice and kicking her away intensely. The crowd 'oohed' at how brutal the simple motions were. There was nothing grandiose or complex. His moves were simple and vicious.

The scar-cheeked blonde girl hit the ground in a heap and whimpered a bit while holding just beneath her breasts where Sagat aimed and hit her with his knee attacks. It hurt, and it made it harder for her to breathe at least for the meantime. It wasn't like Sagat would let her take a rest until she got her breath back either.

He walked toward her, not rushing but merely moving at a deliberate and thoughtful pace. He wasn't going to outquick Cammy if he chose to try and play that game with her. He could keep up with what she did, but trying to match her pace would not work for him. It wasn't his style.

When she tried another avenue of attack, faking to two sides before coming back with a sudden hopping spin behind a back elbow/backfist combination-, "Axle Spin Knuckle!" -Sagat merely timed her coming in and delivered what looked like a very mean-spirited rabbit punch right to her neck and the base of her spine.

Such a dangerous move could have killed her, and it sent her tumbling forward in a violent roll that deposited her on the brick ground in a heap once more.

'Death is a better fate than not having your freedom at all little one.' He thought to himself as he turned away to leave. People didn't stand up from such vital punches to important areas. It was why such things were forbidden in most martial arts tournaments. But this wasn't a regular tourney, it was regulated street fighting, and the only rules were that it had to be one-on-one, nothing else.

The hushed silence of the crowd soon turned into excited chattering and relived applause, and Sagat turned back around to see Cammy picking herself up again and holding her neck as she did so. Her hat was gone from her head due to the impact of the punch and her hit against the ground.

Ugh, of course. This was a Doll. These little ladies were extremely hard to kill. But there really was something wrong with Cammy, because she was clearly registering everything that had been done to her. She could feel the pain and she was showing it.

"I won't ever give up." Cammy said, standing back in her stance as she prepared to continue, "You can do as you like to me, but if you really aren't prepared to do what you must to win you won't succeed. All I need is one opening and I'll never let up again. I swear it."

Tough talk despite what he had just done to her. She hadn't been able to touch him despite several occasions where she had a good opening. What made her think she could do it now?

He watched her carefully when she started to move again. She took five steps forward to get a feel for her adjusted body mechanics after taking a heavy blow before tearing into her deceptive movements again. Lunges and side to side fake-outs were all designed to get her close to Sagat, but all he had to do was keep one eye on her and he'd be ready for anything that she tried.

Though he didn't expect her to launch a ninja throwing knife directly at his face.

During her moves to try and fool him into wrongly guessing where she was going, Cammy subtly drew the weapon from within her gauntlet that she had pilfered from Naruto's supply pouch while he had been talking to her before the match began. Anyone that tried to run at Sagat hoping to beat him into submission with just their hands and feet could label themselves the retarded idealist. It would be nice to do, but simply wasn't going to happen.

Thus she threw a kunai right at his face.

Barely leaning out of the way of the attack that he never saw coming, Sagat's lack of dual vision almost cost him dearly when he caught Cammy flying through the air at him with one leg enhanced with weak yellow ki fully extended like a javelin for a driving kick, "Cannon Strike!"

Sagat caught her kick using both of her large hands and slid back along the ground twenty feet before his heels dug into the brick and he stopped himself. With a concerted yell of effort he hurled Cammy back and away from him, looking at both of his taped hands that were slightly singed, bruised, and beaten up from catching her.

She tried to take advantage of the massive blindspot that turning his head created due to his missing right eye. Had he not been used to opponents trying to do the same thing to him ever since that eye had been gouged out, he wouldn't have been prepared to guard at his right side where he was open.

His one visible eye was bloodshot and angry that she would have the audacity to try and do such a thing to him, and his veins were visible all throughout his heavily muscled frame. She had so brazenly attempted to use a handicap of such magnitude against him with outright trickery. How was that for an even playing field? Well he could do the exact same kind of thing to her if he wanted to.

Anger. Humiliation. Impatience.

The same emotions that drove him to Shadaloo's clutches after his resounding defeat to Ryu's Shoryuuken in the past stirred within him again at the thought of being defeated by this little girl. Another embarrassing defeat on the grandest stage of them all. It simply made him boil over in frustration.

He opened his mouth and blindly blurted out his next words angrily before he even realized what he had said, "Shadow Law Zero: Killer Bee!"

Sagat instantly wished that he hadn't said what he had just done, but in his anger to get even with his female opponent's actions against him he had not only uttered but had yelled out her sleeper command.

Cammy only stared at him the same as before. She didn't stand at attention nor defer to him as a superior. She remained looking ready to fight. It didn't work on her. Maybe she was just waiting on an order to act? He'd seen the Dolls in the past stand as still as statues for hours until they were given a running command to do something, even when it came to eating or sleeping.

"Killer Bee?" She didn't seem to react to the name when Sagat said it, but when he opened his mouth again he found that Cammy had moved in a blur toward him again. Did she get even faster?

"Spiral Arrow!"

Yes she got faster. Significantly faster. Because Sagat hadn't even had enough time to get his arms fully into place to block her corkscrew kick, allowing her to kick straight through his half-complete guard and spike him with her boots straight in the stomach.

Blood flew from his mouth as he felt himself be hurled backwards by the sudden surprise attack. It felt like he had been hit with a wrecking ball.


From where he had been watching with his friends, Naruto's jaw went slack after seeing Cammy's attack land on Sagat. One minute he had been indistinguishably yelling something at her and the next she had kicked him with the same amount of force that he hadn't seen out of her since early that year. He thought that he had seen purple energy around her legs and a discharge of it upon contact as well, "She… did it?"

That was it. It wasn't the Spiral Arrow she had been using since she started living with him. That was the one he had deemed the original. The one that put the fear of Kami in him that it would crush his ribs and punch through his chest back when he had faced her the first time

"Did what kinderstuff?" Ken asked, actually letting out a whistle at how far Cammy managed to kick Sagat, "That's far. I only thought Chun-Li had that kind of power in her legs." Chun-Li heard him and let out a challenging 'humph' while giving one audible slap to a thigh.

"No, that's what I was telling you about." Naruto said, pointing down to the courtyard, "That's Cam's power! That's what she could do back when she was a Doll, the way I kept telling everybody!" On cue Cammy didn't let Sagat get to his feet free of charge and went right back in to go to work, "Don't you see that? She's faster, she's stronger, and-."

"And her tactics are going to be a lot more violent now." Ryu finished in Naruto's place, picking up what the youngster was putting down, "She can beat Sagat." He said, fully confident of her chances, "Right here, right now. She can win if he isn't aware of just how dangerous she is. That is, if Naruto has been right this entire time about her talent." All of them turned to him as if waiting on him to talk again, "How good was she before her amnesia?"

How good was she? Their first fight ended in a draw and the only reason he didn't get a chance to go for the kill more than he did was because he withdrew from the fight to protect Ibuki and Karin. The second time they met and worked together this time she for all intents and purposes blitzed Bison down and broke his neck. That should have been one of the countless times that someone killed Bison that day, but just like all of the other times it didn't stop the show for good.

After recanting that fact to everyone there, their interest in the battle skyrocketed and everyone had eyes on. But Naruto didn't care about anything like that. He was just excited that she had managed to turn things around. She had the former number one consensus fighter in the world on the damn ropes and didn't seem to be letting up a bit, "Get him Cam! You've got this!"


From where Sasuke was sitting, this girl was incredible. This was what Naruto had lying around in his apartment all day every day? She was a sawn-off little murderer of a fighter. Was he sparring with that every day too? If so it was potentially reminiscent to how violent his encounters with Gen were getting these days.

But Sagat was what intrigued him. From where he was sitting no one had eyes sharper than an Uchiha, and right before the relentless onslaught of the petite blonde beauty he saw Sagat's mouth move. The ability to read lips was a byproduct of what the Sharingan could do for you and he could swear that he saw that man say 'Shadow Law Zero: Killer Bee'.

What the hell was that about and what did it mean? Well as long as it didn't involve him he didn't give two craps about it. Why would he care? Cammy wasn't his friend or comrade except for the one time, and this only meant stronger possible competition for him later. Right then he had a fight to watch and it was a good one.


'She fights like a demon!' Sagat thought, as he was back up, blood trailing from his lip, and Cammy was in full assault mode. Punches were coming faster than any normal human being could keep up with. With Guile, his attempt to get close to Sagat failed in the end because he lacked the speed for an action so brazen, but Cammy had nothing to worry about in that regard.

She made Guile look like a turtle in comparison, and her reflexes were razor sharp. She was also significantly smaller than Guile, allowing her to tie up Sagat's arms and legs with their proximity better than the air force major ever could have with his own size.

Tiny fists seemed to be hitting far more than just his arms. Sagat felt her strike at his sides, trying to damage his kidneys because she couldn't gain access to his actual vitals. Those knuckled gauntlets of hers were absolutely nasty in how they would dig into the flesh of what they hit. He couldn't even extend his limbs to hit back he was being pressured so heavily. There was no let up in this girl.

Well it looked like he would have to take a few to land a few in this instance. A sacrifice he was willing to make if she was going to keep crowding him, and he'd take whatever he had to in order to avoid being hit with another Spiral Arrow. The next one hitting him as well as the first might have punched a hole straight through him like a drill. Moving his arms away from protecting him he surmised that she must have punched him with both arms twelve times in all before he grabbed her by the arm and turned before hurling her overhead.

She was more or less slammed on the ground but she studiously spaced the damage out and immediately bounced back up from her back to be on her feet again.

"Ying Seụ̄x (Tiger Shot)!" He fired a low burning crescent of energy at her that ripped away part of the ground as it flew because it was so close to floor-level. But after hitting the brick too much it seemed to break apart and snake away in four different smaller crescents all aimed her way to convene on Cammy's position. There would be no nimble dodges to the side for this one, 'Jump. Jump! Jump damn you!'

Ask and ye shall receive.

Cammy knew the score, she knew what situation she was in, and she had to take a calculated risk that no matter what Sagat was suckering her into she'd have a better chance of surviving it than being hit with four consecutive Tiger Shots.

Thus she took to the air in a quick leap that had her above Sagat and on the way down before anyone in the audience was aware of it, eyes attracted to the flashy death blast of the Tiger Shots that exploded together in fire as if a series of grenades had gone off.

Another Cannon Strike from Cammy, he could see it. Sagat's scar burned red in anger at this girl's hidden potential, and covered in a strong aura of yellow he flung himself into the air to meet her. He smashed a knee against her kick. The resulting clash propelled him back at the ground but kept her in the air, spiraling out of control of her own body. Sagat's feet touched the ground and he rocketed up leading with his large taped fist that smashed into Cammy's back.

He knocked her into the air again, but his anger and desire to not lose wouldn't be sated with just landing one uppercut, "Thảlāy Seụ̄x (Tiger Destruction)!" Like a rocket he shot himself back into the air, leading with his fist again, only it was yellow hot, eventually catching fire before it punched Cammy again. The move topped out and he flipped through his final shot before kicking Cammy away.

There was no thud, not for a while at least. She flew through the air until her body impacted off of the high temporary walls that had been set up to keep the action from reaching the viewing public. Her body deeply dented the metal that comprised the structure.

From how hard she hit, her body seemed pressed against the vertical surface for a few seconds before she finally fell from it. But miraculously she landed on her feet, eliciting sounds of shock and awe from the populace bearing witness to this.

Even Sagat was completely amazed. Her body was a complete mess. She was bloody and bruised, and that was just what he could see. From the other side of her, her leotard was torn from the entirety of her back to her waist with a deep burn on the skin underneath from his last move.

Her head was hanging and her twin braids had been loosened to free her hair all over her face, covering up the sight of taking in ragged breaths. And those breaths quickly became choked gasps when one of Sagat's hands clasped around her neck and lifted her off of the ground, "…Won't… quit…" Her voice was almost nonexistent, but as close as they were he heard it.

There was still rage in his eyes and an intent to cause harm, but he didn't even get to choke Cammy for very long after grabbing her.

"The winner of the match: Sagat!"

That didn't sound right. He looked around wondering where exactly the event emcee was located. Bison ran this thing, and he said that if he couldn't trigger her brainwashing he would have to kill her. As far as he was concerned, if her mental conditioning turned back on she wouldn't have kept fighting. So he was supposed to kill her wasn't he?

Whatever. It didn't matter. At least in the end he didn't have to do either. With that in mind he merely let go of her neck and set her back on her feet. Somehow she could still stand on her own two feet.

Sagat looked at his hands that still showed the effects of the extremely physical battle and turned to walk away from the completely nonresponsive girl who simply swayed unstably in place.

As he reached the landing of the stairs he looked up as a quickly running Naruto wound up jumping clear over him to keep from bumping into him. Chun-Li moved past him and even Ken walked past him at a slower pace, making sure that the medical staff was with him.

Ryu stood on the stairs and once again the two locked eyes, staring holes into each other, "I'll see you tomorrow, in the final round." Sagat said, only getting a stoic nod from the humble warrior.

Having said his peace, Sagat moved up the stairs past the man he so desperately desired a rematch with. He was going to his lodgings for the night now that his day of bouts had ended. He was going to go prepare. Until he had to come out for the semifinals he would keep himself in isolation. It was the only way he could have the time to come to grips with what he had almost done. But why hadn't he been forced to finish things?

"Cam stop, it's over!"

Turning around at Naruto's sudden cry, Sagat saw Naruto seemingly having to hold the girl back from trying to attack him again. Even with everything she had already been through she was still intent on fighting him? All he did was shake his head before continuing on his way.

Holding onto her around the waist, Naruto dug his feet into the ground and kept her from trying to pursue and go after her previous enemy. Her blue eyes were clearly glazed over and her face was entirely unresponsive, "Come on, it's okay, you did great okay? Just cut it out, you don't have to fight him anymore!"

"She's unconscious again." Chun-Li commented as she noticed that Naruto had a good grip on her that kept her from making a big mistake that she would be unaware of, "I can see it in her eyes." She closed her eyes and sighed in a bit of relief. Things could have gone a lot worse in that fight. At least it was stopped before it went too far. Cammy was fine.

And then she heard a rather nasty crack noise come from nearby, a sudden curse of surprised pain, and a bit of shuffling. Opening her eyes she found Cammy facedown on the ground being pinned by Ken with her hands stuck behind her back. Naruto was gritting his teeth and seething, rapidly pacing back and forth while holding onto his left wrist.

"How did she even get that loose?" Ken asked aloud, hitting a pressure point on her neck to shut the girl down. He just didn't understand it. Naruto had a damnably good grip on her, and she wasn't that squirmy, nor was she strong enough to shrug off Naruto when he had a full hold on her, "Hey someone take her already and get her fixed up, she's still pretty bad here."

"What happened?" Chun-Li asked as the medical attendants sprang into action and pulled Cammy onto a stretcher before carrying her up to handle tending to her heavy wounds, "What's wrong with Naruto?" The smattering of vehement curses under his breath simply could not be ignored.

The brat seemed to be just a touch below freaking out on the attitude meter. He seemed angry, annoyed, and a bit concerned with something, as evidenced when he jumped up and kicked the head clean off of a moss covered stone statue just because he didn't seem to like its face.

Ken stood up from where he had been pinning Cammy for her own safety and ran a hand through his blond locks as they looked over at Naruto who seemed to be trying to hold back some pain while a remaining medical staffer that had seen the whole thing tried to tend to him and find out what the situation was. Ken was sure he already knew though, "I think Cammy broke his wrist."

"Crap…" A definite frown crossed Chun-Li's face at the thought of an injury that wasn't suffered in an actual fight handicapping her next opponent. An opponent that was a friend, "I don't want him to quit. What's the point of winning like that?"

"That little fucker's not going to quit." Ken assured her, waving off the concern as if it were obvious, "Even if Cammy had broken his whole damn arm he wouldn't quit." He stopped talking when the doctor seemed to have touched the ultimate sore spot on his hand and wrist and he turned to punch the statue he had just kicked the head off of with his good hand, cracking it somewhat, "Yeah… you deal with that. I'm gonna go make sure our favorite Doll is okay."

As Ken walked off, Chun-Li just massaged her temple and walked over to Naruto to try and run some damage control on the situation at hand, "Come on Naruto, let the doctor do his job here."

"This sucks." Naruto muttered miserably, face twisting every so often as the medic on hand tried to gauge the damage done to a very important part of Naruto's abilities in combat. Apparently that's what you get when you try to help your friend that subconsciously doubles as a killer of men, "Why'd she do that? Didn't she know it was me? She seemed like she was chilling out, and she snapped my arm."

"Wrist." Doctor corrected, getting a glare out of Naruto, "Just saying, see?" He poked and prodded one of the problem areas to get Naruto to bite down on his opposite knuckles, "Your arm itself works just fine, but your hand is basically as useful as your appendix right now." Naruto covered his mouth with his free hand and just started yelling muffled obscenities once again at his current case of misfortune.


(Twenty Minutes Later – Fighter Standby Building – Medic Bay)

The room was empty with the exception of Cammy lying unconscious on one of the beds. They had cleaned her up quickly and had bandaged her wounds after what injuries she had, including the burn on her back. Those monks worked fast, that much had to be admitted. None of the fighters that had gone down in the tournament were still laying around somewhere.

Ken had seen most of them all up and around just hours after their matches that resulted in their defeats. Zangief and T. Hawk had left after their defeats and treatment, more or less fuming, while Blanka decided to hang around in the woods nearby, even with his arm the way it was. Guile was off at a nearby reflection pond just staring at himself silently. Balrog was off calling his dentist in America about possibly replacing the teeth that Chun-Li knocked out. Dee Jay was walking around the temple, raving about the rhythms he had gotten from his loss to Sasuke and writing lyrics.

Basically the place that was supposed to be the hub for all of the fighters was turning into a ghost town fairly quickly since no one wanted to be there while there was a fighting festival going on. That was some impressive work with how fast they assisted all of the injured people, but for a martial arts temple they probably knew how to best patch up damaged fighters quickly so that they could get back to training and sparring or whatever they did at this monastery to hone their skills.

"Yeah, you're gonna be alright in no time." Ken said, giving Cammy a rub on the shoulder even though she wasn't awake to respond or even know he was there. He wasn't trying to wake her up or get his own hand broken the way Naruto's had been, maybe worse, "By the time the round is over you'll probably be up and about again just like everybody else."

In the meantime, after the Naruto and Chun-Li situation got sorted out, he would have to take on Ryu. He couldn't spend all of his time in the medic bay, he had to go get ready for action. By his estimation he probably only had fifteen to thirty minutes to warm up and prep himself. Even less if for some reason Naruto vs. Chun-Li didn't happen.

Naruto and/or Chun-Li would be back to pop in on her to make sure she was okay in just a few. The doctors were in the other room as well waiting to treat the loser of the next matches while watching the event on the TV provided to them, even though she wasn't badly injured enough to the degree that she would need to be observed at all times.

Carefully moving a few stray strands of hair out of her face, Ken nodded to himself at his good deed for the day having been accomplished and left to go back outside. Ryu was probably already getting his mind straight for the next battle.

Cammy was allowed to sleep in peace for a long stretch of minutes until eventually a shadow stood over her and a startling presence woke her up. It was unlike that of Ken's or her other friends that calmed her, it was darker and with more rage festering within it. At first she figured that she was still dreaming due to the fact that the man in the red uniform and military cap was the one there, but she realized that it wasn't one and made to move until his voice stopped her.

"Stand down and be silent Killer Bee, that's an order."

And just like that her body became still and restful. She just looked up at him, unable to take her eyes away from his own solid white ones. The grin on his face didn't make her feel too safe, but for some reason his order to be still and silent actually made her do so.

"Good." Bison said, pacing around her bed, "The reactivation trigger command worked after all. I feared that you had lost too much of your programming from your amnesia including the failsafe to outright reset you."

'Why can't I move? Is this the Bison man that everyone kept telling me about?' Why was he here for her? Didn't he deem her useless before trying to kill her and Naruto? That was what she had been told by Naruto and he never lied to her.

For all of the good that came from having his Killer Bee back under his command, there was something about her that Bison didn't like. Those eyes of hers. The emotive blue, instead of the vast dead pools she used to have/ He had spent so much time ensuring that she would always have them and that his enemies would always drown in the nothingness behind them before she killed that. That was the crown jewel Doll that he wanted.

He continued to look her over, with his intimidating expression never fading for a moment. So smug and self-satisfied, as if things had shaken out with what he wanted, "I have a way to fix that emotion in your eyes though. I never truly finished your conditioning the way I did for the other Dolls simply because there was never any or any way to do so. But it seems that things have changed. Luckily it falls in with what I want you to do for me anyway."

'What the hell is this man talking about?' Cammy thought frantically in her head, 'I'll never do anything for this person! You don't have any power over me!' Still her body and her voice failed her, 'Why can't I fight you?'

"What is your only purpose Killer Bee? Respond." Bison asked as if he were testing things out.

"To adhere to Master Bison's will and fight for his benefit. Nothing else." The droning voice was completely similar to the way she used to be prior to Dhalsim's original meddling, 'No! What am I saying?'

"Good. Now my orders are quite simple." Bison said, reaching out to stroke her cheek as if he were a fond parent doting over his daughter, "All of the Dolls had to do it except for you. I had them kill their families, but since you don't have one therein lies a problem. You're almost perfect. It's a simple enough fix though. I merely want you to kill the person that has cared for you the most in the world. Kill the person that you care for the most."

Kill the person that has cared for her most in the world? How would someone that didn't know her know who that was? But apparently her body understood exactly what was being asked of her, "Yes Master Bison. Mission accepted."

"If you can kill the thing that you love more than anything else, there won't be anyone you won't kill for me." It also helped that if his guess was right on who this person was, her would-be target was one of the people he wanted vengeance on anyway. Killing one of his hated enemies with the very girl that the person had spent so much money, effort, and care on; what could be better? "And if you can't do it the only use you'll have for me is with your death."

If she failed, the trauma that her death would inflict on who killed her would be immense, crippling even. If she succeeded he would be one foe down with no effort to himself and he would have his Killer Bee back for good, with nothing tying her to those idealistic fools any longer.

Her body began to try and weakly get up to accomplish her mission when one of Bison's hands pressed onto her chest to keep her down, "No Killer Bee. There's no need for you to hastily carry this out. As you are now there would be no question as to the result, so rest. Sleep. And when you awaken tonight, carry out your assignment."

'No, no, no, no, no…' Cammy thought to herself as her eyes involuntarily closed and she began to drift off, the last thing she heard being Bison's laughter fading out of her mind.

Omake: Fighter Interviews (Zangief)

Introduce yourself to our viewers. Let them know a little something about you if you would.

"I am the 'Red Cyclone' of Russia! Zangief! Real men do their talking in the ring, so anything else you wish to know about me you'll find out there in battle!"

Fair enough. What are your thoughts on the tournament so far?

"Feh, it's insulting that all of these puny people managed to qualify for such an important tournament. I've seen two women amongst the contestants! What kind of joke is that? Such frail looking creatures as well. One lariat from me will snap them in half! I'm not looking for much more from most of the men either."

So just because you're fighting women and men that aren't as muscular as you, you think that they're not strong enough to be in a world tournament? There's more to fighting than just brute strength you know.

"Who do you think you're talking to? Of course I know that! Skill is also a major factor! But you can learn skill, as I have. You cannot learn pure power! There is simply no substitute for it!"

What about speed?

"I will hit whatever comes close to me no problem. Speed means nothing when you will crush whatever you grab without fail. Being hit and harmed does not frighten me either. My muscles are like an iron suit of armor! I cannot be harmed by the small fists of most of my enemies!"

Why do you think you're the man to win this tournament?

"My skills and body have been forged in the unforgiving Siberian lands. This tournament is nothing to me. I will destroy all brave enough and foolish enough to stand before my might! Test me and see… if you dare."

Anything you want to say to the people watching at home?

"Mother Russia, watch me closely. This is for you! I will not fail!"

Fighter Interviews (Ken)

Could you give us your name and where you're from sir?

"Yeah sure thing. Ken Masters, from California. I don't really live in town. I've got a lot of land a few skips and hops away from the Sierra Nevada mountain range. It's a really great place actually."

You're the man that owns the Masters Hotel chain of luxury hotels. What made you want to join this tournament when you're as rich as you are, especially when you already have the title of the premier U.S. Martial Arts Tournament champion? What do you have to prove?

"A lot actually. I'm a martial artist first and foremost. I was trained since I was a boy, and I love it. I love getting stronger and testing my limits. I want to test myself against all of the fighters I can. My best friend is in this thing too, and I want to show him that he's not the only one that's been getting stronger over the years since we finished training under our master."

If you win what will you do with the prize?

"Shove it up the sponsor's-… I mean, donate it *up Bison's ass*."

What do you think of the tournament so far then?

"It seems like a hell of a time. It's a pretty fun atmosphere. Maybe if this place isn't torn to hell by the time it's over it'll last long enough that I can have some fun with my friends before going home."

You're the second person to say that the monastery is going to be torn apart because of the tournament.

"There's a reason for that. But you'll see later. Don't worry about it now though. Just smile and ignore the fact that you're interviewing the people that might accidentally cripple, maim, or kill you within the next two days. Haha."

Ah, that's good, but it's a rather dark bit of humor isn't it?

"Yeah heh… funny thing about that. I was only half joking. Seriously, when stuff starts blowing up people better turn and run. The only good thing about this is that it's outside, so we can't literally bring the house down."

Okay, I'm adequately freaked out now. Anything you want to say to the people watching at home.

"Yeah, Eliza baby if I end up fighting Ryu I want you to record it somehow so I can watch it later after I kick his stick-in-the-mud ass all over the place. Same for Naruto's little loudmouth ass too. Cheer for me and I'll see you when I get home. I love you!"

Fighter Interviews (Ryu)

Do you mind introducing yourself to the people watching you that might not have seen the First World Warrior Tournament?

"Of course, that's no problem. My name is Ryu. Just Ryu. I don't really have a home. My home is the world and I go where the battles of my life take me. That just so happens to be here and now today."

There isn't much record of you going anywhere or doing anything since the first tournament ended. What, are you a spirit of martial arts that just shows up whenever the world spawns a challenge that you deem worth your time?

"No. And I wouldn't joke about something like that. There really is a man like that out there. Be grateful that he isn't here. Believe me."

"Err, really?"

"I would never lie, especially about something as serious as this."

Okay, well how do you feel about this tournament as opposed to the last one?

"I'm actually very excited. Many of the fighters involved are people I've had fights against or have fought alongside, and I know for certain that they are strong warriors. The mystery that comes with the people I've never faced is also appealing. I just want to fight and prove that I'm the strongest."

You've already done that though. Your defeat of Sagat during the finals of the first tournament happened to be an incredible performance.

"…I don't consider that victory to truly be mine. It's hard to explain why I feel this way, but just understand that much. A true victory over Sagat in this tournament, to prove that I can do it without resorting to dark places, it would mean the world to me."

That rematch sounds like it would be incredible. What makes you think that you can win it now, or the overall tournament in general?

"I don't know if I can win either. But isn't that why fighting is so incredible? No matter the factors involved or the elements that compose a battle, anything can happen. This is why we fight, and why the matches in this tournament will be so interesting to begin with; because the true answer lies in the battle alone. Nowhere else."

Do you want to make a prediction right now?

"The only prediction I can give you, is that no matter who I end up facing I'll give them my best and expect the same from them. There should be a few explosive confrontations to count on, and I plan on coming out on top in all of them."

As expected of the champ. Is there anything you want to say to anyone watching right now?

"This will be an incredible event. I have a nagging feeling that we all may see or be a part of something during these fights over the course of two days that no one will ever forget."

Fighter Interviews (E. Honda)

Can you tell us your name and your place of origin for the benefit of those watching us?

"Whatever you say bub. The name's Edmond Honda, based out of Tokyo, Japan… I'll let you all guess where since I only want strong warriors to be able to seek me out. My discipline is sumo."

Sumo is a rather impractical fighting style for a fighter to use in a tournament that consists of street fighting isn't it? I don't wish to offend, so please don't take it that way.

"No, I hear that more than you could ever imagine. Trust me, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't capable of laying a hellacious beatdown on folks with my skills. Sumo is more versatile than you think."

What's your motivation for being in this tournament to begin with? Reports say that you're an Ozeki level sumo, so wouldn't you be better served trying to win the title of Yokuzuna amongst your own ilk instead? This seems like a distraction to that focus.

"Wahahaha! True enough! But I'm in this tournament to try and earn some respect not just for myself, but for sumo in general. Around the world in places outside of Japan people don't see the appeal, and the dedication or hard training that it takes to take our path. If I can do that, I think I'll get promoted sooner than later."

Do you like the tournament so far? Are you excited for it?

"I'm ready for the action to start. I like the atmosphere and everything, but I'm just getting antsy. I hope I get to fight first and get it out of the way. Overthinking matches like this in tournament situations is always a bad thing."

What makes you think you can win? I'm certain that you don't find yourself at a disadvantage, but other combat-savvy viewers might. Any words to sway their thoughts?

"I've got the same chance to win as anyone else. Everyone here is a strong fighter because they stuck to their guns and did what they did the best until they stood head and shoulders above everyone else. I'll just have to pound them all into the pavement and prove that what I bring to the table is better than what they're bringing."

Any words for the viewers that you want to let them know?

"Don't sleep on the power of sumo, or you might wind up getting yourself hurt."

Fighter Interviews (Sasuke)

Alright, could you introduce yourself to the people watching at home? Your name and your hometown please.


Come on. Give us something here. You're already in the tournament, so people already know your name. We can just tell them that you qualified in China, but that could lead to inaccuracies in where people think you to be from. Where are you from?

"Another dimension."

Because your skills are so otherworldly?

"Hm, you could say that… idiots. Any other questions that I can ignore?"

What are your thoughts on the tournament so far?

"I'm only here for the fights and none of them have started yet, so right now I honestly couldn't care less about it."

Jeez kid, you're such a buzzkill. What exactly is annoying you about the tournament?

"All of the screaming people. The giggling girls behind my back that won't say anything to my face. The loud announcer outside shouting at the top of his lungs about nothing like some shitty club DJ. The fact that too many people I know are here that keep trying to talk to me… especially one not-so-orange clad idiot who shall not be named. You. This set. The fact that I have to do an interview like this is some dog and pony show and you're trotting me out on display. Tell me when to stop. I can keep going all day, so I guess you can get your interview after all."

So you said that you don't like that people you know keep trying to talk to you. Is there anyone you do consider a friend or like to talk to?

"Only one person I've met in the last five years and they're not anywhere near here. Change the topic."

What makes you think you can win the tournament?

"Because I'm the best. Because the further in the tournament I go the easier it'll get. The more I'll see. I'll know how my next opponents fight by the next round so the first round will be the toughest, and from there I'll have all the time I need to work out a way to take their own habits and turn them against them. No one can hide anything from my eyes."

Speaking of which, did your eyes just turn red?


How did you put in contact lenses that fast?

"I didn't."


…Okay. Could you stop glaring at me? Those red eyes are really-.


Well that ends the interview. Thank you for your time.


Wait, what? Why did I just tell him to leave? I feel like we skipped about seven other questions that I wanted to ask him, but I feel like we did them. Where did he go?

Fighter Interviews (Dee Jay)

Alright, alright. You don't have to have a seat, but could you calm down a touch and stay in the shots please? You're giving the floor director hell here. Now if you'd introduce yourself?

"The name's Dee Jay mon! Comin' into your living room live, straight from Jamaica! How's that? Do you want me to do it again? Maybe the next time I should play a tune for the people to help get 'em invested in me?"

No, no, this is fine. We're on a tight schedule here. So why did you decide to join the tournament?

"I thought it'd be a good idea to help give myself some rhythms for the next album I'm set to record. All these fighters here, there's got to be someone that'll give me some inspiration!"

How do you feel about the tournament so far?

"I'm liking the beats that these Thai musicians have with their instruments, it's pretty wild stuff! I'm digging the festival atmosphere that this place has going for it, it's a good time all around mon! It's all about takin' it easy in the meantime before fighting for Dee Jay. No reason to get all stressed out!"

Anyone you want to fight?

"I want to give my own kickboxing a test against Muay Thai, so Sagat. Other than that, I'll fight anybody here, it's all for fun in the end isn't it?"

Not for some people, but I see your point Dee Jay. So why do you think you can win?

"I don't know. If I win I win mon, it's no big deal in the end. Being here to show my stuff is enough for me. No need to get greedy right?"

Anything you want to share with the people at home? Anything you want them to hear from you?

"Let me get my maracas, I've got a song I want the people to hear. A new release, first time in the world! Be right back!"

Fighter Interviews (T. Hawk)

What's your name and where are you from? It's just an introduction for the viewers so that they can know who you are.

"Thunder Hawk of the Thunderfoot Tribe. I live with my people in Mexico by the Monte Albán plains."

You don't sound very pleased with that. It's your home isn't it?

"No. My home was taken from me and my tribe years ago."

And you don't want to elaborate on that?

"No. Move on. That's a warning.

Easy, whatever you say. We'll move on. What do you think of the tournament?

"I'm waiting to see this sponsor. I want to thank him for putting this whole tournament together… personally. Show him my gratitude."

That sounds ominous. Want to elaborate on that?

"No. Next question."

*talkative people aren't they?* Of course… well is there anything you want to say to anyone watching?

"Bison I know you can hear me. Return my land to me, and I might consider not destroying you for what you did to Julia and the younger girl from the tribe. Of course that all depends on you. Ignoring me could be the worst mistake that you would ever make."

Fighter Interviews (Dhalsim)

"My name is Dhalsim of a small village in the Kerala region of India. My title has many definitions, but for the sake of making it easy for people to get the gist of what I do, I am a spiritual leader for the people of my village."

…I didn't even ask you anything yet.

"My apologies, but I was able to read your mind and determine what you were going to say. Your thoughts were very loud, I take it you've asked those questions a lot over a short period of time for them to dominate your thoughts."

Brother you're right on the money. Today's just been one of those days. So what do you think of the tournament thus far?

"While I do not enjoy the idea of violence to be something that is celebrated and revered, I can appreciate the cheerful spirit of those around taking part in the event. It is important to find joy in your everyday life wherever you can get it. Who am I to say that people cannot derive theirs from watching other willing souls test their skills?"

You don't like to fight?

"No. I detest causing harm to others and will never kill another living creature. I will never fight simply for my own gains. It is not my way."

So why would someone like you enter a fighting tournament?

"I am here in order to raise awareness and money for my village to keep getting the things that it needs such as medical treatment, more clean water, things of that nature. If the abilities I have been gifted with are able to help the people I've been entrusted with protecting and caring for in this regard, I will go against my own beliefs to keep them healthy and safe."

That's a rather noble approach to something like this.

"I do what I feel I must."

So what makes you think that you can win this tournament?

"Expectations and responsibilities… these are the ties that bind us. If we did otherwise we would not be ourselves. I will do what I have to, and I will do what I must. The only thing that I can say… is that I have nothing to say."


"It is not important."

Okay. Well is there anything that you want to tell someone that might be watching?

"I will say all that I need to through my actions. There is no need for unnecessary words."