
A Mob’s Life in a different World

Aren who died in the middle of a store robbery not shot by the robbers but the one who tried to defend the store. After dying he was reincarnated into a Dating game that he used to play. As he goes through with his life things gets harder and harder for him. Will he pull through and achive his dream of peace or will he get dragged into alot of mess? =============≠==========≠============= Don’t expect too much im new at writing but i will try to improve!! Oh yeah one more thing dont expect any R-18… stuff i dont think i can write something lewd…anyway if youre gonna read this story the early chapters are mostly info dump ill make the later chapters as interesting as i can!! If you read this part thank you for taking your time!! -theres a cover now but i do not own it i repeat “i do not own the art” props to the artist who made it its cool. Ill try to draw a cover myself and the characters as well but not right now very busy~~

LightPaper · ไซไฟ
10 Chs

A Mob’s day with a Girl (2)

"Can I buy something real quick Mom?"

"Sure what do you wanna buy?" Asked Aria.

"A gift!"

"A gift for who?"

"Thats a secret.." said Aren who didn't want to say anything.

Aria looked at her son who was already keeping secrets from her, seeing him like this she already deducted for who the gift was gonna be for.

"Okay you can go with one of the bodyguards me and Irene will stay here for now, and here's the money" said Aria who winked at her son while giving him 1000 credits.

Aren who saw his mother wink was surprised, wondering whether she knew or not.

'Did she know? I really cant keep secrets from my mom'

After Aren left, Irene who wanted to follow was stopped by Aria saying.

"Irene sometimes its better to not follow you know."

Smiling at the kid who nodded at her words.


Aren who went towards the stall, gave the small stall another look, looking at it again it really was the rare shop in the game that sold artifacts tho they were not very strong they were still useful.

While looking towards the stall he was called by the old man who was sitting inside the stall.

"Young man you wanna buy something?"

Aren who heard him nodded his head and came closer.

"Uncle do you know what these artifacts do?"

The old man who heard him replied

"Ho ho.. you seem to know that these are artifacts, young yet knowledgeable and for your question i know some of them though i can't guarantee its effect."

Aren who looked at what the old man was selling and saw a Black Cross earring though it had no pair, he then replied to the old man while pointing at it, already knowing what it was.

"Thats fine Uncle then what does this one do?"

"This single piece of earring? Well this thing was given to me by someone who was passing by saying its an artifact but missing its other pair so it's basically useless."

Aren who heard the old mans word was sure it was the artifact that lets one to heal at a fast rate though not having its pair renders it useless but for Aren who knew how to get its other pair it was not a problem.

Aren then nodded at the old man, moving his gaze to a small golden bronze butterfly with 4 purple gem on its wings, he immediately knew what artifact it was.

'So its also here Natures Love, if i remember correctly this necklace allows one to gather mana at a fast rate.'

Aren who was wondering about the artifacts, trying to act like he didn't know what effects they have asked.

"Uncle how about this pretty necklace? What does it do?"

"It allows one to gather a small amount of mana thats as far as i know."

Aren who heard the old mans word acted surprised.

"Really!? Then uncle if i buy this and that single piece of earring how much would it be?"

"Ho ho..young man ill give you the earring for free as for the necklace ill take 200 credits for it."

Aren who heard the old man's word didn't want to pay for a good artifact at such a low price.

"Uncle ill give you 800 credits for it, I don't want the gift for my friend to be cheap."

Making up of a bad excuse, made Aren look like a spoiled rich kid, to which the old man replied.

"If thats what the young man wants."

Not wanting to debate about the payment and make trouble, the old man just agreed.

"Thank you uncle." said Aren to which the old man also replied.

"No no thank you for buying, have a safe way home."

After the brief exchange of goodbye, Aren looked at the two Artifacts in his hand, a necklace and a single piece earring.

'This necklace should be helpful for Irene as for this earring I'll keep it for now until i get its other piece, though there were more artifacts I'll leave those one's for the protagonist to buy in later time.'

. . .

Aren who returned from his walk to buy, Arrived back to the table where Irene and Aria were.

"Im back!" Said Aren who then got a reply from the two people waiting.

"Welcome back…"

"Welcome back so what did you get?"

"This earring piece." While holding it in his palm and continued.

"Doesn't it look nice mom!"

"It does! So who is it for?"

"For me?" replied Aren while putting it back in his pocket.

"I-Is that so. Did you buy anything else darling?"

Stuttering while trying to point her eyes towards Irene who was looking at him.

Aren who noticed his Mom's eye contact replied

"Nope i only bought this since it looked cool!"

Aren who lied through his teeth like it was nothing which made Irene bit moody, Seeing her like this Aren couldn't help but smile and ask her.

"Irene!! Irene!! Doesn't this look cool!"

Said Aren while showing off his new single piece earring.

To which Irene responded with a nod and looked away again.

Aria who saw this sight couldn't help but sigh, but then she wondered remembering what her son said earlier.

'Wait didn't he say he's buying a gift? Then where is it?'

Looking towards Aren her gaze landed on his hand inside a pocket which was holding something in it.

'Why is he not giving the gift to her? Is he being shy because I'm here right now? Or is he just looking for the right time?'

While wondering about this she couldn't help but giggle, trying to change the mood Aria spoke

"Lets go back to grandpa's building its already noon, and i also need to rest for Aren's little sister! Okay kids?"

"Okay!" Unlike earlier this time it was only Aren who gave a reply while Irene just nodded her head.

Leaving the restaurant, and going back to the car to drive back home they left.


A few minutes of driving they were already back to the building getting off Aria spoke to them.

"I'll be going back to our room. Aren, Irene you guys don't leave the building okay? If you are going to leave inform me or your grandparents your dad should be busy right now so don't bother him okay?"

"Okay Mom!" Again only Aren replied while Irene just nodded her head still sulking not going with Aren earlier and the thing about what she and Aria talked about.

Aria left leaving the two kids, The two were left alone with the two bodyguards behind them, to which Aren ordered to leave.

"Uncle's you can leave and rest were not going out of the building anyway I'll tell mom about it later!" Said Aren to the two bodyguards, to which he got a simple nod from them and left.

Now only the two of them were left with an awkward silence around them, Aren tried to make a conversation.

"Irene do you wanna do anything?"


To which Aren was replied with silence, He was getting the silent treatment from Irene, Seeing her like this Aren couldn't help but think she looked cute.

Aren then came closer to her and looked her in the Eye, Irene on the other hand just looked away to the side still keeping quiet.

Aren then asked "Irene are you mad?"


Aren who heard the short reply from the girl in front of him knew, He knew that this girl is sulking about him leaving, but unbeknownst to him thats not it, it was because she was told by Aren's mom Aria that he went out to buy a gift for her.

Only to come back with a single black cross earring for him alone, though she felt selfish feeling mad about something as simple as this, she still looked forward to getting a gift from him.

Aren then put his arms over her shoulder trying to lock something behind her, Irene who was still looking away didn't noticed what was happening until she felt something land on her chest.

Looking at it, it was an necklace, a small golden bronze butterfly with 4 purple gems on its wings, Aren the spoke after putting it on her neck.

"I-I didn't want to give it to you earlier since mom was looking, i was embarrassed and it was fun to see you pouting all the way home, so i just waited until we were alone, so can you stop being mad now?"

After Aren said this he looked to the side with his face blushing and wondered.

'Ahhh!! I only finished her route in the game because i was attracted to her character art and personality, but seeing her in real life like this, I cant help but be attracted to her more even tho she's still 3 years unlike in the game, but I'm also 3 years old right now the cops aren't gonna arrest me right??'

While Aren who was making up excuses in his mind, Irene softly punched his chest while saying.


Irene who spoke, blushing with a big smile plastered on her face because of the gift she received.

Aren who heard the short reply from her took critical damage from her cuteness, he then asked again.

"So are you still mad about earlier?"

Irene who heard him replied with a soft tone while shaking her head to the side.

"No, I'm okay now… Thank you for the gift I'll treasure it…"

"Don't worry about it! You're my first friend so this is normal!"

Irene who was listening then mumbled.


After the little exchange between the two they kept talking happily together, as time passed the sun which was up high in the noon was already going down, getting ready for night.

Irene who saw the sun setting told Aren that she's leaving.

"Its almost night mommy said i should go back before night time, so should give my goodbye to Auntie before leaving, can you show me where she is…"

Though reluctant to leave she still said those words, but before she leaves she wanted to say goodbye to Aria.

Aren who heard her nodded.

"Okay follow me."

After walking to higher floors to go to his parents room where Aria should be staying and resting, he knocked at the door.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in."

Seeing the maid who replied to him cleaning the room, not seeing his mom anywhere, he asked the maid.

"Excuse me, do you know where my mom went?"

Hearing Aren's question the maid replied.

"Madam told me she's going to your grandparents office, she should be there with your father."

Said the maid smiling

Hearing this Aren and Irene made their way down to his grandparents office.

. . .

As they arrived in front of the office Aren knocked.

*knock knock*

"Come in."

This time a voice that he recognizes replied to him.


"So what does my grandson want coming here?"

"Nothing i was showing Irene the way up here since she's leaving she said she wanted to say her goodbye to Mom before leaving."

The old man then noticed the pretty little girl with a necklace with mana coming out of it, seeing this he knew it was an artifact a good one at that.

He went toward the girl who was standing still and knelt.

"Young lady would you mind selling this Necklace to me?" To which the girl replied to him with a loud voice

"No!! Aren gave this to me!! not selling!!"

Arthur who heard the girls reply was surprised.

"Ho ho is that so? Okay okay I'm sorry for trying to buy it from you young lady."

"Its okay grandpa, I'm sorry for shouting..." Said Irene.

Arthur who was kneeling, once again felt happy another kid called him grandpa.

After the little exchange a voice interjected.

"Ara?? Aren lied to mommy he said he didn't buy anything else?" Said Aria teasing her son with a grin on her face.

"Eh?? I was uhmm… Im sorry…" Aren who heard his mother's words couldn't make an excuse and just apologized

Ben who saw his son apologize chuckled and spoke as well.

"Haha… Stop teasing Aren honey you're making him feel bad."

"Okay okay Aren honey, mom was just joking don't feel too bad about it okay? I knew you bought two items i already saw it since the time you got back to the table."

After a while another interjected into the conversation.

"So who is this pretty little angel thats with my grandson?" Said Lillia looking towards Aren's parents.

"She's Irene Ronchessec daughter of my friend Celeste Ronchessec, Mother." Said Aria who replied to Lillia.

Hearing her words Lillia Awkrights looked towards Irene and asked her.

"Do you wanna get engage to Aren girl?" Said Lillia smiling.


Author here please read this.

it took a while to finish these two chapters since i didn't want to half ass writing them

Im happy with the outcome of what i did here as a smol backstory chapter, while writing this second chapter i was actually grinning while doing so my mom saw me and thought i was chatting with a girl Hah jokes on her I'm lonely asf.😭😭😭

Im gonna be working on the next chapter again please know that i am a slow writer thank you for your patience.

Please do point out if you find anything wrong with my grammars or spelling.

Once Again Thank you for reading!!