

"Why does Cinderella always have to end up with the prince? Why can't villains get thier own happy ending?" "I think it's time for us villains to get our own deserved happy ending don't you think?" She's a fearless business woman. No one dares to negotiate with her. He is the most ruthless leader of a mafia gang. One day, they collide into each other lives. Love at first sight? Perhaps. However, she has every intention to use him. "I've set my eyes on you, you can't escape!" "Really? I would like to see you try!" Set out a mission to make use of each other, who will fall prey to the other? When the most feared woman gets together with the most feared mafia leader, the world is sure to be thrown into chaos! ....... When the predator becomes the prey, she can either fight to the end or surrender. However, the predator this time is love. Will Qiao Anxin surrender to love?

Sonia3 · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs


"do you really have to go this far?" Chen Yucheng asked.

Qiao Anxin flashed a grin at him. "Dear brother in law, I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about" Qiao Anxin sai

"Don't think that I don't know what you are doing here Qiao Anxin. Why did you bring up Young Master Lu out of nowhere? And you even almost got Anhao and Second Young Master Shen in trouble. Are you trying to get back at me for some reason? Is that it? I admit that I was the one who ruined what we had between us but I'm already married to Anhao now. I really hope that you can put the past behind you. After all, we are family!" Chen Yucheng sai

Qiao Anxin looked at Chen Yucheng like he had lost his mi

"Are you being delusional here? How does who I admire have anything to do with you and your wife?" She really could not fathom want went on in Chen Yucheng's mind. One thing is clear though. He is still as full of himself as ever

Chen Yucheng looked at Qiao Anxin with a weird gaze in his eyes. He seemed to be holding back somethin

After a few more seconds of pondering, he just sighed. "Xin Xin, can't you…put the past behind you? Do you seriously have to make things hard for everyone else including yourself

"Chen Yucheng, I really don't know what it is that you want me to put behind me. Is it the fact that although the both of us were already engaged, you cheated on me with Qiao Anhao? Or is it the fact that my so called father used my mother's hard earned money to fund the lifestyle of his mistress and illegitimate daughter?" Qiao Anxin aske

Chen Yucheng's expression fell because he knew where Qiao Anxin was going. He was very clear with the things that happened back then . In fact, he had always regretted it. If he could do things all over again, he definitely wom't make so many impulsive decisions. Perhaps he could have been happier now. But those were just what ifs. He had chosen his path, and he has to walk on it to the very en

"Anxin, that's enough!"

Chen Yucheng said. He really did not like being reminded of the things that happened back then. It just reminded him of the foolish decisions that he had mad

Qiao Anxin shrugged her shoulders. "I already let the both of you be. Since you are happy together, I won't be so immoral and try to break the both of you up. As for that so called father of mine, I already took back everything that he stole from my mother. We no longer have any grudges with each other. However Chen Yucheng, do you think that it's appropriate to stop your sister in law like this?" Qiao Anxin sai

Chen Yucheng took a deep breath, he seemed to be struggling to make a decision. Finally, he said, "Lu Ming isn't an ordinary man. Stay as far away from him as you can" Chen Yucheng turned and walked away after he said th

Qiao Anxin had an indifferent look in her eyes. There was a time when she really loved that man. She wanted to live a happy and simple life with him. But just like many other things she thought belonged to her, he didn't belong to her to

Qiao Anxin suddenly turned sharply. "Are you done listening? You can come out now" She said in an eerie voic

A man stepped out from behind a wall. "It was never my intention to hide. I just wanted to give you some privacy" Lu Ming sai

"Young Master Lu even cares about my privacy. I'm flattered!" Qiao Anxin said. It wasn't clear if her words were sarcastic or if she was really hone

LU Ming and Qiao Anxin stood straight as they stared at each other. Finally, Lu Ming was the one to break the silence.

"Have we met before CEO Qiao?" Lu Ming asked. He had felt a familiar vibe when he saw Qiao Anxin earlier. He would definitely remember if he had met her before. But no matter how hard he tried, he just could not remember if the both of them had met before. Lu Ming thought the he was just overthinking earlier but after seeing her again, the familiar feeling was bac

Lu Ming was almost sure that the both of them have met each other before, although he doesn't remember meeting her. Also, the look on her face when she looked at him…..it wasn't the way you would look at someone that you just met. Lu Ming was fifty percent convinced that the both of them have met each other before. Or at least, Qiao Anxin knows him personally

"Young Master Lu, I'm afraid this pick up line is a bit too outdated" Qiao Anxin sa

Lu Ming was speechless. He knew that Qiao Anxin was messing with hi

"CEO Qiao, I'm afraid that you are thinking too much. I just think that you look familiar. Have we really not met before?" Lu Ming aske

"Young Master Lu, are you sure that you are not hitting on me right now?" Qiao Anxin asked with a knowing look in her eye

Lu Ming frowned. Have the both of them really not met befo

"You are really thinking too much. I just think that you look really familiar" Lu Ming sai

"I am sure that we've never met before Young Master Lu. This is the first time we have met" Qiao Anxin sai

"Is that really the truth? You…." Qiao Anxin did not let Lu Ming finis

"I am sorry but I can't stay to accompany you. Please have a good day, Young Master Lu" Qiao Anxin said and turned to walk awa

"You really shouldn't be so close to your brother in law. No matter what happened between the both of you in the past, he is now your brother in law" Lu Ming said

He had seen the look that was in Chen Yucheng's eyes when he walked away. There was longing in them. For some inexplicable reason, the thought of Qiao Anxin being with a man like Chen Yucheng irked him

Qiao Anxin turned to face Lu Ming. "What are you talking about?" "do you really have to go this far?" Chen Yucheng aske

Qiao Anxin flashed a grin at him. "Dear brother in law, I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about" Qiao Anxin sai

"Don't think that I don't know what you are doing here Qiao Anxin. Why did you bring up Young Master Lu out of nowhere? And you even almost got Anhao and Second Young Master Shen in trouble. Are you trying to get back at me for some reason? Is that it? I admit that I was the one who ruined what we had between us but I'm already married to Anhao now. I really hope that you can put the past behind you. After all, we are family!" Chen Yucheng sai

Qiao Anxin looked at Chen Yucheng like he had lost his mi

"Are you being delusional here? How does who I admire have anything to do with you and your wife?" She really could not fathom want went on in Chen Yucheng's mind. One thing is clear though. He is still as full of himself as ever

Chen Yucheng looked at Qiao Anxin with a weird gaze in his eyes. He seemed to be holding back somethin

After a few more seconds of pondering, he just sighed. "Xin Xin, can't you…put the past behind you? Do you seriously have to make things hard for everyone else including yourself

"Chen Yucheng, I really don't know what it is that you want me to put behind me. Is it the fact that although the both of us were already engaged, you cheated on me with Qiao Anhao? Or is it the fact that my so called father used my mother's hard earned money to fund the lifestyle of his mistress and illegitimate daughter?" Qiao Anxin aske

Chen Yucheng's expression fell because he knew where Qiao Anxin was going. He was very clear with the things that happened back then . In fact, he had always regretted it. If he could do things all over again, he definitely wom't make so many impulsive decisions. Perhaps he could have been happier now. But those were just what ifs. He had chosen his path, and he has to walk on it to the very en

"Anxin, that's enough!"

Chen Yucheng said. He really did not like being reminded of the things that happened back then. It just reminded him of the foolish decisions that he had mad

Qiao Anxin shrugged her shoulders. "I already let the both of you be. Since you are happy together, I won't be so immoral and try to break the both of you up. As for that so called father of mine, I already took back everything that he stole from my mother. We no longer have any grudges with each other. However Chen Yucheng, do you think that it's appropriate to stop your sister in law like this?" Qiao Anxin sai

Chen Yucheng took a deep breath, he seemed to be struggling to make a decision. Finally, he said, "Lu Ming isn't an ordinary man. Stay as far away from him as you can" Chen Yucheng turned and walked away after he said th

Qiao Anxin had an indifferent look in her eyes. There was a time when she really loved that man. She wanted to live a happy and simple life with him. But just like many other things she thought belonged to her, he didn't belong to her to

Qiao Anxin suddenly turned sharply. "Are you done listening? You can come out now" She said in an eerie voic

A man stepped out from behind a wall. "It was never my intention to hide. I just wanted to give you some privacy" Lu Ming sai

"Young Master Lu even cares about my privacy. I'm flattered!" Qiao Anxin said. It wasn't clear if her words were sarcastic or if she was really hone

LU Ming and Qiao Anxin stood straight as they stared at each other. Finally, Lu Ming was the one to break the silence.

"Have we met before CEO Qiao?" Lu Ming asked. He had felt a familiar vibe when he saw Qiao Anxin earlier. He would definitely remember if he had met her before. But no matter how hard he tried, he just could not remember if the both of them had met before. Lu Ming thought the he was just overthinking earlier but after seeing her again, the familiar feeling was bac

Lu Ming was almost sure that the both of them have met each other before, although he doesn't remember meeting her. Also, the look on her face when she looked at him…..it wasn't the way you would look at someone that you just met. Lu Ming was fifty percent convinced that the both of them have met each other before. Or at least, Qiao Anxin knows him personally

"Young Master Lu, I'm afraid this pick up line is a bit too outdated" Qiao Anxin sa

Lu Ming was speechless. He knew that Qiao Anxin was messing with hi

"CEO Qiao, I'm afraid that you are thinking too much. I just think that you look familiar. Have we really not met before?" Lu Ming aske

"Young Master Lu, are you sure that you are not hitting on me right now?" Qiao Anxin asked with a knowing look in her eye

Lu Ming frowned. Have the both of them really not met befo

"You are really thinking too much. I just think that you look really familiar" Lu Ming sai

"I am sure that we've never met before Young Master Lu. This is the first time we have met" Qiao Anxin sai

"Is that really the truth? You…." Qiao Anxin did not let Lu Ming finis

"I am sorry but I can't stay to accompany you. Please have a good day, Young Master Lu" Qiao Anxin said and turned to walk awa

"You really shouldn't be so close to your brother in law. No matter what happened between the both of you in the past, he is now your brother in law" Lu Ming said

He had seen the look that was in Chen Yucheng's eyes when he walked away. There was longing in them. For some inexplicable reason, the thought of Qiao Anxin being with a man like Chen Yucheng irked him

Qiao Anxin turned to face Lu Ming. "What are you talking about?"

Qiao Anxin turned to face Lu Ming. "What are you talking about?"