
A Life Time Of Promises: I Will Protect You Each Lifetimes

Born with a mysterious bloodline ever since Ashtria was a kid her family background is a mystery for her.  She grew up without a father, only her beloved mother and grandfather were by her side. But one eventful day, one of the most terrible experiences happened to her that changed her view of the world. Her mother lying on the cold hard floor of the streets wet and soaked in her blood. Since then she had no one but her grandfather, and since then her view of the world has become different than before. Ashtria matured at a very young age, she become aware of many things that a kid her age shouldn't even be aware of. Years passed she grew up with her grandfather's care, she became an extremely intelligent youth with many talents and skills. She used these capabilities to strive, to reach her dreams along with her grandfather. But it seems like destiny has something reserved for her, many unexpected things happened, then just like her mother, her beloved grandfather died in a tragic death and it became the turning point of her life. This made her realize many things, this made her view of the world broader than ever before. Since then she started her journey of revenge to seek justice for her loved ones. During her journey she met many people, people who changed her, people who stand up with her in every moment of her life. And during her journey she stumbled upon mystery after mystery, particularly about her bloodline. She came to the realization that there may be a connected reason why these things happened to here because of her mysterious background. As she went deeper on her journey, she never gave up, she held her head high, and no matter what obstacle she faced, she continued her every step without fear. ... Maximillian is a man that every woman's dreams, he got both looks and power, he is also both intelligent and passionate man. But despite that he was still betrayed by his very own beloved woman, because of that her mother even died in a tragic accident. Since then he has become cold and distance towards women. Dreams, it all started with vivid dreams. These dreams are so realistic, that it become a mystery that bothers Maximillian. That's because no matter how vivid and realistic the dreams he can't see the face of the particular woman in his dreams. He became confused that it drove him crazy. But, he stumbled upon a certain girl, he unconsciously became attracted to her. He doesn't know why but that became another mystery to him. Despite being young, the woman is an extremely intelligent and capable person, and maybe that is one of the reasons why he slowly fell for her. At first he was full of denial, but slowly he saw himself always thinking about her, always wondering about her. It even added the strange feelings he will feel every time he looks at her. And another thing is this woman had the same features as the woman in his dreams, especially her eyes.

Elle_Tsukki · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 1 "Your Life Begins When You Born In This World" (1)

All of the things we see, touch, and feel, in this world are all made by our god the Creator, and all of those things in this world weather, animals, plants, landscapes, or water forms are blessings from god.

But do you know what is the most precious blessing god gives us?

It is life...

To be born in this world, and have a chance to see how wonderful this world is, is the most special gift the god gives us.

The most special thing god gives us is your life, our life.

The ability to choose what paths we want to take, and the ability to create our destiny by choosing the paths we take, is the most precious thing the god gives us, by the time you are born in this world all of these things are immediately granted to you.

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, even if god decides to give you either a poor or rich family, the ability to decide in life, the ability to choose your path and choices will never be gone.

He gives these things to us so we can each carve our destinies.




There are many different kinds of people here in this world and that's a fact.

We can't never change that fact, and this world is unfair, that was also a fact, but the only one whose making things unfair is us, humans.

In god's eyes no matter who you are, you are a human created by him, and no matter what happens in your life you can't change the fact that all people are created by god.


The wind is blowing non-stop, and the rain is continuously pouring down from the sky to the land. The raindrops are continuously pouring down at every household's window glass, and thousands of millions of raindrops are falling onto every part of the City. In a certain house, an old man is hurriedly putting a bucket towards the places where droplets of rain are falling from the roof.

"Hayst~! Your mother is already late, she's still not coming, it's already late." the old man said full of concern.

The said mother goes out into the rain, she goes out into this heavy rain just to buy the ingredients they lack for the food today.

Suddenly there was a growling sound, "Aww~ our little Ash is hungry now? Don't worry Grandpa will give little Ash some bread." the caring old man said.

"But Mama said the bread is for tomorrow." a small voice said to refuse, "Don't worry we won't say it to your Mama okay!" the old man said.

"Here little Ash eat it now before your Mama finds out!" the old man said and puts the bread into the small hands of the little girl.

"But Grandpa!--" the old man interrupts the little girl, "Ash it's alright, Grandpa can't stand seeing you getting hungry, your Mama is not here yet so we can't cook the food for now." the old man said with eyes full of worry.

The little girl looks up at her grandfather, then at the bread in her hands. The old man nods his head towards the little girl to assure it, she then started to eat the bread.

But suddenly a loud knock came on their door, while the little girl is eating the old man walked towards the door and opened it, "Grand Fa, you have to go to Lon Street!!!" exclaimed the guy who knocks on the door.

"Why? What happened? why are you so anxious?" the old man asked getting anxious as well, "Grand Fa...y-your daughter..." the guy said, wasn't able to say his next sentence.

The moment the person knocked on the door, the moment the little girl heard the man's uttered words the little girl froze as a bad feeling creeps into her.

The old man suddenly walks outside despite the rain, "Grandpa!" the little girl shouted.

"Ash no you stay there!" the guy stopped the girl, "B-but grandpa a-and Mama!" the guy can't explain anything as the girl is only a five-year-old kid.

But suddenly the little girl pushes the hand of the guy which prevents her from going outside. She then run outside fast, fast enough that the guy wasn't able to stop her, she runs in the direction where the old man goes, Lon Street.

This little town has no complicated directions.

The girl quickly managed to catch up to the old man who is her grandfather, but suddenly she froze when seeing the scene in of front them.

Something on snaps in the girl's head, seeing the bloody scene in front of her she became frozen as if the world stops. There she saw someone, lying on the road with blood flowing down the streets, soaking its own body. The already wet road because of the rain is now bright red with its blood, and the little girl's whole body started to shake.

Yes, she is just a kid but she knows what is the meaning of this scene in front of her.

The girl's breath started to get heavy because of the overwhelming emotions.

Suddenly the girl runs towards that person and clutches their hands.

"Ma...mama...mama please wake up! I...I won't say that I'm hungry ever again! Mama! please wake up! I-I won't secretly eat a loaf of bread again! m-mamaaa!!!"

It is the one and only mother of the little girl, the person who give her the chance to be born in this world.

The little girl keeps shaking her mother, but she can't receive any response from her.

The woman lying on the cold floor is already a cold corpse.

The girl's heart starts tightening, and she felt hurt, tears keep falling down her cheeks, and the old man, her grandfather can only do is to hug the poor little girl. Then both of them cry in front of the woman's corpse.

Memories of the child's mother continue to flash in the girl's head, it made her heart continues to hurt until she began to gasp because of the overwhelming feelings she felt in her heart.

Her mother's soft expressions,

Her naggings,

Her life advice,

Her loving eyes,

Her sweet and calming voice.

There the poor little girl came to a realization...she will never see her mother again.

She tightens her hold on her mother's hands, she doesn't want to lose her.

She made her want to keep holding her.

She's the girl's life...

Her hope...

Her everything...

She doesn't want her gone...

But...she's still will be gone...and she will never see her again.

From then on she will never see her mother's warm eyes, she will never hear her mother's sweet voice, she will never feel her mother's warm embrace.

"Mother...I don't want you to leave..."



All I see is darkness...I'm scared...

Not because of this darkness, but because I won't be able to see my precious child anymore.

My child with him...the man I love.

Father...I'm sorry for leaving this early...

But I hope you take care of my daughter...

And I'm sorry to oppose you because of him, but I love him...

And because of our love, we have her...

I know she is a strong child, just like her father...

But I know her too well, after all...

She is the combination of the two of us...

My love, I'm sorry to leave this early...

I'm sorry that I couldn't fulfill our promise...

God...please...take good care of my daughter...

And please, let them meet each other...

He's the only one who can protect her...