
A Legacy Continued

MC from Hogwarts legacy was put into an ancient magic coma as a direct result of the Battle of Hogwarts, during the Goblin Uprising of 1890-1891. He is re-awakened in the summer of 1994, right before the World Quidditch Cup. How will our MC fare at the same school he saved, in a new century, with no friends or family, and threats of another dark wizard?

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108 Chs

Chapter 33 - New Arrivals

***** BONUS CHAPTER ***** A/N: So there a bit of french in this chapter.... I can still speak it conversationally, but it's been a while since I've actually written french..... So I'm pretty sure theres lots of grammatical errors, but I'm just writing how I would be saying it LOL.... <translation will be inside these arrows>. Also there's another mini author's note mid story. Just something I found that was different between the movie and the book, although in the book it is a pretty obscure reference. Anyways, thought I'd point it out there. Hope you all enjoy! *****

Khan rushed down the stairs, entering the entrance hall clad in his Formal Hogwarts Uniform Outfit, and Ravenclaw House Relic Robes.

The Heads of Houses were ordering their students into lines.

"Weasley! Straighten your hat!" McGonagall snapped at Ron. "Ms. Patil! Take that ridiculous thing out of your hair!"

Khan made his way over to Flitwick, while watching as the Young Indian Woman scowled and removed a large ornamental butterfly from the end of her plait.

"Prof. Khan! Glad you were able to make it in time!" Flitwick greeted him with his official school title, since they were in front of students. "I assume everything went well?"

"Excellent Professor!" Khan replied, as he took his place in front of the students, beside Flitwick. "Thank you again!"

"No trouble at all!" Flitwick squeaked happily. He was quite pleased with how Khan had been performing, and was truly enjoying his time mentoring the young lord.

"Follow us please!" Flitwick called out to the students.

"First years in front!" Khan followed up. "No pushing!"

The Ravenclaws were the best behaved of course, and filed down the front steps quite orderly, lining up in front of the castle.

It was a cold, clear evening. Dusk was falling, and a pale transparent moon was barely shining over the Forbidden Forest in the distance.

Khan was standing in the 2nd the last row, just in front of the Professors who were in the last row, alongside Matron Pomfrey, Caretaker Filch, and Madam Pince, the Librarian.

A few minutes passed, before Khan finally saw something flying towards them, from just over the horizon.

"Aha!" Dumbledore called out. "Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbaton approaches!"

Continuing to fly towards them, the object was constantly growing in size as it approached.

'Holy shit!' Khan thought to himself. 'That thing is huge! It's as big as Lord of the Shore!'

Khan's rather large Graphorn friend had grown rather large over the years he had spent in the coma, rapidly approaching the size of a large house.

And the carriage, the apparent thing that was flying towards them, was also that size!

Pulled by a dozen giant winged palominos (golden horses), each the size of elephants, the gigantic, powder blue carriage was also the size of a large house.

Landing with a mighty crash, the horse-drawn carriage hit the ground, bouncing upon its enormous wheels.

A set of giant golden steps unfolded automatically from the carriage floor, directly under the closed carriage door bearing a coat of arms; Two crossed golden wands, each emitting three stars.

Khan watched, as the door opened and a huge high-heeled black leather shoe, easily the size of a child's sled, stepped out, followed by an equally large woman.

'I thought they were just showing off with their carriage size.... turns out they really did need a carriage that huge!' Khan thought to himself jokingly observing the rather large woman. 'Her and Professor Hagrid are roughly the same height it looks like..... '

*A/N: I know in movies shes taller, but in the actual written book 4, Harry mentioned and I'm quoting out of the book here, 'theres maybe an inch difference in heights' between the two of them. I've been re-reading it for research ahaha*

Stepping down the stairs, rather gracefully Khan noted, she was revealed to have a rather handsome olive-skinned face, with large black eyes and a rather beaky nose. Her dark hair was drawn back in a tight bun, and she was dressed in stylish black satin robes, accented with numerous pieces of dark opal jewelry.

Dumbledore began to clap, and soon the rest of the crowd followed his lead, as they all welcomed their new guests.

The tall woman smiled gracefully in courtesy, gliding towards Dumbledore, raising her large hand upon reaching him.

"My dear Madame Maxime! Welcome to Hogwarts!" Dumbledore greeted jovially, before bending down to kiss her outstretched hand.

Although Dumbledore was rather tall himself, he barely had to bend down to kiss it in greetings.

"Dumbly-dorr!" Said the newly identified Madame Maxime, in a rather deep but distinctly feminine voice. "I 'ope I find you well, yes?"

"Quite well actually, thank you!" He replied jovially. "It has been quite the exciting year so far, and I am truly looking forward to more excitement to come from this tournament!"

"My eh- comment es que tu dis élèves." She replied in French, casually waving a large hand behind her, not knowing the English word for pupil/student. <tl: how do you say pupils>

Khan naturally understood, his parents having ensured he was tutored in numerous major languages growing up, having stressed the importance of communication in business and overall success.

"Pupils!" Khan helped translate politely for the watching Hogwarts students. "Headmistress Maxime is introducing her pupils from Beauxbatons to us."

He logically was able to put 2 and 2 together, instantly connecting the European French school of Beauxbatons, with the coat of arms on the carriage, upon hearing Madame Maxime's accent.

Everyone's attention was directed over to the handful of Beauxbatons students who had all recently emerged from the large carriage, behind their headmaster.

A little more than a dozen boys and girls, the students looked to all be in their late teens. They all stood huddled together shivering. Unsurprising really, as they were all dressed in fine silk blue robes; None of them wearing heavier cloaks over their outfit, to insulate against the chilly English air.

Khan, feeling slightly bad for them, conjured a large pile of blue cloaks close by their carriage. He was quite proficient with clothing after dealing with his magical equipment during his adventures, and it wasn't like he was enchanting or improving each cloak..... just conjuring your basic heavy cloak to block against the wind.

"Pour votre élèves, Madame." Khan spoke in French to Madame Maxime, performing a slight, but noble, bow. "C'est vraiment une nuit fraiche."<For your pupils Madame. It's truly a cool night.>

"Merci Beaucoup!" Was heard from the visiting students, as they all hurriedly draped themselves in the newly conjured cloaks.

Khan who was watching the over the newly arrived students (mainly to make sure he had conjured the proper amount of cloaks) noticed with his ancient magic vision that one of the female students, was giving off a red/pink type of aura around her.

'It looks quite similar to the aura veelas produced during the world cup.' Khan commented to himself. 'But not as strong....'

If the Veelas Khan had viewed during the world cup had their auras at 10, then this female student had her aura at maybe 2-3, in terms of luminosity at least.

'This Triwizard Tournament is excellent! Perhaps I can befriend her, so I can study this magic in more detail...' Khan began to go into nerd mode, excited about the prospect of studying this magic, which was strangely similar to the ancient magic from under Hogwarts.

Madame Maxime herself was rather thankful to this young asian student, who was speaking French. She didn't need a cloak herself, but the appreciated the gesture towards her students.

"Merci Beaucoup!" She thanked the young man, returning a slight noble bow of her own. "C'est vraiment une plasir de vous reconter Monsieur....." <Thank you very much! It truly is a pleasure to meet you, Mr...>

"Khan, Madame. Jordan Khan." He replied, shaking his head of the wandering thoughts about what he had just seen.

"C'est bon!" She exclaimed happily, recognizing the infamous last name, before turning to Dumbledore to ask in accented English. "Has Karkaroff arrived Dumbly-dorr?"

"He should be here momentarily!" Dumbledore called out. "Would you prefer to wait inside and warm up?"

Nodding her agreement, she was about to leave, before she remembered something, and started asking Dumbledore "My 'orses a-"

"Our Care of Magical Creatures Teacher should be delighted to take care of them!" Dumbledore cut her off, knowing how much Hagrid would nerd out over these giant winged golden horses.

"They are very big and 'sauvage' Dumbly-dorr..... they need..... un main energique!" Maxime was rather hesitant that anyone would be up to the task. <They are very big and savage Dumbledore, they need..... a strong hand>

"I assure you that Hagrid will be well up to the job!" Dumbledore had faith in his rather large friend. If anyone could handle these giant beasts, it was him.

"C'est bon!" Maxime agreed. "Please tell 'Agrid they will only drink Whiskey Single Malt."

"Suis-moi!" She called out to her students, newly dressed in matching heavy blue cloaks, courtesy of Khan, as they all marched past all the Hogwarts students, inside the Welcome hall to escape the chill. <follow me>

"How big d'you reckon Durmstrang's horses are going to be?" Khan heard Seamus Finnigan, a 4th year Gryffindor, ask aloud from somewhere in the crowd, presumably to Hermione or his best friend Dean Thomas.

He shook his head amusedly at the comment. If they were acting like this, Khan could only imagine the look on the student's faces if he were to ever show them Lord of the Shore.

He was shaken out of his musings, as he began to hear a low rumbling sucking sound, similar to a vacuum sucking up water.

Glancing towards the lake below out of instinct, Khan saw that the typically smooth black surface of the water, was being disturbed by something, as great bubbles were forming, creating waves that pushed out over the muddy banks.

Suddenly a giant whirlpool appeared, as if a giant plug had just been pulled out of the lake's floor.

Khan watched, as what appeared to be a giant black mast begin to rise out of the center of the whirlpool, followed by a magnificent ship gleaming in the moonlight.

It had a strangely skeletal look about it, as though it was a resurrected wreck. Dim misty lights shimmered from its portholes, giving it an eerie sort of feeling.

Emerging from the whirlpool, the ghastly ship drifted towards the shore, before a loud splash of an anchor being dropped was heard.

A few minutes later, the sailors had all finally arrived to the entrance hall successfully.

Khan noted that the new arrivals were distinctly eastern European looking. Clad in large cloaks made of some kind of Shaggy matted fur, they each appeared quite large in size, especially when compared to their previous guests from Beauxbatons.

"Dumbledore!" A taller gentleman called out. "How are you my dear fellow?"

He was dressed distinctly from the others, Khan observed, as he was wearing a unique silver colored fur cloak, matching is silver slick-backed hair. 'Probably their headmaster.'

"Feeling younger every day!" Dumbledore greeted him happily. "Thank you for asking Headmaster Karkaroff!"

"Ah.... dear old Hogwarts!" the newly identified Karkaroff followed up. "It is great to be here again..... very good indeed.... Viktor, come along and meet the Headmaster of Hogwarts!"

Karkaroff beckoned one of the students behind him forward. He was also distinctly eastern European, with a prominent, curved nose, and thick black eyebrows.

Khan recognized him immediately, as he had just watched him play during the quidditch world cup, that summer.

'Who would've thought that Viktor Krum would be competing in the Triwizard Tournament.' Khan thought to himself, with fire in his eyes. 'Looks like I definitely need to get chosen as the Hogwarts representative now....'

This Triwizard Tournament was shaping up to be quite the exciting event..... With new magic to study from the girl from Beauxbaton and world-class athlete like Krum to complete against.... Needless to say, Khan could hardly wait.