
A Jobless Person From Another World: Returning Back From The Past

Fairness...a word that can be trashed in this world. Humans have never been fair in the first place. The unfairness of humans started even from birth. One person might be a genius, walking down the path of Martial Arts, while others could be born with outrageous amount of magic. So what? My point is; the gaps between me and them were distinct since birth. And Me? I have none. ['Returnees Time Stone' has been activated] ['Returnees Time Stone' can't be activated again] [Returning Back From Time...] -- Schedule: 5 chapters per week... 1+ chapter per 100 votes Hello Everyone! Pls Vote this is for WFP and every vote will help me a lot! -- This Novel is inspired by the Novel "Possessing Nothing"! So there's a similarities too it. I will add my own plot on the later chapters... so don't worry. thank u for understanding...

PlotAbsorber · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Storage Artifact


Ben, the Inn owner, exclaimed in surprise. He looked at Vincent's face, then at the things he brought.

"You really did it"

Teeth of Goblins, 5 bottles filled with blood, poisons, etc. The poison needles and bottles were his to keep. He thought that he might need it the future.

Ben looked down at the young kid and was lost in thought.

Goblins weren't that hard of a monster to kill. But, goblins move in packs and weren't bad when they were up against an experienced adventurer. Attacking the lair may prove to be dangerous, but lurking around their borders was easy.

However, it was a 15-year-old kill who accomplished this. And he realized that this kid is a Jobless too.

Ben ran an Inn, so he met a lot of Otherworlders who arrived at Genesis. The people with martial arts and magic adapted easily.

However, being Jobless were different. They had no skills to ensure their survival nor did they have any experience fighting against monsters. Most of the time, a month was needed for a Jobless to adapt to this kind of life. Understanding the situation they were in and the need to kill monsters to survive.

"When... did you got here"


Vincent answered truthfully.

"You're 15?"


"You don't have any skills...?"



Ben laughed. He was curious where did this brat did before coming here, but he didn't ask. It was an untold rule that people shouldn't ask about one's previous life.

"A strange kid came in. A Jobless went and killed monsters in just a day...don't worry I will pay you well".

Honestly, Ben didn't think that Vincent would return alive. There were only few people who could understand their situation and easily kill monsters to survive.

Usually, they didn't come back. And even though they good at fighting, winning against monsters was hard thing to do.

However, this kid came back.

"Half cost of pay"

"It's good to have a relationship with a talented kid. If you survived long enough. You could even become high tanked figure in genesis in the future".

Ben said to Vincent and tap his head.

"Don't forget about me by then"

Vincent had many thoughts running in his head. He went up the stairs.

"You'll be a regular"

"Kid with talent"

The Vendor and Ben said that to him. In his previous life, Vincent never heard of things like that.

Genesis made the otherwolders understand how cruel and unfair this world was. He understood just by observing Ben and the vendor owner.

Just having a talent alone made it so much favorable to him to get their respect.

'Talent'. Vincent sighed and entered his room.

He never finished the Cultivation methods that he studied for a decade and other skills that he got. It would be easy to get back to that point in his previous life. Why? That's because the skills that he had in his past life didn't have any 'enlightened'.

The second class martial arts grew just by experience. Star Chaser Sword Technique was basically a routine. There would be no complete understanding.

[Name: Vincent]

[Class: None

[Skills: Inferior Martial Skeletal]

[Circulation of Heaven Qi Cultivation Method(1)]

[Star chaser sword Technique(1)]

[Thunder steps Cultivation Method(1)]

[Bronze Skin Cultivation Method(1)]

[Rock Body Smashing Cultivation Method(1)]

'Thunder Step' only had the basics and 'Bronze Skin' and the 'Rock Body' used only the external power. No enlightenment were needed.

The difference between the first and the second class is. The first class had an enlightenment. If you were lucky, you could even understand it and use it to break the limit of the skills. But not a second class skill.

His body currently had little of strength and had less stamina. If he had more stamina his skills will grow fast. But all of it except the Circulation of Heaven Qi is a Second class.

That thought made Vincent depressed. He needed talent to overcome this but... he had no talent.

But at least he had the Circulation of Heaven Qi, which is a first class. If he learned it intently, he might well succeed.

He had a chance. But... not enough. He first need to get that 'Energy Potion'.

Vincent was tired but...

He needs to push-ups and build up his stamina.


Every day... he went hunting and stayed at Ben's Inn. He used his skills every time. Sold stuff from the Vendor Owner, Pol and bought some as well.

He investigated and figure out the Goblins borders were, and hunted those who roamed around.

Get their Blood and teeth. And since his room cost halved, he had many left after selling them. And Vincent got the money from Ben.

"Do you have a Storage Bag?"

About 2 weeks has been passed since he came here... He went towards his usual Vendor and asked Pol, the vendor owner.

"I have some"

Storage Bag or other storage stuff were a necessity for someone like him. Having magic Storage that pocketed and hold a lot of stuff even with a small volume.

"Well... all of them were used... so let's see..."

Pol opened the bag that's right in front of him. And inside it were darkness. This bag is called Storage Bag.

Pol's hand went inside the bag, as his hand searched for something... and pull out a small bag.

"I found this in the woods. Precisely from a dead body... are you going to buy it?"

"How much"

"30,000 Pangesis"

Pol sigh. These were expensive. Food could be stored since time didn't flow there and you will not felt the weight at all. This is essential for an adventurer.

"... Expensive"

"How about 25,000 Pangesis"

Pol said mischievously. But Vincent shook his head.

He had only 5,000 Pangesis. Even with every day his hunting, he uses the money for buying things and renting the Inn.

"Maybe next time..."

"Ohh... why'd you ask?"

"Well... to me, you're the only person who would sell things with the cheapest price just for me"

Even though he needed a Storage bag, but it isn't now. He just wanted to see how much Pol would sell a Storage artifact.

Pol were a stunned expression... and laugh loudly.

"Hahaha! I have been in this business for many years, but it's the first time for someone like me. Ok! Let's do this way... I will test you"


Vincent asked... but the next words surprise him.

"If you hunt 5 orcs and take their eyes. I'll give you this, the small storage bag"

Vincent gulped. It has been 2 weeks since he first arrived, but he hadn't tried hunting orcs yet.

Orcs were harder to hunt. First, they were strong and second, they were strong. Even though they're not as intelligent as the goblins, their power were enough to overcome it.

"When to start?"


Pol said with mischievous smile.

"It's been 2 weeks for you right? You went immediately and survived. Even though it was only a rabbits and goblins. If you really kill an orc, I will believe that you got talent"

But... Vincent knew that it wasn't talent, it was experience. Yet...

"I accept it"

Vincent agree...

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