How does one become a hero? Is it saving people? Is it strength? Or is it purpose? And what is that hero's story? How did he become one? What did he do in order to receive such a title? Well, one can only find out by reading his story. -I'll be taking a break from this story. Don't worry, I will still continue this story in the future :)-
Worthless Prince. That's a title John received when he had no infinity in magic. Ever since he was tested whether he had it, the test showed he didn't have any. When his Father, who is the King of Arthora, heard the news about his son, he was greatly disappointed. At that moment forward, the King never treated John as a son anymore. In his eyes, he was nothing more than a worthless piece of trash. So instead, he focused all his efforts onto his other son who is much older. After this, the King left and never spoke to John again. John was saddened that his father had left him.
He knew that he would never be able to make his father proud. But all hopes were not lost. Even though he felt abandoned, his brother was still there. He never once left John's side. Even if the King told him not to be around John, He wouldn't listen. He loves his brother so much. Whether he was born with magic or not, it didn't matter to him. What mattered to him was to see John happy. They will play together, practice swordsmanship, eat, and share stories with each other.
Many years have passed, and nothing has changed in John's life. He was still treated like trash among the nobles and was always ignored by his father. He and his brother have been seeing each other less and less. But John wasn't upset about it. He understood that his brother tries to visit him when he has a chance too despite having so much work in his hands.
John wanted to be like his older brother. He always helped people that are in need of help and is favored by everyone. And because of that, John was motivated. He started off by telling the nobles first if they needed any help. But of course, the nobles treated him with disrespect and told him to go away every time. But that didn't stop John. Instead, he went to where all the commoners are always at and told them if they needed any help. But there was no luck. People were hesitant by John's action because they were worried that he wanted something in return. So, they kindly refused and went on their way. John was upset that they refused his help.
But John wasn't dumb. He knew the reason why people refused his help. When it came to the nobles, it was because he was somebody worthless. Ever since the King abandoned him, word got out about how John didn't have any magic capabilities. And when it came to the commoners, they believed that if they accepted, John would ask them for something expensive in return like gold coins or lots of their items that they sell in their shop.
``How could I become like my brother if I couldn't even help people? How could I make people trust Me? `` He said sadly.
Many things were on his mind. But since he has been roaming all day, he decided to go back to his room and sleep since he was exhausted. But on his way there, he sees two kids getting beaten up by a guard. John approached him and asked him to stop.
``U know, you should stop what you're doing before you get in trouble. ``
``Huh? And who are you supposed to be? ``
``I'm just a fellow person who isn't fond of what you're doing. Is there a reason why you are beating up two kids? ``
The guard laughed and gave John a warning.
``Look here buddy, if you don't want to get hurt you ought to get out of here. What I'm doing is my business. ``
John smirked.
``Is that supposed to scare me? You didn't answer my question, why is a guard beating up a couple of kids in the middle of a busy street? ``
The guard got angry at John's response. John could tell that he didn't have anyone stand up to him before. He knew that some guards always abuse their power and authority. That is something he disliked about them. They think they are above everyone else and that they could treat them however they want.
``I tried to warn you. Now you have to pay the consequences for disobeying me. ``
The guard took out his sword and swung it at John`s head. John managed to dodge it and put some distance between them.
``Are you sure you want to kill me? Do you know who I am? ``
The guard did not listen and tried again. But it was futile. John manages to dodge his sword.
``I'll ask you again, do you know who I am? ``
``I do not, nor do I care. ``
John smiled
``Then you should know my brother Eric. Who happens to be the commander of the army? ``
The guard was shocked.
``Wait, you don't happen to be his little brother, aren't you? ``
``Who else would it be. ``
The guard was shocked and dropped his sword. He kneeled and asked John for forgiveness.
``Please forgive me. I didn't know that it was you. Please don't tell Eric about what happened today please. If he ever found out, he will have my head. Please I beg of you don't tell him. ``
John knew that he could tell his brother about it and all problems would be solved. But he didn't want to cause problems for himself in the future. What if someone finds out he was the reason he got killed and wants revenge.
``I promise I won't tell my brother if you promise not to do it again. ``
``I promise. ``
``Now get up and go on your way. ``
The guard got up but instead of leaving, he approached John.
``Actually, I came here to look for you. ``
John looked at him confused.
``And the reason?
``Your brother sent me and wanted to congratulate you on turning eighteen. He said that he couldn't come and say it in person because he has lots of work in his hands. But he did give me this to give to you. ``
John was embarrassed and started blushing a bit.
``I can't believe he still remembers,'' whispered John to himself.
``What was that? ``
``Oh nothing, tell him I said thanks and to keep up the good work. ``
``I will. ``
The guard left and all that's left was for John to see what present his brother gave him. But John had important things to take care of first. So, he put his gift in his bag and approached the two children who were beaten up.
``Are you guys, okay? ``
The children looked at John confused.
``Thank you sir, `` the little boy said.
``But why did you help us? ``
Shocked, the little girl said to John,
``You didn't help us for a reward, did you?! I'm sorry to say but we don't have anything to offer you. ``
The two children were scared that John was going to do something to them. They were expecting John to either yell at them or hit them. John was aware of this. Instead, he leaned forward and smiled.
``What makes you say I want an award? ``
The children were confused.
``Because people like you always help us commoners for the sake of a reward. ``
``People like me? ``
``Yea, people like you, you know, the wealthy. ``
``True, but I'm not like those people. ``
The children were confused about what John said. They never heard of someone that is from the wealthy helping them without any reward. John could see their expression of confusion and their wariness. He bets that they think he is lying to them. In order to make things not awkward, John asked what they were doing here.
``What are you guys doing here anyways? ``
``You see mister, me and my brother got lost when we were shopping with our mom. We kind of traveled so far from her that we managed to lose her from the crowd of people. So, we walked around and tried to find her but then we accidentally bumped into the guard. ``
The girl looked sad when she was explaining.
``We told him we were sorry but then he started yelling at us and called us mean names. He wanted compensation for us bumping into him but as you could see, we don't have much. ``
John was getting angry. How could someone do this to children? John wanted to say something, but he wanted to let her finish explaining her story. So, he remained calm and listened.
`` When we told him we couldn't do what he asked, he got mad and started beating us. ``
The little girl started crying. John knew that whatever the guard did not hurt her physically, but emotionally too.
``Mister, am I really that bad of a person? Is the reason why I got treated like that because I didn't follow his directions? When he was beaten up me and my brother, he told us how we are evil and deserve to die. ``
The little boy started crying as well. He couldn't hold back the tears anymore, so he let all his emotion out. John wasn't really good with kids, nor did he know how to make the kids feel better. He thought about his brother and how he was able to solve this situation easily if he were here. But John knew he had to do something. So, he thought of an idea.
``Why don't we eat? I bet you guys are hungry for all the walking you guys have done. ``
``Sniff. Are you sure, mister? Are you sure you want us to eat with you? ``
``Of course, and I know a good place to eat too. So don't be sad anymore and wipe those tears off your guyses face. ``
John was smiling as he said that. And what John said made them feel better.
``Ok mister. Thank you. ``
John smiled and led them to the place he was mentioning. When they arrived, John told them something.
``Welcome to the Shield tavern. Now before we enter, there are some rules you have to follow. ``
The kids were listening because it seemed very important what John had to say.
``Rule number 1: Respect each other
Rule number 2: Don't cause a commotion when your inside
And rule number 3 and the very most important one, have fun. ``
The kids didn't get the last rule and asked why the last one was important. John smiled and said that they will find out once they enter. Confused, they follow John inside the tavern.
Once they entered, the kids were surprised how lively it was. They see people drinking, singing, arm wrestling and much more. They seemed curious and John could see it in their eyes.
``Before you go anywhere, remember what we came here to do. ``
They both nodded but were still checking out the tavern. John was about to order a table until he heard a familiar voice.
``Hey John, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while. What have you been up to lately? ``
``Oh hey Terisa, I've been doing alright. And you know the same as usual. ``
``That's great to hear`` she smiled as she said that.
Terisa was one of John's friends who he met in the tavern. Every time John was finished with a mission for the adventure guild, he would always come to the tavern and order the same food. And Terisa was always the one to serve him. After so much time has passed, they started to talk and become close over time.
``I see you have company. Are they your kids? Who is the lucky lady? `` she said jokingly.
``Stop joking Terisa. You know damn well these aren't my kids. I'm too young for that and you know it. ``
``I know I know. I'll lead you to your table. ``
They followed her to their table and sat down.
``The usual John? ``
``U know it`` John said happily.
``And what about the kids? What would they like to eat? ``
The kids looked at John and John knew what they were waiting for.
``Don't be shy, you guys could order whatever you like. ``
``Are you sure?'' both of them said excitedly.
``Of course, order whatever you like. It's my treat. ``
When John was looking at the menu, the little girl spoke up.
``Excuse me mister, I don't mean to be ungrateful. But are you sure? What if it's super expensive and you can't afford it? I think it's better if we get cheap food. That way, it won't be expensive. ``
John and Terisa were shocked by what she said. John knew what type of person she was. A person that is kindhearted and doesn't take advantage of others. And he noticed that she was only saying it only for his sake. He knew that they wanted to eat something new but didn't feel comfortable about it.
``If that's the case, then I have no choice. Terisa, I would like to have one of everything on the menu please. ``
Terisa smiled, `Coming right up. ``
Both of them were shocked about John's actions.
Both of them said it at the same time but before they could say anything, John spoke up.
``You guys don't have to worry about it. Like I said it's my treat. ``
The kids looked at each other and started to smile and laugh.
``What's so funny? `` John said curiously.
``Were laughing because we thought that you were a scary person that wanted to take advantage of us in some way. But I'm glad that wasn't the case. You know mister, you are really kind. We were really surprised because you're the first person to ever show that type of kindness from a wealthy family. ``
``Those people are real jerks, no doubt about that. ``
``Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why are you showing so much kindness towards us? I mean you could walk along and mind your business, but you didn't. ``
John thought about that question until he had an answer for his question.
``Well you see, I never liked people mistreating others or taking advantage. I was never fond of that type of stuff. ``
``But aren't you one of them? ``
``What makes you say I'm one of them? ``
``By the way you're dressed. Only the wealthy could afford that. ``
``True. But I'm not like any of them. As I said. I despise people like that. If I ever end up like that, I'm scared of the consequences I will face`` John said laughing nervously.
``What kind of consequences mister? ``
``Well you see I have an older brother and he is who I describe kind and scary. If I do something bad, he will scold me about me. ``
``But what makes him scary? It seems to me he is just looking out for you. ``
``What makes him scary is his seriousness. Every time he is serious about something; you know not to mess with him, or he will punish you harshly. Trust me. I did it once and never again am I doing that again. ``
The kids looked scared.
``But don't worry, he won't do anything to you guys. Besides, he only does it to me sadly. ``
When John said that the kids laughed, and John was happy that they are starting to enjoy themselves. After the talk, the food began to come in.
``Please enjoy it guys. If you need anything else feel free to call me`` She said happily.
``Thanks Terisa. ``
She smiled and walked away
John looked at the kids and he could tell they were excited to eat.
``Don't be shy, dig in guys or else the food will get cold. And this is only the beginning, there still more to come. ``
And both of them did. They started to get what looked delicious and started to eat.
``Hmmm. This is SOOO good. ``
``I know right sis. Thank you, sir, for treating us. ``
``You guys are welcome. ``
Time has passed and they manage to eat all the food that was ordered.
``I don't think I could move mister. I feel like a big ball. ``
``Same, I don't think I could move either sir. ``
``You two are exaggerating, I feel fine despite eating more than I usually do. ``
John paused for a second.
``Before I forget, I never asked what your guyses names are. ``
The two siblings looked at each other and nodded their heads.
``Well mister, my name is Ela. ``
``And my name is Brandon sir. ``
John was happy that he got to know their names. He couldn't help but smile.
``Well you guys know my name already huh. ``
The two kids nodded.
``Alright then, I guess it's time to go. ``
They both nodded and John started to pay for the meal.
``Hope you guys enjoyed your meal. Come back soon. ``
``We will. ``
John and Terisa smiled and said their goodbyes to each other.
Once they exited the tavern, John had a question for them.
``Do you guys know where you live? ``
The kids looked at each other and started to get sad.
``We don't know mister. I'm sorry. ``
John was worried about them. I mean he didn't want to just leave them.
``Alright then. I guess I have no choice. You guys will be coming with me then. ``
The kids were relieved. They thought that John would leave them and that they would be alone in the dark.
When they arrived at the Inn, John showed him what room he was living in and to not forget about it. He said this just in case if they ever get lost again, they have somewhere to go. The kids nodded and John let them enter.
``Make yourself at home. This is where you guys will be sleeping. ``
``But mister, if we take the bed, where are you going to sleep? ``
``I'll be sleeping on the floor. Don't worry I have a sleeping bag to sleep in.``
``Are you sure mister, I feel kind of bad about it. ``
``Don't worry about it. I'll be fine. ``
The kids were still hesitant about it but decided to just agree with him since no matter what they said, he would say the same thing. John was happy that they accepted.
``Alright, get some rest guys, tomorrow will be a busy day since we have to find your mom. Hopefully we'll find her. ``
``Alright, `` both of them said.
John was about to go to sleep when he heard Ela called him.
``Um... Mister. ``
``Is everything alright Ela? ``
``Um… yea, it's just um…``
``Are you guys cold? Do you need more blankets? ``
``No, it's just um… we are scared to sleep alone? ``
``Alone? You guys have each other don't Ya? ``
``I know, it's just we always sleep with our mom and since she's not here, were scared to fall asleep. ``
John understood what she was trying to say. They felt safe when they slept with her. But since she is not here, that feeling of safety is gone. John didn't know what to do in this situation. He thought of what he could do but nothing he could think of would solve the problem. Until he had an idea but was embarrassed about it.
``I have an idea that I think might help. ``
John got up and the kids were curious about what he was going to do. John grabbed his guitar and chair and put the chair next to the bed. He sat down and looked at them.
``I could sing for you guys if you want. Will that help? ``
The kids were shocked. They didn't know John could play and sing. They both nodded and were excited to see what John would sing.
``Alright then. Just lay down and relax. ``
They did what John said.
``This song is called `Night Sky`.
``That sound nice mister. ``
``It surely does huh sis. ``
``That's good to hear. Hopefully you guys will like it. ``
John started to play his guitar. The melody was a peaceful one. The kids were enjoying it. But when John started to sing, the kids were relaxed by his voice. A few minutes passed and John finished with his song. When he looked at them, both were sleeping peacefully. John started to smile. He was happy that he was able to help them fall asleep. John got up, put his guitar back, and started to lay down. Before he fell asleep, he couldn't help but worry about tomorrow. ``What happens if I can't find their mom? What will I do then? `` After some thinking, tiredness got the better of him and fell asleep.