
Ronald Wealsey

If you read the synopsis then you know that this isn't a novel but a place for me to give my own opinions and what other people think on these subjects.

First Topic: Ronald "Ron" Weasley.

Honestly, I've always hated Ron, he has the intelligence of a melted teaspoon, he's ignorant of other people's views, judges people based on what families they were born into, and expects everything to go his way.

Where did he get this mentality?

His siblings (except Ginny) were all amazing people.

William became a Curse-Breaker working for Gringotts.

Charlie was good enough to be on England's national quidditch team but turned it down to go to Romania and work with DRAGONS... That is cool as fuck.

While Percy has a no-nonsense, no-fun, stick-up-his-ass attitude, he is also extremely smart, well-behaved, and even became the Head of the Department of Magical Transportation when Kingsley Shacklebolt became the Minister of Magic.

Goerge and Fred opened their own shop that would later earn them hundreds of thousands of Galleons over the years. Obviously, Fred died, but that doesn't take away his accomplishments.

All throughout their many years at Hogwarts, Ron's older brothers either worked hard to make something of themselves or had fun and put smiles on people's faces.

Ron is an ignorant, stupid little shit that deserves a good bitch slap.

Give me your opinion of Ronald Weasley.


I plan on writing my own Harry Potter fanfic in the future, I actually plan on writing several, but I wanted people's opinions on certain things.