
A half-breed in the guise of a hero

The very first and most powerful story from the "Genesis" verse

Murad_Mustafayev · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

new name

Eh, shouted Tin and Clain.

It was the "race" that created that reaction.

"Is something wrong?" Anxious thought Kang,

And in the beginning everything was so good.

-Clay, you brought home the de... "Demon"!!! Tina said in fear and left the room. Kang's anxiety became even greater.

-Wait Tina, went Clane after her, he too was surprised by this news.

"What's wrong? Maybe my status is some kind of bad thing?"

Kang casually tapped the "translator" skill and suddenly...

Kang was able to read and even understand what was written in his status, it was the effect of the "translator" skill

-How so? In a couple of seconds I didn't even understand what it said, but now I can understand with ease.


Race: Demon

Age: 7 years (secret information, the soul is over 17 years old)

Magic: None

LV: 1 level

Skills: Translator F, ??? А

"I see, perhaps this reaction they got because of the race... Demon, huh, so I'm a demon? Well what can I do I'm evil itself so... No you don't have to think negative! I'm a good demon and I can't change that", after thinking Kang clicked on the "translator" skill in his status




>When you activate the skill, any unfamiliar language is translated for you.

>How much of a language is difficult and how long it takes for you to translate it.

>You can easily read/talk in an unfamiliar language when the skill is activated.

"Wow! What a useful skill, and what does the letter F mean?"

Clicking on "skill" in the status window brought up these words:

*The letters next to your skill signify the skill/level of that skill.

F-worst, E-weak, R-intermediate, A-excellent S-perfect, SS-perfect+, SSS-perfect++,

At as high skill level in the skill is increased as the effect of the skill increases, there are also skills at which at high skill level increases the number of opportunities *.

"Eh, well, this reminds me of something rpg game will have to deal with a certain system"

* At this time Tina and Clayne have...

-Clay who did you bring home?! Tina got hysterical and scared.

-Calm down! I didn't know, and he's still a kid!

-It doesn't change anything Clay! -He's a demon and it's still a fact, you haven't seen demons and that's why it's so easy for you...

-Honey, calm down. Clane put his arm around his wife to calm her down.

-He's still a defenseless child, and if he were evil, he would have attacked us long ago. I can't leave this child... Please, at least for my sake, look the other way.

-Okay, but only for your sake I'll turn a blind eye, but know that because of him we'll have problems.

Clane let out a light breath.

-I have urgent business, can you keep an eye on him?

-Yeah. -No problem.

-Then I'll go. I've got a lot of work to do on the farm...

After this dialogue, Clain left the house for work, and Tina inhaled and went into the room where Kang was sitting.

She was slightly surprised to see Kang in her Eagle Eyes state.

Skill:Eagle Eyes


>You can see the lV of creatures

>You can see the enemy's state.

(P/n "state" here means short "what skills are currently enabled on the creature")

This kid managed to figure out how to use skills while we were gone? Huh, F level translator means he can't talk but he should be able to understand me.

-You do understand me, don't you?

"Really? I understood what she was saying but somehow I couldn't answer, I made it up."

Kang started shaking his head up and down a few times.

-I know what I have to do to get you to talk. With a sort of smirk she said, you need to raise your skill level then the effect will increase and you will be able to communicate normally.

"Well I knew that without you, but how do you raise the level?" That was the only question on Kang's mind.

-I guess you could have wondered, "Then how is the level raised?" You can raise a skill level in many ways.

1 way: if you use the skill often, you can raise the level.

2 way: is to kill monsters/humans, when you kill a creature you can get experience that raises your level and skill level.

3 way: with the help of magic crystals as you can raise the level and the same level of skills.

"I see, this is a typical RPG!

-I think the easiest way for you to raise the level is 1 way.

Tina went to the closet and took out a lot of books, all of which she put next to Kang.

-I have some unfinished chores to do, I have to clean the window and so on. While I finish this you read all these books.

"That's... Isn't that too much, okay.I have no other choice.

It's been seven hours.

In that time, Tina cleaned the windows, the yard, watered the flowers, fed the chickens, and finished her other chores. Well, now she finally got inside the house, phew, "is it over?"

As she walked into the room she saw how on the table all the books were open to the end and a half-dead Kang who lay like a dead man.

-You all right somehow you don't look good?

-Yes... replied Kang.

-He listened to Tina's voice of surprise. You... can you talk yet? Show me your status.

-Good coldly said Kang.



Age:7 years (secret info, soul over 17)

Lv:1 level

Magic: none

Skills: Interpreter R, ? А

-Wow, you've already upgraded two whole skill levels! Interesting. "He has a high gift."

- "I'd like to tell you that" he said shyly "thank you for taking me in" after these words Kang made a sweet face.

-Milaha! You're welcome, there's no way we could abandon a defenseless child even if you are a demon.

"Demon... Still, I can't get used to it."

Knock knock knock

Someone knocking on the door, Tina went to open the door, the one who came home was Clayne.

-Welcome home dear.

-Thank you, is the baby okay?

-Huh, why don't you take a look for yourself? Tina made a proud face.

Kang sat on the floor getting up he went to the door.

- H-Hello.

-Whoa! How so? He can already talk! Clane was just shocked.

-I told you! Ha-ha Tina must be trying to look pathetic.

-Since you can talk, why don't you show your status?




Age:7 years (secret info, soul over 17)

Lv:1 level

Magic: none

Skills: Interpreter R, ? А

-You don't have a name? This is awkward.

-Let's give him a name, it's such a good idea!

Kang looked at what was going on.

"Since I'm in a new world in a new body why not have a new name? "My old one would rather be strange in this world."

-Don't jump to conclusions Tina, maybe the Child doesn't want that at all.

Do you want a new name?

-Yes. -I want a name.

-Hmm, then what should I think of? I have to think of something pretty. "Green hair, green eyes." Hmm.

-Oh, I got it! How about "Midoriya"?

-Why that name? I asked.

-Because your appearance reminds me of an emerald, And the name Midoriya means precious stones or emerald.

-And true, it is a beautiful name, Clain said with a smile.

There was one detail in the status panel that had changed.



Age:7 years (secret information, soul over 17 years old)

Lv:1 level

Magic: none

Skills: Interpreter R, ? А