
A Fragments Journey

Note: this synopsis is after he leaves his original world. Waking up in a place with his memories a mess, our mc must make his way through a world he shouldn’t know in the hopes of finding the truth about why he is here. Just when he thinks it is his end and he can stop fighting. Our mc finds himself in a different world and must find his way back home. Little does he know there is more like him in these different worlds, trying to turn these universes into one like his old world and this time they are a lot different then he remembers. He must face these beings and whatever they throw at him, even if he is care free most of the time, he soon realizes sometimes it is not all about him. Especially when he finds love in a unlikely pairing. ———————————————————————— Hello everyone, I’m fragment and I would like to bring you a book I thought about for a long time. I’m not the best, trust me I know but saying that I will do my best to try and fix any mistakes. I’m doing this for fun with one of my favorite characters. I think the mc will fit into a few different worlds. So please give me ideas? With that being said I’m learning so if some of the world’s information is wrong please help me correct it and I will do so immediately. This is a small multiverse, so it won’t be a lot of jumping world to world. The mc will stay in a world for a good amount of time. I would like to say, forgive me if you don’t like that. Tags ~ 2 or 3 girls max (I was thinking one but I don’t know yet) ~ grey mc ~ aggressive mc ~ ruthless ~ romance ~ Arrogant mc (not like a young master and will be low key for the most part but you’ll understand why.) P.S ~ I will be adding Oc lore to some of the worlds, I want to try and make it all fit together well. I am sorry if you don’t like Oc things again. That is all, I own nothing not even the mc. 1st World - Mc Og world. 2nd World ??? (Any ideas?)

Fragment12 · ภาพยนตร์
9 Chs

Chapter 7: Headache

(Mc PoV)

'I'm going to go to korea, i need to confirm something myself..' While I dried off my, long messy blonde hair, i thought to myself and walked over to the mirror.

I couldn't lie to myself, having this kind of power and knowing the fate of this world. I couldn't just sit around. I had to do something or the world would just go to shit again.

'Looking good, was i always this big?' While in my thoughts, I had already placed the fragment in my heart. The gold veins on my body glowed as it tried to merge with me.

While this process happened, I looked over my body. Even being 28 I was a mature looking man if i do say so myself. I was a huge, muscular man with long blonde hair, red eyes, a toothy smile, an overgrown blonde goatee, and black tattoos. Ripped wasn't even worthy of the statement and even though I didn't like being massive. I realized their are others far larger then me.

'If i defect to Korea.. how would the world see it? My guild? I mean I don't really give a fuck about how the government will feel, there are more important things to do.' While thinking I put on black shorts with pink Lotus flowers, that for some reason only went down to about a hand from my knee. It made me shake my head but it didn't matter I had other things to do.

"Huh?" While trying to leave the bathroom an invisible force stopped me. I was shaken up by what was going on for a second, thinking the rulers were up to something again but looking at the door way a screen of text popped up.

[Angelic Ruler - A shift in the universe will take place in a month. Due to the precognition of the former owner of this fragment. Information about this would not be given until the merging was completed.]

'What the hell is it now? So something hidden until I actually accepted it. Sounds like that being to me.. just show me.' My eyes stressed as I looked at the text and I could only shake my head. I knew there had to be something more.

[Dimensional shift has begone, now that the being of this world has detected the last fragment. The absolute being knows what will follow, in order to deal with the matter , he will forcefully scatter the fragments of the cup of reincarnation. With the power you have now, their is no way to stop this the user must find and eliminate every fragment to gain access to this plain again.

- time remaining before dimensional shift -

- 30days]

"Well fuck me huh? That fuck wants to seal this world off? Now I have to go on a scavenger hunt to find the fragments?! Calm down.. I can understand, with the fragment I have I could oppose him. It make sense that he would want me as far from here as I could be but why send the others?" I spoke to myself out loud as I tried to understand everything. I knew I was missing more information but like I asked for it a screen appeared.

[Each and every fragment is linked in a way, their was balance before the lost fragment was found. If the being forces you out alone the balance of these dimensions will crumble, so they all must go. The being hopes they find stronger host in order to kill the user Thomas Andre.]

"It makes sense in a way, the strongest among the world are ashborn and Antares. They essentially cancel each other out but with a 3rd being stronger then both I could see it causing trouble. What a pain in the ass." Rubbing the back of my head, I couldn't believe this shit.

"Hey! Whatever you are, the fragment I have devours others doesn't it? So if I kill another ruler or monarch, could I eat there power as well?" Getting annoyed at the mess to come, I had to ask a question to whatever was helping me.

[The user can not devour other rulers, your very nature as the monarch of humanity, prevents you from killing the vessels. That said there is a way to stop the rulers and be able to kill even humans.]

'Just tell me! Why are you pausing!" I yelled at this dramatic pause.

[Two of the Monarch's have the power to free you if you take their fragments power.]

"Go on.. *sigh.." seeing the thing wouldn't stop the bullshit I just waited.

[The First is the monarch of iron body - the King of Monstrous Humanoids. The Second is the monarch of beginnings - the king of giants. Both have a monarchy intone with your own, know this. You can only choose one.]

"The monarch of iron body.. the one I killed with the help of Beru and the other shadow? While the other is trapped in a dungeon by the rulers." Shaking my head I didn't know which to pick and even if I did. The power of those two would be useful but hard to get. One was sealed and the others stayed around his fellow monarchs.

[The dungeon of the giant king and the isolation of the iron body monarch can both be done. Depending on which you choose, you are a ruler, opening the gate is possible as for the iron body Monarch, kill his kin and he will be forced to answer.]

"That's fucking convenient.. you only said take their power not kill them. Why?" I asked noticing something.

[Even killing them won't work, their bodies will be made new ones the cup scatters the fragments.]

"So just ripping their power out will do.. but how will that work? Two monarchs of the same kind?" I still was confused by what help it would be.

[It is like how Ashborn takes others into his own. The iron body and king of giants have lesions of their kind to follow them. Most of them are pawns that can be pulled to your side while others of immense strength are loyal to their monarch. The user doesn't actually need their power but the restrictions lifted of your own.]

"I get it, two be able to kill other rulers I find. Control giants or Monsterus humanoids sounds fun but I don't know. What happens when I get fragments?" I didn't really know what I wanted to do, all I had was more questions.

[Once the fragment is taken, you can gift them to others to help you fight the likes of the monarch of destruction and the absolute being himself. You could even reforge the cup or just simply destroy them.]

"So even as a lesser god, I'll need help to kill that big bastard.. *sigh.. I'll figure it out as I go. I just got back I want to relax for a while." Finally having enough of the information dump, I push it aside for when the time comes.

[User of the fragment is advised to deal with something before leaving.]

"What is it now.." I dropped my head seeing this message.

[Calamity is coming - kill the monster - KAMISH.]

Freezing for a second as I walked out of the bathroom, a sick smile came to my face.
