
Unknown beginning

As I searched my pocket I noticed I only had  $5 dollars, once again, I had to choose between taking the bus back home or buying something to eat. At times like this, I started questioning my future. Will I have a successful and happy life? Am I going to be the one to get my family out of poverty? Am I going to continue working like a slave to support my family? Somehow, these thoughts always surrounded me and took over my head. The cold breeze refreshed my face and wiped out my dominating thoughts at least for a few minutes. The honking sounds, the footsteps, and the voices just made it obvious that I wasn't in a daydream. The sun rays that reflected through the windows emphasized my ripped jeans and my once white hoodie stood out from the crowd. My legs worked on their own, directing each foot to the nearest bus station.

My unbreaking gaze to the floor kept me from noticing the person walking directly towards me. Without breaking his stride, he shoulder checked me. A blue paper fell to the ground, respectfully, I bent down to pick it up and have the opportunity to say that it was my mistake. Instinctively, my eyes scanned the entire paper. To my surprise, the person was nowhere to be found. The footsteps continued and I quickly stuffed the paper into my pocket. I looked at my right wrist forgetting I didn't have a watch on. Worried about the time, I asked a well- dressed boy, about my age, with nice Nike shoes and elegant black dark sunglasses, which had the channel logo at the side. How can a nineteen-year-old boy look so stylish and elegant? A cap covered half of his face, making him look so intimidating but also a face that could end your misery just by looking at him. " It's 5:15," he said, letting out a small smile. I have never seen a more kind and caring smile in my life.